good job north america
you done and screwed

Yep. The Dems have no one to blame but themselves.

suc my fat dick nigga

Don't you worry, Trump is going to make America great again.

North America*
no, he's not
he'll fuck up the economy trying to shit on the other countries.

I'm willing to bet any amount that you're under 20 years old.
You're probably not from the USA,either.
Go to school,buddy,you're gonna be late.

im just gonna sit back and enjoy the shit show that will be ww3.
who want's to join me?

Explain me why electing trump would be a good idea.

there's no sitting back and watching this shit, everyone's gonna get involved

Report every single person who is threatening our great new president Trump. Fucking scumbags. I'm on YouTube alone and there are so many of them. REPORT THEM.

lou qualiti beit

HAHAHA, fuck no.
the only reason england would get involved is because of the us, and because of trump we are cutting off all our ties.
the uk is safe man.

Untill Trump decides to shit you UK too because he's completely insane

shit on* UK

The UK isn't cutting off anything. So long as we are a part of the ICBM early warning radar system for the USAF and home to drone bases, we aren't cutting off America.

We're too spineless anyway to shrug off America, we need them.

Even if Shillary was elected, you'd have all of these dumbass people complaining all over the internet anyway too. I'll wait to see what really goes down to be so quick to judge instead of already thinking of worst case scenarios.

that wont happen because america will collapse or be destroyed before he is finished with china and russia.

we don't need shit, other country's need us.

Wikileaks proved Bernie was a plant to gather millennial voters.

Why wouldnt it be?
>He will end us!
Nice arguments, kiddo.

Other countries need us, as in the UK?

Go on this will be good, why?

Explain me why electing trump would be a good idea.

pro tip: you can't

we're rich.
we have an amazing trade.
and we are stubborn, if we get into a war we don't back down.

You Eurocucks all seem to think the Trump vote was unanimous or something. Look at the results, you snobby little dipshit. If you care that much, next time volunteer or donate, ffs.