
My Instrument of Choice is the Cross-fade Edition

Useful info/resources: pastebin.com/pYGCLu6q

Post your stuff on clyp, no Soundcloud self-promotion, and remember: there was no previous thread and all anons are one samefag.

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1rst for guitar is ded

Being played on the radio /prod/

thanks for everything promise I won't forget you

First draft of my first song in Ableton is done after a few days of work. What do you think? I'm hoping to make my next album with this kind of sound. Any thoughts are really appreciated


Congrats user!

Tell me about Ableton, anons. Why is it the "correct" choice?

curious about this too


Woah! Uncalled for.

probably going to lay down another melody on top of the other


how's the mixing?

also does it sound emotionally coheavsive?

I like the main body of the song, it's got a nice vaportrap-meets-hayao miyazaki feel. There are two big issues though

That warbly synth is atrocious, because even when it changes chords, the pitch modulation makes it sound identical, ruining the musicality. Also, the piano is muddy in the mix when it comes in. I'd ease up on the mids

yea it does muddy now that you say it, ill try some different painos and higher pitches

are you talking about the synth that hits every 4 bars or the one playing the melody?

The synth track that starts the song

ooooooh i see

okay thanks for the input

anyone spare 99k?


thanks bud :D


Is there anyone in this world who will buy that?

I swear I'll give feedback to whatever clyp you post, just pls bump

I'm just starting out with logic can anyone recommend any good youtube tutorials, I kinda already know the basics from fruity loops but its kinda confusing in logic.

I got really good at logic by just screwing around. The layout is very intuitive so once you have that figured out, it's just a matter of experimenting with all of the effects and instruments

I was really digging it until the first chord change
I would keep that chord going throughout. It's a really great hollow/pseudo-sinister sound


What do you guys think of this so far?

Does the transition work? Is the first half too long and repetitive? I can't make up my mind.

I feel like an idiot for not realizing FL has gain on the limiter by default.

I should generally put that to the center and compress individual tracks as needed in the mixer insead, right?


I meant the master limiter ofc

no one owes you a single thang
if you don't contribute to the thread, god dang


What genre is this?

Let me know if it's good


I don't like the piano cuts


hows this working out?

definitely interesting. Mixing is taking everything away from the epic nature of the songwriting. Everything at the peak is flat and lacks power. Stereo image is fucked, and bass spectrum is nonexistent.

>does it sound emotionally coheavsive?
>thinking that's ever possible of this genre

Fix the bass it's not present in the mix, and is much needed from start-1:08. Maybe a slap bass or some wonky funk synth bass. There's just not enough happening right now in that first section.
@1:16 track went from 3/10 to 7/10. Really great samples on everything except for the drums. Kick can't decide if it's airy or boomy and it definitely isn't mixing well either way. Snare is just so pathetically weak it might as well not even be there.

Vocals saying "ass" "ass" "say gay" really dumb I hate pointless vocal chops like that. As for the rest, it's unlistenable.

Nice start. Needs more. Drums too loud. No bass.


>vocal chops

It's not vocal chop you fucking retard

Thanks for explaining why, dipshit. Stay mad faggot.

Not that your "feedback" was actually legitmate since you called a dissonant track with the same 3 chords playing over and over again "definitely interesting"


smd faggot. dw it's normal for plebs to hate what they can't comprehend

Please don't give feedback again. that clyp is atrocious

>>does it sound emotionally coheavsive?
>>thinking that's ever possible of this genre

you sound like such a dry fuck

>post fake flowery feedback nothing happens in the thread everyone stays bad nobody learns anything
>state the fact of the matter get berated everyone in the thread cries
Why even give feedback? None of you can take criticism. Have I shattered all your dreams of making it big league? Were you expecting me to suckle on your tits or something?

Thank you I appreciate your criticism, and would agree as I am not proud of that work either. Here's something that's a little more representative of me. I make my music for myself, no one else.

>go through my recorded guitar/bass riff bank
>over 90 files
>finally find a decent one
>try to make full song out of it
>try turning it into house track since a single riff can carry a whole 20 minute house track
>fail harder
>close ableton
>post this

well, today was no good.

/prod/ is full of petulant children that cry when you give advice, don't sweat it

Thin skinned babies

It's because people need feedback from people who are better than them at producing, not worse.

All those clyps you gave feedback for are better than your clyp. What's the point in giving criticism if you clearly have no idea what your talking about???

>buy music equipment
>spend lots of $$
>learn the daw inside and out
>never make anything
Every time!

has anyone here made a sequencer based off of the baby 10?

I'm considering doing so.

>if you can't make it, your opinion doesn't matter
This is why you will *always* be shit.

Not even memeing. This is a bad perspective that will only hold you back. He is still a pair of ears that listened to your fucking awful music and bothered to try and let you know why it sucked ass. Whether or not you can operate an EQ or compressor properly doesn't mean your not allowed to say "wow bro this really bored me and made me feel nothing"

You're just looking for excuses to dismiss criticism because your number one talent is coddling yourself.

What's the point of sidechaining ie: the bass? Sort of new to serious prodding . Have ableton suite.

>for someone to tell you you're sick, they need to be a doctor
I was exercising my right to a fucking opinion. I'm no expert, and neither is anybody who comes on here.

this is not me

really cool but this int something id actually listen to. cant really catch the groove and its to choppy if you know what i mean. keep on man

If I wanted feedback from people who didn't know how to produce, i'd post it on soundcloud and gauge the reactions/plays/likes etc.

I'm looking for feedback on actual technical components, both musically and production-wise.

If he doesn't like it, that's fine. A stuck up faggot who doesn't know how to produce(but thinks he can) isn't my intended listener.

Considering that i've only been producing for 6 months and that 'm far from coddled but how are people going to get better with just "it's unlistenable bro"

>Why even give feedback? None of you can take criticism. Have I shattered all your dreams of making it big league? Were you expecting me to suckle on your tits or something?

your comment didn't shatter any dreams of mine. i could honestly care less. you sound like a sad angry prick so i wouldn't take anything you say seriously

but this thread should be to help people improve and learn.

we're all trying to get better at the same thing here no reason act like an asshole

>they're still at it

>never make anything
>still contemplate buying more shit
When will it end??

>i'm no expert, and neither is anybody who comes on here

What a stupid fucking statement, just because your music is terribly dissonant and has no sense of direction, DOES NOT mean that everyone else's music is like that.

"le edgy i hurt your feelings meme ur babbies xD"

>play a track for a normie
>"I dunno man it feel like it's kinda flat or something. Needs more energy or maybe another part"
>"thank you for the invaluable critique"
>play a track for an amateur producer who is also struggling with this difficult art form
>"I don't know man it feels like it's kinda flat or something. Needs more energy or maybe another part."
The most valuable thing you can do for your track is find someone who has never heard it before tell you exactly what they think on first listen. BUT I GUESS WE GOTTA FIND THE NEXT AVICII FOR THAT.

Pathetic. I'd take the critique of a fucking school marm if I had to. Once you lose objectivity with your own track from overexposure, your opinion on it becomes exponentially worthless.

Don't let that fagole get you down, bruh.

normies said it was a banger, bro. Even the 12 year old big room producers on /r/ edmproduction liked it.

When the creditors pry the drumpads from your cold dead hands

also "I don't know man it feels like it's kinda flat or something, needs more energy or maybe anither part" does not equal "it's unlistenable"

Dude I got 9 likes on SoundCloud and this guy from east Asia left a comment saying "the part it is this good!" at 3:56

You're fucking beneath me, peasant.

cause it does stuff good

Maybe, to him, it was.

And that just hurts you too much

So you lash out

I understand

why is /prod/ so shit these days?

>your music is terribly dissonant and has no sense of direction
jesus christ I dragged a random mp3 from the bottom of my bounced projects list and plopped it into clyp because without it, all this shitstorm would've been "where's your clyp faggot" posting.

See for something I put an actual day's work into. It's sad I have to defend myself like this just to deflect all the tears I mean for fucks sake what I said was AN OPINION and you have yet to realize that.

I see my comment of saying it was unlistenable was what really got you fired up. I'll explain. I don't want to hear your clyp again. It's unpleasant. It's musically jarring. I don't feel any need to dissect it piece by piece because that would just be redundant. We all have music that is bad from the start, it just happens. What I posted, as I said like three times is very VERY bad. Just get over it. You're new. Try again, and stop being such a whiner.

Sup Forums is just a toxic community for the most part

anyone know an actual good, civil, intelligent board for music production where i can get feedback and advice on my work?

there is no such thing

normie invasion from popular Youtubers + the election have made us mainstream again, kinda like in 2012 but 1000x worse.


how does this sound? any feedback please

>why is /prod/ so shit these days?
this is a shitty format for what we're trying to do

Sup Forums is a great message board for a lot of things, but critique of WIPs is not one of those things. A discord would probably be a much better thing. A sense of community can develop and it's just more lowkey/in the moment.

A general with a string of dudes posting clyps with literally nothing else in the post is not very good for this sort of thing. Feedback is never given in a way that's helpful (or even at all) and it's just shit.

/prod/ discord when?

Can somebody please explain sidechaining to me for fuck sake?

the sidechain aka key aka detector input of a dynamic processor, in most cases a compressor, is fed a signal different from the signal that it's actually processing
the most popular example would be a bass or pad synth being compressed with the kick as a sidechain so comps down with each hit making room for the kick 'pumps' back up right after

One signal is being used to duck (lower) another signal. So in the classic example of sidechaining a kick to a bass, the bass will be ducked out the kick plays. However if your gear can only sidechain certain frequencies then you can get even more creative, so you can find the frequencies that are fundamental to the kick, and make only them be ducked in the bass, so the bass will still play without changing volume, but those frequencies will be filled in by the kick which will allow you to have more cohesion between those elements. It will make a difference even if used slightly just to jel a mix together, or you can go extreme and have heavy pumping with your drums. For example, one could sidechain hats to sythns, kicks to bass, snares to mid instruments and cause them to move in and out of eachother.

you could even sidechain lots of elements within the mix to try to get a sort of dynamic gating between the sounds.

this is all in an attempt to reduce the fighting for headroom in a mix. if the kick is -6db and hitting the same frequencies in the master as a bass which is -2db, then you will be clipping when they are merged. a sidechain will let you have an audibly louder transient to both sounds and allows for some pretty neat creative sound designs techniques if you get weird with it.

protip: work with very quiet samples and turn your speakers up and then you wont have to be sidechaining because sounds already arnt fighting for headroom

Thank you bros for pulling through - so on ableton what would I put the sidechain compressor on? Say for example sidechaining kick to bass - the bass or the kick?

Thanks heaps m808s.

the bass, since that's the one you want to process

Thanks - I have had indie labels listen to my stuff but got feedback that it was good stuff just need to work on things like mixing and should look at learning how to sidechain etc...

If your clyp is trash, and you already knew that it was, why are you posting in here? You're literally adding nothing to this discussion, fair enough you didn't like his clyp, but you gave vague and ironically written feedback on everyone's tracks.You should be banned

sidechaining is a neat tool, especially when you really use it creatively
>sidechain comp the vocal delay track with the clean vocals with a long hold and release so it's ducked down to a nice background texture during the phrase and comes up spilling over gaps and breaks
is one of my favorites

also it doesn't always have to be a compressor, mess with sidechain expanding or gating to create rhythmic patterns and stuttering and whatnot

Thanks man - very much appreciated. I was reading on Vice Flume does it a lot as a tool and I've been finding a lot of examples in his music. Not saying I'd copy Flume but his music is certainly an inspiration to me and yeah now I understand wtf it means. Cheers mate.

>always some angry fags in here

Have you impersonated flume on here before?

Lol no - don't have thaaat much freetime on my hands. I like rarely come on here. I met him in December though and he was super nice and impressed a girl like me enjoys weird production like him. :D

read the thread

-I posted what I consider to be a more thought out piece already if you just scroll up
-We've already established that shit producers and even non-producers can also be a viable source of feedback
-What I stated in my critiques was my opinion, your thinking that what I said was vague and ironic is your opinion - and to me at least, isn't even true because on the ones that needed work, I said what needed work, while on the ones that were irredeemable, I said they were irredeemable. Please then, explain to me how that is not adding to discussion and ban-worthy I'm all ears.

u sure? Flum uses alot of the same slang when he comes on here, eg mate, m808, etc

Have you listened to the glitch mob?

Pretty sure - the whole m808 thing came from his friend Miles though lol. They use it on instagram to each other. A bunch of us fan girls and boys started using it. But also I did get the chance to ask him if he does things like Sup Forums and reddit - and he says he still does. So that's pretty cool.

yeah, didn't really think it sounded that much like them

lmao, so i'm guessing you live in Australia? Also, you might want to lay off talking about Flum, he's a meme here and most of the producers hate him

Yes , I'm Australian. I know people think he's a meme but for 25 and to win a Grammy and he's the first Aussie to win a Grammy for dance, he's quite the little sound gem. Us Aussies aren't represented a lot in dance so it's just nice.

I know, I'm Australian m8. What state? i'm in QLD.

Also, Sup Forums hates him because he blew up way too fast, thus they weren't able to say "we found him first"

This is my first shot at making music. So please tear into it so I can start learning.


VIC - but moving to Sydney to be closer to other producers. I think I'm probably the only girl going around that's not a meme like Tigerlily lol. Alison Wonderland is okay too but I'm not a fan of her style. :/ I just hope the labels keep liking my demos.

Is an i7 dual core good enough for producing? Does anyone make music on an ultrabook?

send me a demo m8 [email protected]

i was born in victoria, but my family moved up to queensland shortly after i was born. the club scene down there is pretty big, why do you have to move? also, what are you planning to produce? mostly vocals? cuz if you don't know what sidechaining is you have a long way to go.

Ok so guitar plugged in to audio interface (scarlett 2i2) and trying to record in ableton. What am i doing wrong?

depends on what you want to do
I used an asus zenbook for some light live foh processing with real-time plugins and multitrack recording for 1.5 years and it was pretty solid
don't know how it would hold up in a full ITB production setting though, especially when you throw bitches like u-he diva in the equation

mate i produce on a refurbished shitbook and the only issue i have is finding VSTs. So long as you have more than 2 gig of ram or something you're fine (unless you're rigging up some crazy pro mixes or experimental interwieving procedurally-generated crap). Just close firefox.

open IO, hit 'auto', and arm track to record. Make sure you've hooked up the right input.

If that's not working, either you're not using the card as the card in ableton, or you've fucked something up.

source: i have had i 2i4 and used ableton for like 5 years

i7 is good enough

gimped low-voltage dual core i7s used in ultrabooks are a different thing, m8

>open IO, hit 'auto

also to check i can use 1/4" as the input right?

Really? It doesn't skip or bottleneck at all?

Hi /prod/

Just made this, it's the first half of a bigger song, but I'm looking for some feedback before I keep going



some progress on my uk hardcore shit

also rate my mastering on a scale from worst ever to poor