Hey does anyone knows how they get that ice through such a small hole?

Hey does anyone knows how they get that ice through such a small hole?

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for some reason i feel this thread has potential

are you trol?????

A funnel?


are you the riddler?????


if it went in, it will go out, like babies

Sea turtles, mate.

why don't you ask ur mom how i put my ice on her small hole

Hey does anyone knows how they get that action figure through such a small hole?

They put the ice in before they put the bottle together

they build the plastic around the ice. Science 101....

timestamp request OP
→Blunt Object


>buy ice block
>shave ice to desired shape
>dip ice I melted plastic resin

they do it in pieces

then they glue it

is not magic


Let it melt and pour it out.

Alternatively, take your cutting tool of choice to the bottle and get it out in a chunk.

What the fuck op, are you retarded? Ice is slippery, so it goes in the hole easy.

ice shrivels up at high temperature, so they can fit it through the opening of the bottle. When it cools back to room temperature it expands out to it's original size! Modern technology is great

They melt it.
No wait, that would make water.

that's not ice in the bottle its smoke

they use the latest technology to break the ice down using kinetic radiation. They then place the ice into the bottle. after that they detract all of the kinetic radiation out using a magnetic cooling coil. It's quite fascinating to watch.

they get a tray the shape of a bottle, make the ice in the shape of it, grab a real bottle, cut it in half and then put both halves over the ice. They then glue both halves together and hide the seam. If that pic was higher quality it'd be much more obvious that they faked this in the way I described.

that looks like nerve gas

pour water in the bottle then use white food coloring or white paint to make it look likes its ice.

just use Photoshop to put it in

The only hole I see is you, asshole. Get this riddle the fuck out of here before I rip of your ear and make you listen to Kanye for 72 hours with headphones covered in socks soaked in vinegar. Bitch.

the other side of the bottle was cut off. the hole can't be seen from this angle

You guys...


jizz in your eye

they take the bottle shaped iced, and cover it with that plastic thing, ancient art

i'm pretty sure it involves jet fuel and steel beams

put smaller ice cubes in through the whole then as it gets colder the ice will expand and fill the gaps

They mold the plastic around it real talk nigga

The ice is hollow. It's rolled up tight, inserted into bottle, and then inflated. Why is everyone on here so fucking dumb?

you can buy a bottle of ice at the store. At the factory they put the ice inside then seal the bottle. like how a ship in the bottle is made.

bumping for this


Someone hold me back.

That's "the bat fetcher trick, with my teeth..."

Roll up a sheet of paper to surround your weed. Smoke. Drink bottle of wine. Rub one out. Roll up another slice of paper. Push into empty wine bottle. See paper unroll and make bottle seem full of paper. Rub another batch of belly button babies out.
Same principal as ice.

Look at ice from wrong end of telescope. It is now very small and will fit in the bottle easily



It is pure magic

They just pour it in,
I think they call it Liquid-Ice, scientists
found out that you can produce Liquid Ice by
messing with the temperature of the ice.

That's crazy talk.

Thats Canadian water you dumbfuck not ice, they sell it like that.

Bring H2O to its triple point and lower the temperature. ezpz

its heat shrinkable plastic, they warm the air slightly around the giant bottle, and its warm enough to shrink the plastic without damaging the ice


holy shit it's elementary stuff guys.
they fill the bottle with agar fluid, then they add ice producing bacteria. after a while the agar fluid is used up and the bacteria evaporate into the atmosphere. then you have a bottle full of ice.



kek forgot about this skit

I was raised on the dairy, betch!

They use a particular sound frequency which makes the ice more malleable. Then, when it's in the bottle, they hit it with the reverse frequency which makes it adapt to fill the space it occupies.
How did you not learn this in school?

This research was done by the university of Pittsburgh and is as follows:
First they start with basic components, including, plastic mold, white colouring-32, hydrogen gas, oxygen gas. basic equiptment will become notable through the paper,
Firstly you will start by mixing hydrog and oxyg, carring the 'en' aspect which represents the 2 subscript in the h of h2o. therefore the mixture will solidify and then melt into a liquid, this is not what we want, but we will wait for the mixture to go off to completion.
While that is happening get the plastic mold and make a bubble of it like a ballon, your goal is to heat it up in the shape of a, well a bottle. after that is done add white-32 to as small amount, this will become the cap.
Next the mixture of water will become liquid, your goal is to make it a solid again and this is by putting it into a pressure chamber, a rice cooker will work as well, but you put the water in there and then set it for 777pascals to which the liquid will become a solid in the for of a disk shape.
at this point you have a bottle of plastic, a white cap, solid hydrog hydrog Oxyg, now you have to put it in the bottle
this is where you have to make the kinetic energy in the bottle very little and the solid HHO(en) very high kinetic energy. to make the bottle have near to no kinetic energy put the bottle in the freezer to slow down the molecules, and for the solid HHO(en) use a flame source to heat up it which will cause it to be malleable, THIS IS WHERE YOU HAVE TO ACT FAST!! you quickly move the malleable HHO(en) into the bottle which will suck up the HHO(en) through the Little hole, this is where the white cap comes into play, you seal the bottle with the white cap and thus
Solid Water (HHO(en)) in a bottle.

The cap is white because you do not want light to get through the hole also!
Be careful with the rice cooker and dont use it ever again as chemicals may infect it
This was Made by Nevin @nProductions kek
etc etc

they inject molten ice into the plastic bottle then let it cool

no ment to be @ symbol, just produced by nProductions lol

check em

12 yrs old detected



isnt that the diamonds are metal college

They carved the ice and then made the bottle to the exact dimensions to fit it.

Thermal subjucation funnel

Ice injection molding

I was about to try, but you really nailed it


It's rigged

you just melt the ice into the hole and then its in

It's small ice, and matures inside there

Add ice seedling and water it.

obvious shoop. you can't fit ice perfectly into a bottle like that.

You're fucking lying


You put water in the bottle, then freeze it. Wa-fucking-la

Wow 78 replies to find a cunt...we lasted longer than usual.

No shit newfag

also, its "voila"

instructions unclear dick frozen in bottle

Fuck off with your bullshit Danger Barch quotes you nigger

lol obviously lying.
water bottles explode when you freeze them


GTFO troll this is a serious thread

It's not water. It's hydrogen peroxide and acetone. Mix 50 / 50, freezes by itself, stays frozen for days. Great camping tip.

checking you're own trips
impressive tbh


of course it's not water retard it's ice

ice pick you stupid fuck

triggered and checked

my dick is frozen in this bottle now plz hlp

shameless self check


run it under molten ice in the bathtub


Wow that must be embarrassing for you.

they pour powdered dry ice through a funnel then add water