I need some advice bros

I need some advice bros

>be me 27
>a few months ago car broke down
>gf has a car but she makes bank son
>her schedule is hectic its never set
>I miss work because no transportation
>lose job
>spend the next few months doing shit around the yard and house
>repairs and whatnot, Im a carpenter
>cook and clean and shit
>gf becomes pregnant after 5+ years of being together
>now I know I NEED to get some money rolling in again
>but only have gf's car that we just started financing

I want to use her car to start searching for work, but Im afraid it will impact her schedule,I tried that once before and it didnt work out so good.

The thing is, she makes good money, I dont want to fuck her job up by getting some shitty entry level job for minimum wage.

She goes out of town a lot for conferences and shit and a lot of the time im stuck at home with no ride out in the country with shit to do.

Makes me feel like shit.

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stop being a lazy fuck and man up and make money

that's how you do it faggot

Just get her to buy another car that you can use.

>hey babe quit your ops manager job ill go work at taco bell instead

Sounds like a great plan shit head.


that's the best you could think of maggot? mooching a car from your woman? sad. she's probably out now hunting for a better man at her "conferences"

I think it's Noomi Rapace, but I have no idea what movie

>She goes out of town a lot for conferences and shit and a lot of the time
Are you sure the babby is yours?

Sell drugs

>Noomi Rapace



re-read my post dumbass.

I clearly expressed how im afraid if I use her car that im going to fuck up the good thing she has going for a lesser job.

her boss's arent going to understand
" sorry i was late my boyfriend has to use the car and i needed to find a ride "


are you in a weed friendly state op?

looks like you're about to get some exercise faggot

No im in south east georgia, a town that revolves around a college and an airforce base.

mothafucking bible belt.

Nobody hear wants to hire a carpenter for a wage job,

No they all want to hire the bouncy-titted college girls for everything.

I dont blame them i guess.

I would love to ride a bike around town and look for work, but where i live its a very long fucking highway with fields on both sides, there are no lovely sidewalks or anything.

Eat ass on backpage. You can make serious back. You gotta cup the balls though.

damn you'd think the bible belt would be more appreciative of carpenters


So borrowing your gf's car is the only solution you can think of? No wonder your car broke down and you lost your job.

job, money, baby, and pussy are all on the line

make it work.

make a new thread, OP


this will 404 soon, and it may work out next time

it took me three tries to get a celeb thread going today

post a link if you do

go to reddit and post this story as if you were a girl.

they will give you much helpful advice on how to divorce that son of a bitch you are married to in a way that lets you keep all of "his" stuff

underrated post

>gf has good job
>can't bug her for $500-700 to get some piece of shit to get you work until you can pay her back

Sensing issues here.

I dont have any useful advice but this thread just makes me hunger to do better. I dont want to ever be in your position. Grind hard Sup Forumstards.
To Op get an uber account get on craigslist sling those Carpenter skills

don't get married and don't fuck bitches without a condom. 3/4 of the problems solved right there