Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

I've been starving for a while in a desperate attempt to get skinny but it is not working yet

About how long do I have to starve to get a flat stomach???

Cut out fizzy/sugary drinks.
Don't drink alcohol.

I barely eat anything at all due to a stomach condition and have a mean beer/wine/whiskey belly.

Doesn't work, barely drink anything

Fancy seeing you around here Ms. Cooney!

exercise you fat fuck

google lchf.
for viceral fat go lchf, if you've just got a small amount of subcutaneous fat, eat less and run more. drink coffee or use nicotine when hungry. also dont overdo it to the point of mental health issues

I always assumed this bitch was dying of cancer, her hair, (to me) looked like a wig.

I just eat whatever I want and then vomit I am thin as a skeleton.

How many calories a day is too much?? I am going about 60 cals a day so idk why my stomach is still fat

Keto diet... 20 carbs a day. Sucks at first, but you get used to it, then your body goes into fat burning mode. Worked for me.

Pure starvation/fasting is actually really shit for what you're trying to do. Haven't you ever seen pictures of famine victims with pot-bellies? Don't know the exact mechanism but starved people's bellies tend to pooch out.

Beyond that, it's obviously not a long-term viable strategy cause you'll just drop dead eventually. What you wanna do is go on a reduced calorie diet (while making sure to get all your vitamins and minerals and shit), but it's gotta be something that you can tolerate indefinitely (both mentally, and in the sense that you're not starving to death). Ideally, you'll wanna talk to your primary care doctor and see about getting hooked up with a dietician, but if you're too poor (or too lazy) for that, you can probably get some more specific advice from Doctor Google.

To further elaborate, fasting and other crash diets can help you drop weight in the short term but almost no one actually loses weight and keeps it off long-term that way because they way people's brains are wired makes you want to gorge yourself as soon as you come off a fast.

The only reliable way to maintain a healthy physique long term is to eat healthy food and burn about as many calories through exercise as you take in every day (obviously when you're trying to get down to a target weight you'll have to take in less calories then you eat till you get there).

Just eat essential things. Cut out lunch, have a very small breakfast and a one-portion dinner. Drink black coffee when you get hungry, find something interesting to do so you dont get bored (I build cars in Garry's Mod, full on suspension, engine/transmission, takes hours.)

Also, don't buy pre-prepared food. Buy fruit, and base ingredients for cooking so you dont snack. After a while, your body will get used to a lower diet. Im 18, 5'11, and about 125 pounds. Little to no exercise, but if you start doing cardio like running it'll help more. It'll take you a few months, but eventually you'll get what you want and your stomach will be used to lower amounts of food.

go for 1600 kcal a day for 4 months and you'll see a great difference.

Hey sweetie, please just eat healthy and jog, drink lemon water when you wake up, cut out the carbs, soda, sugary drinks and you'll be fine. Jogging should do the job. There really is no need to starve yourself, okay?

this past year i've been in a cycle of crash diet and recovery... the trick is binge so hard you get sick of it quickly and return to normal amounts of food to keep it off

it hasn't been exactly pleasant, as my crashes are either because of dope sickness, or i have to stop eating before i die because i havent shit in 60-90 days.

but hey down 70lbs and counting.

another pro-tip: it doesn't matter if you cut your calories to 800 or less per day if 100% of those calories are from chocolate milk.

live and learn...

You're gonna drop dead, if you keep living like that user.

I drink two caprisun juice pouches a day lol

>Get a gf
>she breaks up with you
>dont feel like eating
>skinny now

You'll still lose weight either way as long as you're burning more calories than you're taking in, even if you're eating 800 calories of table sugar every day. Nothing but chocolate milk is gonna be really rough on your guts though, and in the mid-long term you'll find yourself short on a number of essential nutrients.

Lift weight, eat natural, eat less, get skinny , get stronk, helthiest way to do

the shitting yeah it's a miracle i didn't perforate and die already. i take laxatives now to fight it.
another plus, as far as medical literature is concerned, i hold the world record for longest without shitting and not dying, as well as longest without shitting and not needing it surgically removed at 92 days.
after day 60 i cut food intake to basically 1 pack of ramen every other day

jesus fuck its like you retards are allergic to running 30-45 minutes 3-5 times a week.

I run that spoon im my mouth while i run muh gaymin console

fuck you i lost 70lbs doing nothing but ass sitting with my 'how the fuck did i not die' diet

I jerk a lot and been seeing myself get fit a little, if i could get new brake wires for my bike id be fit again