Secrets Thread, Share your secret user

Secrets Thread, Share your secret user.

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i have a fetish for doorknobs

mainly metal ones though, and especially the feeling of my balls rubbing against a smooth cold metal doorknob


I don't actually drink coffee.

I laugh like a maniac for no reason when I'm alone

I hide my porn in a folder titled Not Porn

I've sucked hundreds of cocks. None of the guys knew that I have one too.

More vent than a secret.

I don't know what it is about her, but she is such a hard girl to read. Nothing she does is typical, some stuff leans one way, and other stuff, yet another way.

I just wish that I can get closure out of her. A simple, "Yes, I am interested" or a "No, I only see you as a friend"

In fact, she never even used the word "Friend" with me, at all. But she seems to be kinda wanting to open up with me at times. But when ever she starts, she closes up again

So what is it? Is she interested? or is she not interested?

Hide from who?


If you're this interested in her, just ask her out already. Don't ask yourself if she's interested or not, just make the move to hook her while you can.

If you don't and keep her as a friend for as long as possible, you'll never get her further than a friend.

She's playing with you and keeping you as a 'maybe' or she's just a weirdo.


i've worked seven years building up a small fortune, getting nice furniture etc etc. all to fucking destroy the girl who hurt me when i was so sick i could die from a brain tumor.

it's been ten years she's not married and i intend to fucking seduce and destroy her because she hurt me while i was being treated for a brain tumor and was at my weakest darkest point.

Last night I was about to take my girlfriends virginity and I couldn't hard when I was about to enter. I feel like less of a man because of it, its the first time its happened but idk whats wrong with me and I feel like a bitch.

I mean, do you share a computer? Do you have a gf that checks that kind of stuff. I just have a folder named PORN as well as a portable hard drive with another folder named PORN. I have a lot of porn.

I am leaning towards just a weird one. She has few friends, and I think she has Social Anxiety.

I know. I need to just get in a position to do that. But I don't see her in person beyond very briefly in passing, and even via text we only talk once a month

Worth it, Good luck user

What if one of those guys goes for a feel on your south... what will they cope?

I'm trying to running out of juice here repair a broken family. Those that have hurt me while growing up. I'm tiring to forgive.
They say the kindest people are the ones who were hurt the most. Even though I should hate and hole a grudge, I'm trying for my nieces and nephew to not go through the pain I felt at their age.

just hope i don't puss out and fucking fall in love she fucking hurt me deep man. i still yell and rage about it like ten years later

This happened to me back in the day. It's embarrassing as fuck but you just gotta try and relax and dont let the pressure get to you. Maybe make her cum before hand and have her play with your D a lot.

My nigga. Give her hell user.

forget about her, man
she's probably forgotten about you
don't be a butthurt bitch

How old is she?

I saw what looks like the doppelganger of a girl I know (If she was 10 years older.)

Thanks a lot, she was understanding and doesn't seem to care, but it just weighs on me for some reason.

Now this is a secret

You rotten pigs in there you shall go to hell. Chechen. Gigan. If anyone should recognize the blonde on the street please report to the police. She's wanted, she has no fixed abode. This whole thing has played kings cross on Wednesday. Patrycja Lies with a double jaw fracture in the akh

20 almost 21

I'm around the same as her

>They say the kindest people are the ones who were hurt the most.
Well this isnt true. I'm a total cunt and I hurt all the time.

Then create the position yourself. When you do see her just walk with her. Run to her if you have to.

The more you believe that you can just wait for the perfect moment to appear like some stupid fucking disney movie, the more lonely and cuckold-y you'll feel.

I had a dream last night, where I was looking at nude of a girl I am interested in (But two years old, from when she was chubby) and she was covered in self harm scars.

None of my friends know I browse Sup Forums.

i just came

I want my friends to be miserable and cry for help. Then I'll denied it to them.

You just stressed yourself out.

Of course it does. Because we all want to do our duty as men and we all watch porn were dudes have huge, hard cocks all the time and sex is easy. Taking someone's virginity can be pretty stressful. I'm sure you'll get her no problem next time.

You better post more of yourself.

I'm a pedophile and I bought a one month subscription to star from dulcemodz. Currently downloading her vids

Cat trick

my girlfriends ex is 55 years old (we're both 18) and he wont leave her alone and i dont know what to do about it

Currently sleeping with a girl I met at work, Her LongTerm is a manager at a different store. They fight all the time, don't sleep in the same room, been sexless for over a year (his dick don't work, but I think he's lying and banging someone else.) I didn't know about him until after we'd been sleeping together for a month.

I might be killed if I'm ever discovered. Her BF is a crazy ass hole who has been arrested about 5 times now for drawing guns on people for pretty trivial reasons, assault over petty shit, stuff like that.

I've been trying to break it off, but this girl is crazy lonely and horny. I should have never put my dick in crazy.

They saying isn't exclusively true for everyone. But the nicest people tend to be ones who have been through a lot.

True. I've been kinda trying to set it up for us to see each other in person. But we are in class at the same time, but across campus from each other.

I know that a perfect Disney-esque situation won't happen. That's why I am trying to run into her a bit. But I've only run into her once. And she was talking to someone on the phone at the time, so I couldn't do anything, and I had an exam in a few minutes so I couldn't just sit around and wait for her to finish

I've peed in every sink in my house

I frequently visit without my parents' permission.

Me too. I actively hope for their lives to get as shitty as possible. And just when they need me the most, I'll vanish.

A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new avatar, an airbender named Aang.

I've been drinking directly from the Brita Pitcher for two years now, and I have not once cleaned it.


Clean it you savage.

My friends girlfriend loves sucking my cock

You have multiple problems here. For starters, your girlfriend is nothing but problems. If her last boyfriend is 55 years old then she has daddy issues. You might have some sexual fun with her but other than that she's fucked up. It's not worth trying to fix her ex issue. She will always be looking for an older guy. You'll never last and there will always be turmoil between you two. You can thank her pedo dad for that.

second. I am a cunt BECAUSE I get hurt all the time

but I was the complete opposite a few years ago

Well, you tried. I'll give you that.

Next time you see her, ask her how her day is going, tell her that you've got plans for the both of you this weekend, and then ask for her phone number.

You don't need a complex conversation to make plans. If she says no, then yeah, it'll suck, but it's a lot better than keeping your hopes up for something that will never happen.

I was in a similar situation once

Went to a club, met hot girl, she suggested we go back to mine and bang, which we do

Next time I see her she's like "My ex won't leave me alone, he scares me"
"Uhh why does he scare you?"
"He's a crazy sonofabitch, all the steroids he takes for his body building has fucked with his head, oh and he's a doorman at the club, he saw as leaving"

>Be young me, around 10 years old
>Hang out with friends in old abandoned junk yard
>Make clubhouse/fort in old cement roller
>Love this fucking place
>We go there everyday after school to build more onto our fort
>One day a man comes and says he likes our work
>Man takes special interest in me
>He says I should come at a time when no one else is there and he will help me build
>Dumbass me listens to him
>There are more men there, all people I knew from the community
>These bastards beat me in my own clubhouse
>Could barely move, I remember my eyes wouldn't open and I could taste blood
>My clothes are ripped off
>All of them took turns
>This happens multiple times with them threatening to harm family and friends if I tell

>Fast forward to when I finally tell my best friend at age 17
>Nothing can be done to these men because stupid legal bullshit
>Plan revenge
>Something seriously wrong with my mental state at this point
>I know somethings wrong but I don't care
>Exact revenge
>Mental state deteriorates
>Mother and stepfather put me in mental facility and have me take happy pills

>The Confession

I thoroughly enjoyed my actions and revenge plot
Can only find excitement from such actions now
Have I become that which I most feared?
Love the feeling of getting into trouble and plan bigger and bigger things
Only reason I don't act is out of some thin veil of fake morality
Not sure if I'm still a human and just sick, or if I've become a monster inside
Everyday is a struggle between good and evil, light and dark
Honestly, I want to do the things I consider evil

i've jacked my nephew off

Cherish this.

I jerked off in a church once.


Fuck that bitch really fucked you over mate.

I just completed "Gone Home" and I feel kinda disappointed.

I tought it will be a scary story.

Not gay story.


youre probably right
but im in love with the coco
so im probably fucked
i have the option to move to america this december (living in finland) but am thinking about staying here because of her
might be the worst decision of my life but we're clicking so

the person i like doesnt even know i exist
ive talked to her a lot
i love her and i feel like we get along but it never goes anywhere

I really want to suck a dick. I'm an 18 year old guy and other than this weird need to suck a cock, I'm not attracted to men at all. I certainly am not interested in butt stuff, and I don't consider myself bi or bi-curious, but idk. I've gave a handjob to an old friend of mine before but it was years ago. He wasn't willing to let me suck it unfortunately. I also sometimes get off to sissy stuff. I have tried playing with my butt but I didn't like it.

She's very slutty about it too

you are pathetic

I tuck it well enough that it wouldn't be a problem. It's not very big either.

>thinks gay = liking butt stuff

try to find traps. use dating apps

Way to be a total dick to your friend, asshole.

Fuck her. Let me give you the advice my grump old grandfather gave me, he turned out to be right:

Don't love a pussy, it's everywhere. Don't ever change your life plans just for a girl's pussy. You'll know when you're ready for love because it won't just be about the pussy. Until then get all the pussy you can handle.

I'd never heard him say pussy so much. It was great.

>then ask for her phone number.
Already have her number, from a few months ago, from when I tried meeting up with her. (We did, but haven't since, partially that we were both busy over summer, and her workaholic self (2 jobs, 7 Classes this semester))

But I have an idea of what we could do. Skating during a nice late fall NYC Night in Central Park?

White knighting for her won't get your dick sucked user

If I was getting it on with someone who looked like that I'd want to make them cum. Surely you cant have sucked 100's of guys and never had one want to fuck you?

pls tell me youre from europe and (also) into gurls

Well, no duh it's not going anywhere. If you harbor an attitude like that, then absolutely nothing is going to happen.

First, you need to do is build some confidence in yourself. If you talked to her a lot, then no shit she thinks about you. You just need to convince yourself that you are much more than what you think you're worth, is all.

Secondly, if you love her, then you will have no choice but to ask for her feelings. There is no point in holding love for her if she doesn't love you back. Ask her out on a date, and if she says yes, then be glad. If she says no, then yeah, it'll suck, but it'll be a lot easier for yourself in the future, as you now know that you don't have to give love to someone who will never reciprocate it.

Quit being scared, bucko. Life is shit. You gotta step out of your safe space if you wanna get anything done.

Post some lewds bitch.

It's not that I think gay is just liking butt stuff, I just don't consider myself in anyway gay from this. I like the idea of sucking a dick not engaging in anything sexual with a man, or being attracted to a man. Traps and shemales are my shit.

What does she do? Does she talk shit about him during? Ever watched her kiss him after?

says you, you ever had a fucking brain tumor and had a bitch lead you on? i mean god damn the shit she did to lead me on was insane.

I really want to fuck my therapist

you will regret it your whole life

yeah you dont need to force yourself into categories man

Your long con is awesome.

I just wore a small butt plug to the grocer


i dont think its only about the pussy this time user
i think its about her
i probably should just say fuck you to her and leave and start my shit in america
but im young, i just graduated, i could go to uni here for free
idk life is just kinda up in the air right now
it wouldnt hurt to take a chance with her i dont think since i have other things going on here, like friends and uni and a job and family.

I usually just say I'm on my period. I mainly have sex with women.
I'm in the US.

Skating sounds perfect. And, really, you both need to go out a lot more if you already have done it once. No way you'll keep a happy relationship if you date this sparsely.

If you have second thoughts, here's a list of things to do in NYC, ripped straight off the first result on google.

Why is it fake?

I can only jerk it to girls I know/have known. It gets so boring.

I'm telling you she has dad issues. Where in the US would you move to?

actually i had forgotten about her till fucking facebook suggested we be friends. now where having drinks and shit and she's all smelling me and telling me how she remembers how we used to talk for long hours and throw out innuendos and shit left and right.

If you were sucking my cock and you got up and your cock were to drop, I'd just go with it.

Im a young doctor and sometimes i imagine having sex with the hot patients. Some even try to contact me. Im married thou.

Because of this

> Nothing can be done to these men because stupid legal bullshit

This. Honestly I'm not into dudes/traps/whatever but I'd fuck the shit out of you.

dammit why are all hot trans in the us