So let me get this right, the majority of people who voted this man to be the president of a world superpower...

So let me get this right, the majority of people who voted this man to be the president of a world superpower, did it just because SJWs and social liberals were getting out of hand? I mean, did anyone take a look at his economic policies or anything before voting him?

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read her emails retard

All of the above

There's really no downside.

hillary actually won the popular vote tho

CTR has stopped now fam, it's okay

trump won the presidency, thats all that matters

gore got similarly cucked back in '00

Lots of ladys looking for a social security card man.

Nah its cool his taxes are just a more extreme version of Bush taxes polices from 2000's everything will work out fine!

Lots of little muchachas running around if you say yes.

So did Mitt Romney.

Guess when they become president.

Did you guess never?

He's going to be a bigger embarrassment than our last republican president

Who we are still not done cleaning up after

This belongs on Sup Forums, you dumb fucks.

People in the swing states voted for him because of his economic promises, not that they were necessarily against liberalism.
I'm not saying the policies are sound, but every candidate has made promises to get elected.

> majority
> less than 30% of eligible population voted for him
> actually less than people voting for the listing candidate in the last three elections

but op said the majority of the people voted for him
the majority did not
just sayin

We knew we didn't like Hillary Goddam Clinton's policies.

Sup Forums voted for your mom to get gangbanged by 10000 niggers for president

no, the morons who voted trump don't know how to read, if they did they would not have voted against their own best interests, the proper term for trump voters is "Trumpanzees)

>the majority of people who voted this man to be the president

Clinton got a few million more votes than him.

No he didn't you fucking retard

Go back to reddddit and Sup Forums shill, the gig is up

Less than 30% of the eligible population voted for Hillary, too, shill.
Are they still paying you?

how overdue are we for a civil war


ok russian shill

A few hundred thousand more, shill.
The numbers are everywhere. Who are you trying to kid?

No, none of these assholes did any real fact checking whatsoever

the only way he could possibly be a bigger embarasment than gorge fucking bush junior is if he causes a civil war then starts ww3

No but they surely are paying you a lot to attack Clinton. Spoiler: she already lost. Why are you so fucking afraid? Another spoiler: GOP week impeach Trump soon. They don't like him at all.

i fact checked your sisters vagina, asshole, and mouth 1000s of times

Do not worry what is the worst that could happen

Didn't need to, he was a default candidate for me. Never liked or trusted the clintons.

There's plenty of time for civil war.

look user, i just quit a job where i had to pay mexicans in walmart cards and i myself was a 1099 contractor dealing with my own taxes for only $12/hr. the sexicans got out of control and need to adios. not hearing so much fucking shrill loud spanish on the streets today or maybe its my imagination.

I haven't attacked anyone but you, bitch. You made a statement that is true of both candidates but framed it as a slam against the one you don't like.

>Sup Forums
> something doesn't belong on an random board
>Fuck off and die nigger

It doesnt matter, SJWs are the cancer of society and are a bigger threat than Trump could ever be. America wouldnt be a "Super Power" anymore if these pansy ass cry babies had their way.

actually it's a two party system, and they have switched sides every 8 years for like the past 60... (so not really all that big of a shock)

No you dumb fuck, I reacted to OP's claim that majority of Americans are retarded.

These thoughts are why you lost... go back to your crayons and playdoh


>Implying that Trump and Clinton aren't bought by the same people
>B-but he's rich!
>Implying the Clintons are poor

The web of bullshit that you have to weave in building any sort of wealth is such that his loyalties will, and have, always lay with the super rich and powerful of this nation. There is no difference in his economic policies to what Clinton would have done. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer. But life will trudge on, the economic machine of the USA will grind on and shit will be OK.

The only real difference is with Trump we get to see literal rivers of liberal tears, so that is why anyone would vote for him.

we be weeding out the shils. Sup Forums exists for a reason newfags. go peddle your weak brain washing to your fellow drones. trump and clinton can suck a million cocks in hell. your shilling is weak

Nope... she got 630,000 more... not even a million... and it accounts for less than 1% of the entire election...

Try harder there

Well all is not lost. Trump is really a liberal. More liberal than Hillary was. I think the Democrats will make many fine deals with Trump. The Repub congress will go nuts.. the horror. I'm gonna enjoy that.

You reacted with shit. Since you have come up with only shit, I conclude that you are full of shit.

the whole conservative vs liberal thing is the current system of mind control. if you not a shill, wake the fuck up


Its that all 3 branches are red after and extremely divided election where hillary won 1,000,000 more votes...thats whats pissing me off. This government does not represent the electorate

Stop believing everything your friends share on FB.

i did look at his other stuff but it was mostly because fuck SJWs

Nice to see how insecure and dumb Trump voters really are

Can anyone confirm..

I pay about 27% in taxes. Single, no kids..

Would my tax rate under Trump be 13.5%?

>gore got similarly cucked back in '00

Not the same at all. Trump won by a far margin with electoral votes. Popular vote doesn't matter.


The Electoral College needs to be abolished. If Trump is a disaster, we might just get rid of it.


I certainly didnt. I don't have time for that shit.


Trump won by default, there is no glory of the right-winger to be had here.

Clinton fucked up her campaign, by making it painfully obvious she stole the democratic nomination. It disenfranchised the registered democrats into apathy.

Republican voter participation is about the same it's always been. Close to Romney, close to McCain. Trump is hardly an outlier when compared to previous elections.

Obama's 2 term victories largely overshadowed the previous republican candidates. Obama was the president the majority wanted; especially after Bush Jr's run at things.

Clinton was not the candidate the "left" wanted; and it showed. Their party failed to play the system they relied on, because Clinton stole the nomination. They just gave up.

Now Trump is president (by default). and yes, it's the Leftist, Democrats, libatard's fault that Trump is president, not because there is this great overwhelming number of right-wing, racist, bigoted, pricks who want to see this wall built. It's because a lot of voters from the other side were essentially betrayed, and gave up on the voting system.

>CTR still here

get jobs


Unless you make $500K, you would pay more than now. At least for the time frame Trump put in him manifesto.

if the electoral college didnt exist they would have campaigned differently and he may have won the popular vote.

they basically tied the popular vote and he won the presidency.

Loved that game.

Hillary voters aren't any better

yay, the zionist elites won't control the world anymore

do you shills still get paid for arguing with each other?

You're fucking retarded lmfao

Too many people in the democratic camp vote purely based on social policy. Trump blew Clinton out of the water in everything, INCLUDING SOCIAL POLICY, however the media made it seem like Trump was a typical neocon when it came to social policy.

Ask a Dem why they vote the way they do, odds are they'd say "Clintin was the best for minorities, LGBTQ..." Etc.

or is it just by the word?

take a look at the politics of new york state if you want to see what that would look like nationally. very bad!

I thought he said he would cut the tax rate for single tax payers?

My Medical insurance slightly has gone down every year.

How fucked am I?

Voted 6 different times for the Trump because these faggot liberals need a reality check.

90% of the west coast is braindead retarded cucks who have no idea how the real world works.

Anybody who complains about gender or misogyny problems obviously has no real problems in their life.


I voted for him just to see all the liberal tears. 10/10 would vote for him again, it was (and keeps being) worth it.

Implying that the south knows how the real world works

pretty much

the tears are delicious and the salt is many

>The Electoral College needs to be abolished
id rather have the electoral college than new york and california picking the president every time

>Clintin was the best for minorities, LGBTQ.

Honestly why would any care that much about them? Taking back our country should be priority number one.

I remember someone saying something like this to me in fucking middle school lmao

People that complain and complain about irrelevant radical sjws are just as bad as radical sjws.

i remember fucking your mom in the ass while your dad jacked off in the closet in middle school

The world undoubtedly be a better place with a 1 man 1 vote system in the US. We would have never got George W. Bush at the helm.

Only 6 times? You could've went up to 10 and no one would know about it.

Don't ask me mate.

All of Twitter after the election was; "to all the POC, LGBTQ, Muslim, Mexican, etc. I WILL FIGHT FOR YOOOOU"

It's like bitch chill the fuck out Trump is the most liberal rupiblican we've ever seen

Republican, fuck mobile posting


Of course not.

Republicans don't know anything about facts, math or history.

They're the literal Party of Stupid.

I don't agree. Even in other federations and unions, similar system is kept. It does need an update tho, abolishing "winner takes all elections" and possibly the introduction of alternative vote would benefit it a lot, changing the number of electrons from "decided long time ago" to some mathematical model (e.g. logarithmic based on population). And we could finally get rid of the electors, it can be just an abstract vote than actual paid person.

I voted for him based on his "drain the swamp" proposals laid out in the contract on his website. Imposing term limits on Congress, imposing multiple regulations on lobbyists, enforcing a hiring freeze on new non-vital federal employees. I think all of those things would benefit the country for generations to come. The economy is fucked regardless. Even an idiot like Obama figured out right away the big secret to that... "borrow and print more money then kick the can down the road". If trumps trade wars bring factories and jobs back that's great but all factories will be robotic in ten years regardless of where they are so in the words of hillary clinton "what difference does it make?"

It's estimated to be almost 2 million. There are still uncounted votes from absentee ballots that they don't bother counting if the numbers can't possibly tip the scale. Those uncounted votes are generally assumed to be in favor of the victor of whatever state they are in, or split down the middle.

becouse the other choice was Hillary and she it literately the Antichrist embodied

Keep on crying. Your tears are delicious. You have 4 more years of dealing with us.

"winner takes all electors" and "the number of electors". Stupid Google keyboard doesn't know what an elector is.

The robotic labor revolution will be catastrophic regardless. They are too many blue collar workers in the labor force currently to make any sort of transition to a tech-based economy.

Liar vs. Rapist
Not to hard to pick the right choice.

if you watched the news for let's say a year before the election it is clear that they were buttering us for a war against Russia.

the same old tactics calling them expansionists, dangerous, haters of our freedoms Putin is a dictator, putin is a dangerous homophobe, misogynist and of course the nonexistent Russian hackers.

so from my point of view the world was spared or at least miraculously delayed ww3 a couple of years.

everything else can be fixed overtime.