What does Sup Forums think of Andrew Jackson Jihad?

what does Sup Forums think of Andrew Jackson Jihad?


Just a bunch of weak ass males pranging away frantically on acoustic guitars and whining about george bush or some shit.

>tfw you're a pretty lady and that means I'm gonna kill you

They cut their balls off live on stage in exchange for retweets and facebook likes.

first album was good the rest is just complete shit.

There were a few good tracks on Knife Man but it definitely doesn't make up for the many on it that were complete shit.

They're the nu-maliest of all nu-male bands

the older folk-punk stuff is fantastic
Knife Man was their peak
split with Ghost Mice is great too

good, even better that they trigger alt-right cucks


>folk punk

>alt-right cucks
I don't think you understand what either of those words mean. You're the one who's the cuck, and we're the ones who're going to save the country from regressive scum like yourself. Just make sure you know your place.

Okay bootlicker

Remember when it was okay to like them before Sup Forums and all this alt-right shit got as popular as it is now? Those were the days.

Knife Man was their last good album, everything up until that point is at least decent. Their politics are also really stupid.

PWCEP=Can't Maintain > Knife Man > Candy Cigarettes & Capguns > Rompilation > Christmas Island > Bible 2

>Unironically being alt right

They have a few cringey SJW lyrics but I like em for the most part.

Knife Man hits me right in the feelz.

Same family, but I can't take the damn album seriously at all without skipping at least one song on it.

Christ, can you imagine the type of person who unironically types out 'SJW'


Lyricism and politics aside, their music is complete shit.

I just skip Backpack and American Tune, what else do you skip?

>getting so offended over politics you disagree with you have to skip the track

Yeah, opinions are gay.

Real men only have opinions consisting of ambiguous snarky quips.

I remember posting here a few years ago about Christmas island when it first came out, I got one reply and it was "check the archive faggot." How times change.

I skip American Tune EVERY SINGLE TIME. I would have to listen to it again to remember what else I don't like about it though. It's been a while.

>skipping tracks

Neo fucking Sup Forums

I imagine it would be someone with the capacity of thinking for themselves, who doesn't eagerly eat every doggy treat that the media and celebrities tosses to them. Some of you guys seriously need to learn bite the hand that feeds every once in a while because it will do your life wonders. Get out of your fucking bubble and look at the world for what it is for God's sake.

lmaoing at all the 14 year old nazis fighting all the 14 year old AJJ fans

That's why I barely even listen to it though. It's not worth fucking listening to if you need to skip tracks on it just to enjoy it.

t. redpilled gradeschooler


Music is respectably solid.

The politics laced into it is for dumb children that want to look profound but want to get there without saying or accomplishing anything of significance that someone could deconstruct.

Will age about as well as a conservative country singer in the 50s championing their boilerplate "hoo ra america" attitude.

Can't Maintain really hits in the feels and it doesn't have too much political shit on it, a 8/10 for me

The People album is great too, not too much political shit besides the obvious messages in the songs, 7/10

The rest are all garbage

Literally the only album i skip tracks on, they're just that bad. Also i've been here since 2012 so idk what you mean about neo Sup Forums.

Thank you for this funny, interesting and valuable contribution.

If only we had more posts like this perhaps Sup Forums wouldn't be a completely useless platform of discussion.

lmaoing at you

Really though, can you just fuck off please?

Congratulations, you swooped down into a conversation where people have differing opinions to say "I'm above both of you" and then disappeared into the ether again not saying or accomplishing anything.

It's not interesting, valuable or funny. The only purpose it serves is making you feel like you're above people

Through sheer numbers people like you have managed to ruin this board because the only "discussion" that ever happens is a vacuous insult and a smug reaction image.

I don't expect any kind of substantial response to this because the only language you speak is ambiguous sarcasm.

This album is REALLY good

>evry album iz concept album 2 me

agrred, i would blast this shit in high school hating verything i was so cool

Cancerous political drama doesn't belong on Sup Forums in the first place


What do you think?

It's not pasta, no.

Feel free to turn it into one and mindlessly iterate it without ever explaining what was supposed to be wrong about it, it'll reinforce the point I made that that's the only way this board knows how to argue.

It's not specific to politics, this board is useless for discussing music.

This is Sup Forums, get off your high horse that may or may not be ironic

delet this whole thread

essential cuck-core