2008, the US elects its first black president

>2008, the US elects its first black president
>2016, the US elects its first meme president

Progressive times indeed.

Don't underestimate meme magic.

>The establishment didn't want it
>Leaders of the RNC didn't want it
>Most of the mainstream media pundits didn't want it
>Literally 100% of the media didn't want it
>Literally 100% of people polled didn't want it
>Obama didn't want it
>Comey didn't want it
>Le epic liberal celebrities like John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and John Stewart didn't want it
>Goldman Sachs didn't want it
>JP Morgan didn't want it
>George Soros didn't want it
>A shitload of other SJW apologists and globalist muslim importers didn't want it
>People who label everything racist and offensive didn't want it
>The overwhelming majority of elitist out of touch faggots colluding with the media didn't want it

But the postman delivering your mail wanted it

Your barber down the street wanted it

Your local plumber fixing your pipes wanted it

The hardworking coalminer who worked 20 hours a day to put his 2 kids through college wanted it

The man driving you on the bus wanted it

The people wanted it, burgers

And the people won.



People that didn't graduate from college... gotcha.

>2020, the US elects its first gay president

Mark my words it will happen

2016 is the year of great meme magic

Turns out you can grab America by the pussy.

I suddenly want to take back all the shit I said about G. W. Bush and hopes that makes that retard magically replace Trump.

i dont vote never have never will i dont give a flyin fuck bout trump BUT i am glad to see all the radical hollywood faggots, feminist, gender queers, BLM, mudslimes, SJW's, leftist red socialist scum, and all other special snowflakes gettin their safe space violated and fucking obliterated.

I don't give two shits about his crimes and what not.
That faggot gave us memes, memes are all that matter.

Yes mah boy, well said.

The truth. Those and the pathetic neets. You stupid bunch of fucktards.

The beating heart of Rome is not the marble floor of the Senate, it is the sand of the Colosseum.

But Obama is the original meme president

well, now that trumps president, everything that w as coming out should be okay now, nothing to see here, we're making America great again.

How will electing trump effect rest of the world? i live in scandinavia and im scared. My country is allways infested with niggers and kebab beings and i dont want more shit.

kanye's straight though

>2008, the US elects its first black president
>2016, the US elects its first orange president

Maybe USA is a country of 2 extremes.
Some progress followed by retards electing idiots followed by some progress.

James Buchanan dumb shit


But Obama was the first meme president.

>try again

>orange is the new black

Wasn't Obama our first meme president?

no you dongers.
obama was made meme after the election. you could apply meme to bush jr aswell. but trump is the first elected out of a meme

>2008, the US elects its first black president
>2016, the US elects its first orange president

its lit

The rigging process has started. Wait two more hours.

This is democracy you fucking turds. You knew the rules, they haven't changed in a long time. The people who voted chose the new president, big fucking surprise.

yeah, I wonder why didn't they go to college? It's not like you have to pay for it in US, the land of the free

Hard workers who don't spend years getting an "education" and then struggling to pay debts while they work at a shit job?


>2008, the US elects its first black president
>2016, the US elects its first orange president