God tier metal albums

God tier metal albums




Nightwish ftw.

Following are pretty good, too.

Tool: 10,000 Days
Animals as Leaders: Joy of Motion
Children of Bodom: I Worship Chaos
Dimmu Borgir: (Literally Any of Them)
Mayhem: Esoteric Warfare
Eluveitie: Slania
Ne Obliviscaris: Portal of I
Xanthochroid: Blessed He With Boils



Gojira - From Mars To Sirius.

I never understood that album pic, like wtf?

>if its not my kind of metal its not metal

Cunts like yourself are the worst part about the already shitty metal community


Isn't it more like Goth rock tho? Like Evanescence, Tristania, Paradise Lost, etc? Also relevant image I guess.

Nightwish is a meh band. At least they kick off the annoying Tarja Turunem.

The men in the background were some of the most powerful in the world at the time, leaders of nations and shit. The illustration is a scene from Hangar 18. Go look at the lyrics and it'll make sense.
Also pic related is God tier







Shit taste is shit taste, no matter what.


Neat. I like the new singer they brought on.

Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Tunder God
Kamelot - The Black Halo
Wintersun - Time I

Don't know if OP was trolling but I genuinely like Nightwish, and this album is great.

Also, pic related is fucking awesome. Their best album imo


Hell no its not. Nightwish is really bad ass. I used to hate them at 1st but they grew on me. Really great music not your typical "metal" per say but their still heavy Its an acquired taste but its really good.


Ya'll can just stop posting now


Anyone listen to that new Meshuggah album?

Pretty good

Theres all kinds of metal too bad most metal listeners think only "their metal" is the best. As long as you fuckn like so be it. I like nightwish their not too bad. Fuck ill jam to them and then a behemoth song comes on so fuckn what

Fuck you all.

Shit taste is a matter of opinion. You dont get to Nightwish success with being "shit"

This sort of cancerous attitude is why metalfans are the biggest tumor in the music industry.

Success doesn't proof any band is bad or good, dickhead.
So Rihanna is good for you, faggot?

Wintersun is pretty much the apex of modern music. Hearing Sons of Winter and Stars live was an amazing experience.

Album of the fucking year right here

Good to some, bad to others. That wasnt my point. He said shit taste is shit taste. Objectivly, Rihanna is good in her way. He just splerged that NW is shit no matter what.

new singer a shit

aww. I like Floor

That's the point, I said I find Nightwish a "meh" band, but not "bad" just because I don't like the style, it's just because doesn't make a single appeal to me.

Worst fucking band ever. Go memepost that fucking Blue Oyster Slipknot spooky dad rock somewhere else.

ok so im going to post some actual metal for you guys.

best so far





No. Shit taste is a matter of fact. If someone says that mcdonalds is better than normal, traditional food, or that modern music is better than baroque music, it means that he is a plebeian and fucking degenerate. In every music genre there are good bands and shit band. Get over this.








It's honestly the "everything is good" and "accept everything, everything is likeable" attitude that has made metal suck overall in recent years. They were much better off sticking to their roots.

>He just splerged that NW is shit no matter what.

No. Putting Nightwish in the 'god tier metal albums' category is symptom of shit taste.If someone said something like 'well, I listen to Nightwish, I like this band' I would be completely fine with this.

Emperor - in the nightside eclipse


my nigga



Literally, what the fuck is this shit you people are posting.




Y'all need help.



Woods of Desolation - Torn Beyond Reason

Will have to check some of these bands out at some point, glad to see some albums I used to listen to a fair bit pop up as well.

Other recommendations are Death: Sound of perseverance and morbid angel: blessed are the sick.




Essential black metal listening

Fuck yeah. This one, also.

No way they are nothing alike. I like Symbolic but it deviates from the original death metal sound. It's more technical and the lyrics are different. I would name Scream Bloody Gore to point if they wanted to know what death metal was all about.


to point anyone to*

this guy gets it.

Seventh Wonder - Mercy Falls

my niggers

best one by far

I think this one is the best.



We need more Heroic Fantasy Power Metal in here


just went throught that one again the other day. Dat cliffhanger at the end.



Count me in


ooo nightwish fan. I'm happy


Just checked them out. Thanks fam


you niggers are alright.

gay, fuck outta here.

perfect album

>taking god tier litteral