ITT good albums that were ruined by vocals

ITT good albums that were ruined by vocals

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The vocals were good though. Not for everyone, but if you like Melt Banana then they're great.

Yeah I had no problem with the vocal, personally.but I listen to a decent amount of Japanese music and there's way more annoying female japanese vocalists, like on the regular.

B L A C K I E is cool, but.. he's not a singer desu

is this bait?

great vocals

DEAR lord this is one of the reasons I hate any jap related thing
Their voices are always too high pitched!
They always sound like fucking children!


At least he's a better singer than MC Ride.

You sound like the faggot who won't listen to metal because growls, but can tolerate indie nu-male singing

Thats my favorite album tho :c

melt banana vocals must be the greatest pleb filter in music

This wasn't ruined by vocals, it just isn't that good to begin with.

It's not their best album, but in no way do the vocals ruin any of their music.
I don't think I've ever heard an album with bad vocals that wasn't just garbage overall.

slint - spiderland

u sure got me
a Sup Forumstant rec'd me this

The production is groundbreaking, but God, his shrill voice is so irritating to me.

these work a lot better in their older, less melodic, more grind-y stuff imo, if you haven't that previously you should try for some context
nvm you're a complete faggot, carry on than

Are you fucking kidding me? Her vocals had so much character, they complimented how noisey and colourful the music was perfectly. You are such an fn pleb

Danny Brown's vocals are amazing what

>he couldn't get into Melt Banana's pop album
forty keks

it wouldn't this good without the grittiness of his voice

Every single Rush album. They had the potential to be prog legends but ruined it trying to sound like Robert Plant.

agree with atrocity exhibition