Ask an 18 year old who's dating a 15 year old anything

Ask an 18 year old who's dating a 15 year old anything

Pic somewhat related

Are you a guy or a girl?

What my gf looks like minus the piercing and the eyebrows

Call bs nice b8 tits or gtfo

Does she use a ruler to do her eyebrows

I'm 18 dating a 14 year old. Fuck out of here OP. 18 and 15 is legal (at least in Texas)

tits or ass?

Ask a 21 yr old who's dating a 48 yr old anything


She would be so hot without those fake ass eyebrows. They make her look like she has a unibrow or some shit idk. It's funny how some girls would look 10x hotter if they didn't try hard because they already look super hot naturally.

she would be absolutely perfect without the nose ring and the eyebrows

fuck these sluts ruining themselves

Im a guy

What's she like in bed?

more like a sharpie

I am a male

have fun with the pedo lawsuits if you two get caught fucking together. (15 yo. is still a child, depending on where you live.)

Does your girl make her eyebrows with undefined
painting roll?

Cute and inexperienced but very submissive and driven

Absolutely agree. Bull ring is an instant 0/10, looks like liquid shit.

Are u fucking retarded ? Why is your only responce "I'm a guy"

Let me guess you gonna reply to this with

>>>> I'm a guy

Or switch up it like

>>I am a guy?

Op is a faggot

that chicks eyebrows rofllllllll

Post tits or gtfo
Abandoning thread in 10 min op

I made it clear so anons would know before asking for ass or tits

Obviously not posting gf nudes

Are you behind a proxy?
Cause if you aren't, first you're going to get ass-raped by the FBI, then ass-raped by Bubba in prison.
If you can't date legal girls, don't date at all.

Prude or will do anything?

Nice try fbi im not posting 15 year old nudes

You have a girlfriend, we got it. and you are three years apart. wow!
You must be the super G4nxxta at after school private lessons.

fuck off. I am 40 and I dated a 17 year old until I dumped her. Her pussy was just too bony

Will do almost anything

Whats your email faggot? Or are you just a fuckn bot

Romeo and juliets law. Also not everyone in the entire world is a american, you cheese head.

Any pics you can share?