I'm feeling so fucking awful and i know this isnt gonna make me feel any better, but maybe someone here can help me

i'm feeling so fucking awful and i know this isnt gonna make me feel any better, but maybe someone here can help me


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What's got you down in the dumps?

Eat a well balanced meal and get 8 hours of sleep.
Drink plenty of water.
Unless you can detail exactly what is making you feel bad, you are probably just mal-nourished.

Red meat, bananas and milk will perk you right the fuck up.

Im here for you OP, find something like a hobby, you will feel better


its pretty much the usual, a girl is making me feel like shit. its common ass problems that i know shouldnt be affecting me as much as it is but i get very emotional and its eating away at me

you should pick up a hobby instead of sulking, Try drawing. or tinkering with shit, working on something small or contained takes my mind of almost everything.

Relax man, women are shit. A friend of mine dealt with that. Now he's fine and fucking another girl

i do have hobbies, i love playing the piano and my trumpet. i just don't even feel like moving right now i feel so dead

dont wanna sound like a fedora lord but i dont even really care about sex that much anymore, my last relationship killed that part of me and thats not what i want to pursue

Well, what did she say to you? And was what she said appropriate, or was she trying to be mean?

To hell with her if she upsets you, I've been moping for women that didn't like me or were playing with my feelings long enough, I gave up and now I live for myself, it may be lonely but at least I know I can rely on myself, take my advice: cut connection with her and try your hardest to forget her and convince yourself that you will be better off without her.

everything changes the moment you decide to try

I'm poor with no family , girlfriend and friends. I work at a shitty job who almost manages to pay for my food. I haven't had fucking pizza in two years. Point is. It could be worse. Head up. Move on and fucking rock on life nig

When you stop being so inwardly focused and start focusing on the world around you, your depression goes away. Don't waste energy in feeling sorry for yourself. Spent the energy in fixing things that you see are broken.

she only said that i made her uncomfortable when we were cuddling and shit, and like i just got really upset when she told me that. i have no fucking clue why i just dont want to displease her in any way possible and it kills me that i made her feel that way. its so fucking stupid but im dwelling on this and i have no idea why.

the way i work is that i put my emotions into other people's hands, it sounds really fucking stupid but its a lot better than keeping them to myself

im just very emotionally weak, i wish i could just move on. also nice dubs

Your problem is that you need a confidence booster.

You have a girl who loves you, a social life, and people who actually care about you. Yet, you don't know how to appreciate all that you have. If I were you, I would do anything possible to boost my confidence.

Start it slow and subtle. Every day, from now on, when you look into the mirror, show yourself a beaming smile. It may sound weird, but trust me. I tell everyone to do that and absolutely everyone shows results.

Then convince yourself that you have a place in life, and that you are going to take control of things around you to fit your needs. Now, don't go overboard and try to think everything is to your absolute control, but acknowledge that everything is within your influence. You can not change anything if you don't use the tools around you.

Lastly, believe in yourself! You're living in a first world country with a great girl! There's nothing that can go wrong, unless you let it!

i have so many days where i feel fantastic, just as the way as youre implying how i could feel. its just that i also have days where im so weak and this is one of those moments. i dont want to feel this way obviously but like i just cant bring myself to stop moping around and i dont know whats wrong with me at all. sometimes im good but i have moments like this where im so very bad

That's why you need training. Everyone has bad days and good days, but if you advance yourself, you can have a much more consistent state of mind throughout your life. A consistent state of mind is going to be required anyways for your later years.


well OP its now or never

so many cawfee pictures. damn man. yeah its pretty obvious im still young, i want to be so much better but i dont think i can do that right now

thank you kind user for bumping this thread

i dont want to kill myself or anything, i just get really fucking depressed and feel awful

well its the only way from here you already crossed the final frontier minus-well finish OP nothing else to do

You say that you're going to put it off for another day, but that's obviously not true. Even to you. You're procrastinating. Either you do it right now or you wallow in your dispair for the rest of your life.

You can only fix your life with the effort you put forth to fix it. There is absolutely no one who will come to fix all of your problems. You must be the first person to step forward, or absolutely no one will follow you.

Get up right now, go to the bathroom, and look at yourself in the damn mirror. And don't leave that room unless you give yourself a damn well genuine, loveable smile!

So you want to be a hero?

thank you kind user. you've helped me in ways you can't think of. have a goodnight, maybe we'll cross paths again one day