How many of you faggots are actually moving to Canada?

How many of you faggots are actually moving to Canada?

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I hope the liberals ruining the country leave. Good riddance.

Too many of them have criminal backrounds. Good luck in Mexico fuckers.

too cold
I liek watching curling though

I hope many
Even if they get killed, they at least win.

You do understand that, thanks to US policy requiring passports on both sides, Canada no longer has an open door policy, right? In other words, thanks no. Stay there and fix your fuck up.

The canadians should build a wall

Wow, it's the south park episode where canadians invade the US because of their new president all over again

How do they do it

Good riddance to them.

why don´t they move to mexico? they want them here but they don´t want to leave there? why is the canada site for immigration down and not the mexican? are they racist?

None. You think anyone who voted for Hillary can afford to move? Kek. Keep dreaming faggots, you're not going anywhere.

Not like Canada would let a bunch of degenerates like you in anyway.

No different than Texas trying to revoke its own statehood when Obama won. It'll blow over. Everyone's just cranky

Guess it's back to Japan as soon as we can get doggos papers in order. Good luck to you all.

They cant even move out of their own parents house. Plus, what does the canadian government really need out of 18-35 y.o? Most of them dont even have legit education or skills that would benefit the Canadian people.

If he hasn't been assassinated by Jan. 20th I'm gone.

That's just all the white people getting the fuck out of Detroit for a few days while the niggers burn everything down.

you got until january to stop him, i'm sure someone will dig some skellingtons out of his closet by then

you got until january to stop him, i'm sure someone will dig some skellingtons out of his closet by then

With all of the actors that said they would move out of the country if Donald Trump became president, does this mean the Film Actors Guild will finally disband?

None. Stay out. Live in the squalor you let your country become.

why cant they just wait and see what happens

Lol, you think these 80k+ debt slaves to a bank for their liberal educations can move to Canada?
Not a fucking one is moving.

but thats a chinese traffic jam in china

why cant they just wait and see what happens

You fucks crashed our immigration site tonight. Deal with your own shit, and keep your filthy hands off of our clean water and free healthcare.

I am, but I was already moving there no matter the election results, I just love moose and maple and mountains

That's a chinese road you dipshit


You can't just move to Canada, idiots. They have a functional immigration policy, unlike the US.

It takes years and years to become a Canadian citizen.

>implying anyone who whined or complained about the election could afford to move to Canada.

People said the same thing about Obama, twice, and immigration from America remained the same.

And make trump pay for it

1. Alexandra Wentworth
2. Barbra Streisand
3. Bryan Cranston
4. Miley Cyrus
5. Lena Dunham
6. Amy Schumer
7. Jon Stewart
8. Cher
9. Chelsea Handler
10. Samuel L. Jackson
11. Whoopi Goldberg
12. Neve Campbell
13. Keegan-Michael Key
14. George Lopez
15. Ne-Yo
16. Rev. Al Sharpton
17. Raven-Symoné

zoom and confirmed

Really? Wow! If I knew that earlier I would've voted for Trump too.

I hope all the leftists do, it will make America even greater

Simpsons did it first

RIP Canada, or should I say New Canada-Mexico.

I'm not a overacting baby so no I'm not moving to fucking Mooseland.

USA is the new mexico

>6. Amy Schumer
about fucking time.

I was going to just chill here and watch the world burn but your post has inspired me to violate all of the Canadian women.


Pls don't libfags were all ready suffering

Pls don't Trump, don't you have a job to do?

So can I go to Canada and rape women while claiming I'm a refugee?

Canada fag here. I just wanted you fucking retard lefties to know you aren't wanted and stop trying to look into ways to move here. You actually think we want every major city to be a cess pool of people working and building ontop of each other? Not to mention I am fairly fucking happy right now that there are LOADS of populated areas where the black community is less then 5% and would like to keep it that way. It's already hard enough dealing with all these nazi feminist profs causing uprisings in most of our schools. Im serious stay the fuck away and take a look at how many places there are to bury a body that no person has ever even walked on up here. No really people think were nice when in reality people get shot and go missing for way less then being American. Enjoy that for some food for thought. Now stay the fuck out.

And our immigration website is still down. Seriously take a fucking hint before you get honest Americans who moved up here hurt who weren't cowards and ran away from the best thing to ever happen to your country in 30 years.

gooooooooooood riddance motherfuckers

No you can go fuck yourself and keep the trash.

Another Canadian here. I second all of this. I don't want a bunch of American rapists and murderers up here stealing our jobs. We need a wall...and America will pay for it!

I voted for Trump, like 70% of America, so I'm not moving anywhere.

Inmigration again lol.

You faggots would be better off moving to Mexico, since that's obviously the type of country you value.


lol, a canadian that thinks he's tough

lol like you can stop it. go fuck yourself, move over so i can snuggle your wife

I'm moving to Canada one day but it has nothing to do with politics.

More student loan related. Well, actually 100% student loan related.

Fucking Americans coming here to take our jobs

We need to build a wall

This is what you deserve. What you deserve for shitposting in Sup Forums.

For every Shillary thread started by your countrymen may there be one worthless libtard that moves to Canuckistan.

Have fun, fuckers. Payback is a bitch.

yeah right. every 5 minutes another plane full of immigrants from india, pakistan, jamaica, africa arrives. you cucks let everyone in


>How many of you faggots are actually moving to Canada?

none of them, they are the same assclowns that always say they will leave but never follow through. worse for me.

Enjoy your body not being found until the end of the next ice age. Seriously we own guns up here to just not pistols. From all the videos of Isis blowing eyes out of sockets with shot gun blasts MAYBE we should recreate it with some cowardly Americans trying to abandon there country in a time of need. You honestly act like you are living in syria and a refugee from tyranny. I didn't see all of the racists being cowards and running when a nigger got into office. Fucking kill yourselves.

The sad truth.

None of these fuckers will leave. They bitch and complain but never do shit. Typical.

Need more stories on how badass maple syrup land is.

you'll take our dregs and like it. If you give us a new states worth of land connecting alaska directly to us we'll only send you female lefties under 30. Refuse our offer and we'll make america great again. by force... all of america


You mean

Snow mexico!!

Another wall to be built.

let the weakness escape from your country america!

You expect us to feel sorry for the liberals who "immigrate" to Canada if they get their asses shot off? LOL.

They are your problem now, bitch. Deal with them as you wish.

Please do and make us build it we need jobs.

californians and new yorkers aren't really american though so the impact would be lost.

imagine roaches given human form.

Plz stay home Killary/Bercuck faggots.

I don't want American rejects coming here.
Stay out of Ontario. Go to BC, the stoners and lesbos will accept you.

Thank you.

We have barely ANY niggers here. Nuff said

I heard its easy to lure people from la and new york with drugs? Is this true? Will this make murder easier?

this tbqhf

Not like this kind of behavior is predictable or frequent or anything

>see pic

Damn fucking right
>t. Canadian

>took me 3 fucking hours to get to post this, gg overload

drugs? you don't even need drugs. Just tell them you know of a black transgender xyrmyn that got rejected from a job for having a penginus

Not for long.

Trump just reactivated the Underground Railroad.

Have fun with Tyrone a Quayshawn. My only consolation is that it is OK to call them niggers and not feel bad about it. The quality back folks would have stayed back here in the states.

lolll yes

He wont be, the only people who want him to be are scared shitless by guns lol

I am poor as fuck, borderline mentally retarded, and will never move out of my mothers basement, but for the next 4 years I will constantly post about how I am moving to canada because of trump.

Those are chinese characters on the TOLL BOOTHS

Remember when that one British kid thought he could just disarm a police officer providing security and shoot Trump. That was fun. He was incapacitated in, what, 15 seconds maybe less?

Libtards know nothing about guns, or security holsters apparently.

Guns are no joke. You have to know how to use them to do anything meaningful with them. The days where you could just hand a cheapo pocket pistol to a Bosnian anarchist to take a shot at a world leader are over and have been for 100 years.

LOL, you guys are fucked.

I voted for Gary but I live in a blue state that went to Shillary. I'm not going anywhere, I'm a an American at heart and I'm fine with an orange man in the white house.

>The days where you could just hand a cheapo pocket pistol to a Bosnian anarchist to take a shot at a world leader are over and have been for 100 years.
Do I remember a president being shot not that many years ago? Not Kennedy, Reagan. John Hinkley shot him and 3 others.
A Congresswoman was wounded and a staffer killed a few years ago.
No, the assassin's job is still viable.

Canada fag here

Remember when people said they'd leave the US if George W Bush got elected? Remember when people said they'd leave the US if Obama got elected?

This is the same shit. A bunch of whiny dumbasses are going to say they're moving to our country, before realizing that no, we don't fucking leave the doors wide open for anyone to come in, it takes many months to gain citizenship, and it's expensive as all Hell.

So you guys will keep your liberals and other miscreants. Sorry!

If you come near montreal it get's about 30 C in e summer and -35 C in the winter


Jesus the stupidity is like a wet shit circling the drain

If i remember right it's 2 years

I've rarely seen feminazis in canada

Hinkley picked a cheap shit gun with meme ammo. It hurt Reagan but didn't kill him. Medical science and security saved him.

If he had bought a quality gun with simple ball ammo and actually knew how to shoot a fucking gun, Reagan would have died. Boom headshot. The point still stands.

People think that just grabbing a gun and looking down the sights makes it so you can use it accurately in a pressure situation. Nope. It doesn't work that way.

Guns require training to use properly. Nobody is a natural. Shooting some who-gives-a-shit congresswoman at a rally in a grocery store parking lot does not count. The secret service would never let some unwashed heathen get that close to the president.

Get used to Vermont syrup

I actaully live in detroit and non of that shits happening you dumb cunt.