


Shark is best

Prove me wrong






Why the hell I can't shake my anger off, I don't know.




ill be lurkin




Feral shit's gross.

I'll draw some porn if ppl want.



I like doggos.

We get it, you like people hating you.


Not really. I just like shitposting.

draw a reference sheet for something cute
front and side view in T or A pose



i think you like it to much

Right, what I just said.

That's a little demanding for just sketchy shit. I can, but it'll take me a LONG time.



no, furries. Although, since the two aren't inherently mutually exclusive, I suppose there could be a niggafur in this thread......


Not enough.

No. Apparently people don't like humor. I get that my humor isn't normal, but this has nothing to do with being hated. If you're going to get butthurt then I won't post it when you're around.

Draw a shark please

you don't have to mate, I've just been learning 3d modelling - always looking for good reference sheets



still lurkin'








The things I would do to be in the tub with her

The only thing that's funny about your posts is seeing you try to justify yourself.





im just kidding everyone do and like what they want.

Stop, I can't breathe!


You should try not being a retard. I like you, but my god you are easily offended. You look like a jackass.



When spearfrost human nicole for you, papa bless

calm down kids, no need to fight


There's really not enough bitch porn out there but it's getting a bit more popular.

Usually human women and male animals dominates the bestiality category online




I didn't start it. I'm just shitposting with animals like I like to do. 8bit here is getting his panties in a bunch.



Dash, do you know where I can find a video of lesbian using a strap on a bitch? Or a video fo two bitches sharing a double ended dildo?


Glad you're turning your offense into being an idiot. I like seeing people laugh.

Asking the wrong person, mate.














Any more husky?


Somewhere unsorted I think


more feral pls

this thread needs more birds









postin' sum birb
