Describe a band with a color

Describe a band with a color.

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>music "discussion"



megadeth sound pretty yellow to me

>White Light From the Mouth of Infinity


Living colour

came here to post this

Death Grips

nirvana sounds like pic related to me

>king crimson


The Smiths
Rose Red

Death Grips is black, white, and electric blue
Clarence Clarity is just like a mess of confetti
Radiohead is black, dark purple, and dark blue

t. have actual diagnosed synesthesia

Death Grips has a nigger

Beach House
Blue velvet

Crimson :^DD

I always associated Swans with ochre

With sparkles.

Great thread idea OP!
>blank banshee

synesthesia doesn't exist

>velvet underground

really deep red

It does

no there wasnt an album called red

What are your favorite albums


is it possible to devellop synesthesia?
Or do you just have to be lucky?
Do you see these colors right before your eyes or do you just spontaneously imagine them?
Do you also see shapes or only the colors?
If there are shapes, do you see them clearly or do you have to concentrate on them?

Black and squiggly white.
Everyone here should immediately know what album i'm talking about.

Three Colours: Red
>Scarlet, Crimson, Ruby

My Chemical Romance
>black, blood red, army green

Hell yes

>Pink Floyd
>Brown because they're SHIT


red, brown & white

The Mars Volta
>red, white, and green.


NLDW is the outlier for those colors you listed for Death Grips

Clarence Clarity - No Now
Philip Glass - Glassworks
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois

Generally very layered and colorful music

There's a base level of synesthesia in everybody (see the bouba/kiki effect) but when there are clear overlaps in senses, no you can't intentionally develop it as far as I'm aware.
Some people really do see the colors but I only get a very strong and spontaneous association in my head. I associate colors with sound, letters, and numbers. Used to have smell when I was a kid but it kind of went away with age.

do you use your particularity for drawing?

No, it doesn't affect drawing at all. It does however help a lot with music production. I keep layering more and more "colors" until it feels complete and full to me. Other people seem to like what I make too, so I guess I'm doing something right!

big black

>it doesn't affect drawing at all
some of painters have synestesia and make beautiful abstract pieces out of music.
>It does however help a lot with music production
nice! where can I hear your stuff?

I've always been jealous of people who can paint what they see, what I see never turns out right when I try to depict it

>nice! where can I hear your stuff?

Actually, I just finished this this morning! Hoping to expand this kind of sound into my next album

David Bowie

Led Zeppelin

Depeche Mode

The Eagles
>Yellow or green


Creedence Clearwater Revival


>this song


interesting sounds. please make an album

wtf that sounds so weird and good
>my next album
does that mean you already have an album out there?

also, can you listen to this
and tell me what you "see"? It's one of the only songs I ever instinctively associated abstract forms and colours to

Damn, thanks guys!! This is really encouraging
I like this reaction too

Definitely got a very dark and pulsating circle feel to it. It's hard to pinpoint but it sounds a lot like very massive and very round shapes

>Definitely got a very dark and pulsating circle feel to it. It's hard to pinpoint but it sounds a lot like very massive and very round shapes
not too far away from what I "see", that's interesting.
What I "see" when I listen to this track are big dense "clouds" (but not realistic clouds, more like pic related) pulsating. The only big difference is that I see them purple and not that dark. Actually I see them with the same colors as the album cover is, I never knew if the graphist had the same feeling as I do, or if I was just influenced by the cover.


Modest Mouse, Television

>Navy Blue

Slint, Joy Division, the Replacements

Daniel Johnston, Guided by Voices, Drive Like Jehu

Pixies, Dead Milkmen, Violent Femmes

Devo, VU, Parquet Courts

Dinosaur Jr

Talking Heads

Kraftwerk, Nick Drake

I really want to punch you in the face

Come on big man, put your money where your mouth is