Can someone explain this to me please? Why does it say Trump won when Clinton has more votes? I'm not american...

Can someone explain this to me please? Why does it say Trump won when Clinton has more votes? I'm not american, but in my country, the partie with more votes wins.

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He won the electoral vote, Hillary won the popular vote

land of the retarded.

black and gay votes don't get counted. you're reading the total votes.

Because the electoral vote ensures that each state is proportionately represented.

If it was only up to popular vote you'd have a bunch of Mexicans in Texas and liberals in cities determining the election every time and everyone in the middle would never have their voices heard or get any representation.

Electoral college. There is no good reason for if. Each state has points that is givin to each candidate if that state is won. First to 270 wins. So Hillary won NY state, she got the states points, there are a lot of people in ny who voted for her but that doesn't matter. That's where the popular vote comes from.

Wow.. That sounds stupid to me.

It exists because population isn't distributed equally across the country. If it didn't exist CA and TX would decide every election.

States vote for president, that's why.

Or just people who understand that his tax cutting plan is going to fuck up the economy while at the same time spending a large amount of money on a wall that won't profit, and stopping our progress combating global warming because we now have a scientifically unaware president.


America is made up of united states, it's not as simple as being just a country with one general population. Each state deserves representation.


I could refute your points and point out how Hillary's plans will destroy the economy as well. It all depends on the source you look at.

But Trump won. You're not worth arguing with on this point and you're shifting the thread to somewhere it shouldn't be. Go away, the time for those arguments are over.

In joining the union each state retains powers that make it less like an annexation and more like a cooperative political union. If popular vote was counted instead of electoral, California and the New York+Pennsylvania would have almost 1/4 of the political power, and urban areas in general would be times stronger than isolated villages and towns.

But that doesn't make sense for the presidential election. I get that each state should have an amount of House Rep. proportional to their population, but as far as deciding the president it should be one person, one vote.

Because it uses 19th century system that was designed to make white votes more powerful (it's the same reason why the US is two party system). Because you know, who would want to have real representation when you would lose the next election.

each state votes, total votes in each state will lead to one "electoral " vote. you needed 270 to win president, trump won enough big states to win majority in the states.

Well said, best answer.

don't understand it either.

Because America refuses to demand better.

Look at the states in central North America. It's more spread out and based on a middle-class farming economy.

Then look at the population of cities and states with cities. For the most part it's upper class millionaires and over. Every election would be determined by these people in cities if it was popular vote takes all. The electoral college ensures everyone else isn't ignored.

>There is no good reason for it
It encourages voting outside of two parties. For example, I voted in Wyoming. It was certain to be a red state, so I was not compelled to vote for Hillary or Trump.

Not Op, but also not American.
Can someone explain why there is an electoral vote to begin with?
It seems in opposition to the democratic process.
Why don't you just take the votes of every single individual voter for each candidate and look who gets the most?
I mean, that just seems intuitive, right? You can clearly state 'X amount of people in the country wanted candidate Y'.
Why would you want to have this clear as day measure of support muddied by going through a second process of assigning points ot states?

We have a 2 party system because Americans like teams and clear winners and losers. This is much simpler with only 2 parties.

You are probably German, aren't you? In Germany, the Party with the most votes does NOT win. Fucking idiot.

Ever heard of coalitions? Germany is ruled by several parties, not just one. And so are Germany's states.

Probably the result of gerrymandering.

Which the Democratic party would have done too so I don't want to hear anyone whining about it.

Exactly. The faggots,niggers,mentality defective gender fluid,mlp chuds would all finally take a shower and head out to the polls and ruin an election by skewing the votes if not for electoral/popular votes.

It helps to think of America in terms of a country made up of states, and not just a country. The states determine the president.

The United States is not a Democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic. We elect others to make political decisions for the masses based on our constitution (unless you are Obama). The electoral college, as previously stated, ensures areas of the country have a representative vote, as opposed to only a few highly populated areas deciding every vote.

Lol, she won the popular vote my a couple tens of thousands. This fake reality show we have was retardedly close. Its producers are getting better writers.

Yeah duh, but why would you want that?
Why not simply take the candidate that most people in America support?

We have a representative democracy not a direct democracy. The USA was founded on strong state identity and state's rights. As a result our national government is based on the states appointing the representation.

You sir are wrong. We do not have a democracy at all.

so commiefornia can't decide the election for the entire country

ITT: Idiots that didn't pay attention to civics or history in school (and foreigners).

Of all the structural issues with American democracy that needs redesign evaluation, the electoral vote doesn't even break the top 10.

Stop focusing on the popular vote because you're buttblasted about last night and go learn about your government.

it makes it so that 3 states, california, texas, and flordia don't control a third of the election results.

Are you fucking stupid?
He said 'Why did Hillary not win if he won the popular vote' and then you call him German. But as you said, exactly that isn't the case in Germany either. So why would a German of all people not understand that?

>implying the economy isn't fucked up right now

Shut the fuck up, you queer.
I know the second amendment and that's all i need to know.

troll harder

>It's good because under a 2-party dominated system it encourages people to vote for the third, always-losing party

What the fuck?

Isn't this how Americans talk?
Damn, I thought I was convincing here.

fuckin this

Without the electoral college clinton and trump would've only had to worry about Texas and California, ignoring basically the whole country.

Al Gore would've been too busy worrying about Polar Bears to stop 9/11. Get over it faggots.

Do you have any idea the cost of illegal immigration? Sure, the wall may not profit, but it will put a dent in the billions spent on housing, feeding, helping, supplying teaching this faggot illegals. Many colleges will give in state tuition to the mexi-niggers who shouldn't even be here in the first place. They see doctors when your child should be, they receive benefits when your neighbors family should be, they get accepted to colleges when you should be instead. The cost of the wall is minuscule in the amount we pay each your helping these illegals.

Actually, land of the elite rigging the election elect a fascist.

Except that Trump got in.

to lower the meaning of all the non-white voters

Oh that's amazing. I'm surprised she lost, but I'm laughing that she got Gored. This really is a repeat. Change the channel.

Step one: Take a deep breath.

Step two: Take a good look at OP's image.

Step three: Feel stupid, and get out.

actually no. democracy did not happen.

if you bring up russia, you are stupid. hillary knows russia is suicide, but they shit talk us all day, so were are not allowed to it back?

You think the guy in control of the anti-air weapon in the "no fly zone" would actually be stupid enough to cause world war 3?

Nah, you'd much rather let the undemocratically elected fascist take control.

twice the democrats have been al gored. you should be shamed of your country and your countrymen for letting this happen.

>you should be shamed of your country and your countrymen
What did they do?

1/4 of the population should have 1/4 of the political power. That's not logical because...?

they're signing you up for involuntary servitude and fascism

But they didn't.

give it a few months (;

of course if youre 32+ and have said "fuck my kids" this probably don't apply to you.

I still don't see what the US making the smart decision and not voting for Hillary has to do with my country and fascism but okay.

do you REALLY think a WALL, a motherfuncking WALL, is going to stop illegal immigration. it´s going to be harder to get to america, but not imposible. fucking morons.

hillary won the popular vote against obama in 08 as well, you stated the answer in your question - in the US we vote for individuals you vote for parties


>build a big fucking wall
>spend milliards of dollars
>meanwhile immigrants use boats to get there
it would work if the wall was running along the coastlines as well

As the user in already pointed out, you are THE idiot here.

We have a republic, not a democracy. A democracy is mob rule, minorities wouldn't count for shit in a democracy.

>so we are not allowed to it back

Wanna try that a sentence again?

I personally wanted automatic sentry guns littered about.

>world war 3
>russia is suicide
>democracy did not happen
Democracy is utopia, ideal,is it so difficult to understand? But no, you can burn to ashes entire countries for it, you don`t give a shit about thousand of lives you took, you building your fucking democracy! There is only one fascist here -- you. Fucking zombie, why you can`t just understand that all this shit is only projection of your ill mind?

people are gonna find a way around it, like always, they're going to enter america fron the underground, on boat, or they are going to make false papers to get trought.

Hello Germany


Isn't that kinda the point of voting though, to have the majority win? So you're like "well most people want that but you're too many so you count as half"?

If you have a bunch of mexicans and liberals, shouldn't your president be chosen by mexicans and liberals?

And I don't even care, I'm super glag Trump won, but he actually didn't, amazing

Can someone please tell me why they let Puerto Rico and the other territories vote then?

That should only apply to state elections.
The nation votes for a national president.


Al Gore stopped 9/11?

Those are also all the illegal immigrant votes, the feminist votes, and the dead people votes.

They don't. They aren't states.

You are thinking about a Democracy, I man, 1 vote

Does not apply to the US, we are a Representative Republic.

In a "True" Democracy, the Majority or the Mob rules, in the US the Minority is given some power.

Without the system we have candidates would only need Florida, Texas and California to win, everyone else would not matter.

In a "True" Democracy with Mob Rule, the Kardashians would be elected to high office.

When things go the way you like, the system works, when they don't, the system is broken.

Since 1788 it's worked pretty well, better than any "fixes" most current politicians would like to adopt.

228 years and the transition from one administration to another done with a pen rather than a blade, what other Nation can claim that?

Balance is what our system is about, the pendulum swings from left to right, keeping the US, long term on a pretty even keel, no one group gets to keep power for too long

They vote, but it is symbolic, doesn't count, makes them feel like they matter

Greetings from Russia. Trump is awesome. We rooted for him as one anonim throughout all race.cyka blyat

Hillary won the retarded meaningless vote Trump won all the electorals he likely paid off more than hillary. Such a gimp vote system

all we can hope for is assassination
whos going to do it?
id say theres a good 45% of it happening in the next year

Pretty sure the elites are part of the democrat party as well.

i'd say that there's 100% probability of an assasination attempt