Has modern popular music (from blues onwards) produced anything as good as Bach...

Has modern popular music (from blues onwards) produced anything as good as Bach? Is there any Sup Forumscore album that can compare to the great baroque, classical and romantic composer?

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>all the normies in the comments trying to act smart with music theory observations

bach, along with many other baroque - early romantic composers, was simply a rich white man who was fortunate enough to have the education fit for music. his creativity was therefore limited to whatever his tutors showed him. the only thing i can credit such musicians for is pushing the state of musical knowledge further a bit at a time.

Cut to the romantic period, and music was slightly more accessible to try, therefore more creativity was able to spread more easily and people were creating music from their passion and not because they were told to as a child (prodigy)

the only reason blues, jazz, rock (so on) took off was because the poor black/ african slaves produced the music out of the hope of being free

TL;DR - Rich cunts
Told to become musicians
Poor blacks
Passionate music

>Rich cunts
>Told to become musicians

Bach's family was not rich (they weren't poor either), and they all did music to preserve a tradition. If anything Bach was against power structures applied to art, and he even went to jail cause of it.

> Passionate music
Are you implying that classical music is not passionate?

define "good"

>rich cunts
Didn't Mozart die poor? I saw a documentary about it.


Found the cuck

give me time

im working on it

He died in debt because he was always spending too much and he was buried in a common grave because that was usual at the time but no, not particularly poor.

venetian snares


That guy said "white men" and that Sup Forumstard immediatly assumed that he was a numale SJW libtard cuck. It doesn't go deeper than that.

you know when the romantic era was ... after the classical era ... which was after rococo and that was after Baroque

Bach is really great at voice leading but um


haha no.

pet sounds

The only reason that being white has relevancy in this case is that black people started the era that is modern music. that is a historical fact not a political opinion, im not saying they're bad because theyre white its just that in comparison black people are responsible for >95% of what Sup Forums listens to

Hey, Bach the fuck up with that shit!

Right to a degree, but that doesn't devalue classical in any way. Bach still made some of the greatest music ever.

The Pet Sounds meme really needs to end.

Certainly not from a perspective of melodic or harmonic progression that's for sure. Even so called more "complex" popular music groups in these regards like say...The Beatles or King Crimson pale in comparison to what art music composers have achieved.

But while most of popular music can't offer much on a cerebral basis, it for offers a lot more on a visceral basis. There's an immediacy to the atmosphere built on by popular music that art music doesn't have. It can range from something that's full of energy like punk and metal to something that's trying to represent something more lethargic like the slowcore genre to something more groove oriented like funk, hip hop, dance music, etc.

Also, especially in the case of electronic music, it is capable of working with combinations of timbers and manipulating them in a way art music doesn't really think of or can't do. Sure most popular music doesn't work with as many combination of sounds as art music does with its larger arrangements, but it can come up with different combinations based on trends. But in the case of certain more ambient and experimental forms of electronic music, they have a larger combination of timbres than any single art music piece, and are able to manipulate said timbres in far more different/abstract ways.

There's another legitimately interesting disparity that happens where there's the more well off person who gets into the music because they genuinely love it vs the poor person for whom it's sort of this necessity, like a cry for help. An analysis on musical differences here goes far deeper than a troll post like this.

jesus just stop already