Talk to girl at school who likes talking heads

>talk to girl at school who likes talking heads
>ask her what her favorite song is
>she says 'Moon Rocks'
>thats rare as fuck, maybe shes a deep fan
>'have you seen Stop Making sense?'


woah is that a Blackstar?

nice thread

whats your favorite talking heads album user?

You picky motherfucker, you found a girl who's deep into Talking Heads. Get some perspective and take advantage of the situation!

watch the movie with her you absolute dingus


Tell her "Of all those kinds of people, you've got a face with a view."

Unless she doesn't, then just 360 and moonwalk away.


UH OH makes me laugh every time

>implying a Sup Forumstant would have the social skills to ask a girl out


If she doesn't reply "Born Under Punches" when you ask her what her favorite Talking Heads song is, she's already a lost cause.


...Do you want to go to prom with me?

I think you mean Great Curve

Can I eat your ass?

I think you mean Houses in Motion

>Remain in Pleb
Fear of Music is their best you know...

thats not More Songs about Buildings and Food

Holy shit guys, user actually just asked me to prom LMAO

I can see why it's called Fear of Music. If that were the first album I ever heard, I would be VERY afraid of music, because I would think that all music was shit just like that.

You sound like a 15 year old that for some reason thinks he's alternative. Rule 2

im in college friendo

What's wrong with you people? You've met a girl who is interested in the same things you are, but doesn't know as much about them as you. This is fantastic. You'll be the first person to introduce her to this amazing film. She'll associate it with you always. You've hit the jackpot.

what a cunt lmao

I like Talking Heads, but have never seen Stop Making Sense. I've always delayed it because I keep getting distracted by other things.