How should Sup Forums celebrate trumps win?

How should Sup Forums celebrate trumps win?

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Lots of weed this weekend

tumblr raid

Call Trumps to the trips?
666- Oh god i got demom Trumps....

Trips confirm, lets raid the sjw cesspool

Nice Trumps

This. Motherfucking this.

Starting a fake SJW suicide campaign? #bettertodiefree



what's to celebrate again?


The champagne of victory


By assassination?



Trump/Obama fanfic smut


let get on it

I just fapped to a democrat.

sand some games to poor Trum supporters

Killing myself

Gets bread?

from now on trips will be referred to as TRUMPS
>check em

With memes, duh.

Start growing a potato garden.
When his russian enforcers take over, they may show mercy if we give them offerings of vodka.

an hero on stream for the cause faggot

TFW this would probably take out more americans than 9/11

Deport someone, make them build a wall

Shitpost, watch youtube videos, laugh at autistic kids. Nothing new.

quints for deep unsettling truth

Holy quints

I love you Sup Forums, never change

IT IS DECIDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

go on twitter and tell all the people bitching to cry more faggot, it's pretty entertaining

Quints override trips.

Let's just do some blow and then run a train on each other.

Smoked weed, drank Jack Daniels and shot my shotgun.

How about nofap?

>We should start to build the fucking WALL for him!d

The more important question should /d/ celebrate Trump's win?

Praise kek, he gave this to us.


by preparing the rope?

Pop his wig off

Steam gift thread?

Rope? Rope is so...pedestrian. Can we get the girls from the elastic thread to tie ourselves with, gird our loins with goo girls and let the insects consume and swarm over them as giants of every gender fart-dry us?

Hack CNN :3

Поздравляю американский народ, который показал невероятную сопротивляемость к обработке пропагандой и показал миру чудо настоящей демократии.

I bet £5 on Trump to win yesterday, I'm now up £40, gonna take my gf out for dinner then get the suck

expose hillary the child cannibal

comet pizza...

Same here, won 100 euro. I'm thinking about just leaving it on the betting account and always betting on people making stupid decisions.

this so mcuh

Sick fuck

victory fap thread

We're celebrating?

By remembering the level of shillbot activity pre election, thinking of the general level of butthurt worldwide and then going full smug mode.


Sissy boys should bend over for trump and his supporters


that's gonna be awkward, they're already bending over for putin

It shall be a glorious garden!

Isn't set to /d/ie by Emperor elect's /d/ecree against spreading /d/egeneracy on the Internet?

Best idea ever. Same as mine.

u should celebrate when he starts doing something real good to ur country . fucking idiot

I'll fap to the thought of him fucking either Hillary Clinton or Justin Trudeau's wife in front of him to declare his alpha-ness(?) and show 'em who's the man. I also want him to ram my boipussi.

Have breakfast

u have won one internet

By smoking weed legalized weed in Massachusetts

>2 pizzas with extra cheese
>10 beers
>spring onion flavoured chips

Not absolutely in this order

more dank memes

By making America great again.

I'm hoping Trump will shut down Sup Forums once and for all.

just vomiting it appears

He's gonna shut down the whole internet


Gay sex

You fat slug


78 kg, 183 cm, eurofag
try harder, kiddo

No drugs. No alcohol. No corruption

You are some kind of idiot if you think Russia's invading because Trump is in charge.

what's with the eminem reference?

why? how does his presidency not benefit you?

he presiden now

mourning the victims of Killary campaign.


280 kg, 269 cm tall, born with metallic hair, big tits and three dicks. Beat that.






Trips of truth. Let's do it.



Poor kid, was pretty late for him.

By making America greater again