ITT: Post musician/bands you absolutely loathe.Giving a reason why is also permitted

I fucking hate these talentless faggots.

Sonic Youth suck and are super fucking overrated but Kim is one of the few female vocalists I can tolerate

I hate Radiohead so fucking much

Fuck John Mayer.
Either way his voice is so goddamn cheesy and his lyrics are even worse somehow
Total pansy too, wont let his lyrics represent him as anything but a sweetheart


I can't fucking stand Kurt's voice and the way he sings. Whenever I hear it I feel like someone is taking a cheese grater to my brain.

Maroon 5

The way that cunt pronounces words in his singing makes me want to stick a bayonet in my ear

this smug, pseudo-intellectual cunt

i mean just look at him

Smashing Pumpkins are fucking hacks and never made a good album. They completely ripped off their sound from other, better artists and all of their albums are full of filler. Corgan is also one of the worst lyricists/vocalists in rock music history

Andrew Jackson Jihad
I actually don't have a problem with their politics or that they're "nu-males" or whatever, I just think they're shit across the board (can't sing, shit lyrics, no talent with instruments).

How can you hate john cale? He's so nice
His discography may be cheesy post-velvets but theatre of eternal music is great

They are fucking hacks who think that playing punk with acoustic guitars and writing shit lyrics about muh white guilt is good art.


Weezer isn't really Bad, like, whenever I try and think of what I don't like about them I can't come up with an actual reason, but I Don't.

you already know y

wait that's not weezer

what fucking band is that when did i save that

Dave Grohl.

He's a shit musician and a shit person riding on the coat tails of his band mates death and milking everything he can from it. He's strangely elitists despite being one of the biggest plebs music has ever known.

No one would respect him as a "musician" if he wasn't in Nirvana, and Cobain fucking hated him.

He's how I imagine every Redditor wants to be.

He's actually famously very nice, most of the quotes you've seen attributed to him on Sup Forums such as the one about electronic music being 'just pushing buttons' were said in jest, that one in particular was said to piss off Deadmau5. He's also a talented drummer.

What the fuck are you talking about?
I disliked him before "Sup Forums" was a thing. I don't just read shit on here and let people make up my mind for me, you autistic faggot.

>Famously very nice
Fuck off, you utter moron. So is Bill Gates, doesn't mean he's not actually a cunt.

And electronic music is just pushing buttons for the most part.

Electronic """musicians""" are not musicians. They don't play an instrument. They're programmers at best.

Producers are not musicians. They don't play an instrument.
Composers are not musicians. They don't play an instrument.

Guitar music isn't music, it's just plucking strings for the most part.

That's an unusually angry response.

They're pluckers at best

find me a composer that can't play the instruments he writes for

Find me an electronic musician that can't use the equipment he writes for

Joe Meek

Pleb as fuck

Oasis, they aren't boundary pushing or inventive in any medium yet both critics and popular culture alike push them as being the next best thing since the Beatles. At least the Beatles consistently released great albums and changed their sound every once in a while, Oasis on the other hand sticks to the same Britpop formula to the extent where most of their discography sounds the same, not to mention the atrocious lyricism, how anyone can consider Wonderwall to be "soulful" or "spiritual" in anyway is beyond me.

Secondly, and this may be a strictly British grievance, though I despise their public image, anyone who lives in the UK will know that Oasis is pushed as the messiah for the working class, despite the fact that they are extraordinarily commercial and all of the past-members are blatantly loaded and well-known celebrities. Funnily enough most of the "working-class" who identify with them only do so to look like one of the lads and are usually lower-mid to middle class in the first place, its pathetic. Not to mention that the influence Oasis had on the British indie scene post-Britpop is cancerous beyond belief, numerous so-called "indie bands" constantly try to emulate their already unimaginative style or merge it with the Strokes' guitar chords, creating an enormous landfill of dull, uninspiring shit like Catfish and the Bottlemen, Hard-Fi, Pidgeon Detectives, Razorlight etc. etc. Its so annoying to see these talent-less hacks stealing the spotlight from artists who actually do bring something to the table just because they emphasize their accents at every opportunity, fuck them so God damn much.

michael jackson

This is so wrong it hurts.
First of all, you must be American? The reason they're liked by the working class is because they were the underclass until they released their album. They were dirt poor... the kind of shit you see on TV shows like shameless. So they're rich now? They didn't start acting like it until well into the 2000's.

And the first part of your post is simply wrong.
Both the critics and popular culture openly mock Oasis as being the same 3 chord formulaic pop music...

You're just misinformed about a number of things and have based your opinion of those things...

Why? Because it had swear words in?
How sensitive are you, you fucking faggot?

Well, my work here is already done.

I'm not him but he clearly says he's British, so am I. The public suck oasis cock and the popular critics do to. They are constantly talked up to be this saviour of the working class when they have done fuck all for the working class. One out of the two (can't remember which one is which) acts like a high and mighty twat and has completely detached himself from the exaggerated working class image that won them their fans whilst the other one seems to have stuck to his roots

True, but he is a very tasteful guitarist.

But the timbre of a guitar is objectively better than that of electronic sounds.

Well, I'll take Lemmy's word over any cunt blasted journalist or nirvana fanboy any day.

Terrible post even if b8

His post was retarded, but the downside to electronic music is that notes lack articulation. You can have a style of writing, but not playing.

Ariel Pink

Shitty bland R&B, wrote MJs worst song, AND he's a pedophile.

He's the whole god damn package

It's Mew

The Lumineers
The Strumbellas
Vance Joy
Of Monsters and Men
Mumford and Sons

And anything else that sounds like that fake, group effort to sound less shitty, party bullshit.

I love his music, but I loathe him as a person. Self-righteous with an inflated ego. He's played in an impoverished country last year, and an Audi wouldn't do, but a Mercedes was just right for him...

Sweet Trip

They are just so bad

I don't think they're terrible, but the way people circlejerk over them on here and treat them as some 10/10 "undiscovered gem" when in reality they're just another mediocre dreampop band that experiments with electronics gets on my nerves

>One song about white guilt
>You've clearly never listened to them

I hate that AJJ got memed by dumb racist teenagers

You have literally no idea what you're talking about by your own self admission. Didn't even read all of your post.

That being said, Oasis were an important band anyway. Go back to listening to Radiohead and Kanye west though pleb

Yeah Andrew Jackson Jihad is irredeemable faggot shit.


Swans, I can't see them as anything, but boring and repetitive.

Bill Gates is a piece of shit who works for his own interest though.

What do you like to listen to? I'm curious because SY is one of my favourite bands. Love their discography.