The "not my president" argument seems totally bogus...

The "not my president" argument seems totally bogus. Someone please tell me it has some legitimate grounds because I just can't see any.

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>trump supporters save thumbnails

holy fuck you guys are stupid

He lost the popular vote, so there's that argument. The majority of the country didn't actually vote for him.

It is bogus. These people should just leave if they hate it so much here.

just leftists proving they are what they always accuse others of being

same as how that bully who beats on gays ends up being the biggest homo in town when he grows up


where too? other countries have immigration laws

>never once said I supported trump yet you jump to that conclusion
>I seriously googled trump sipping water because I remembered it was a small meme at one point

Holy fuck you are stupid

some people aren't old enough to vote. a lot of these protests are younger students who reject a man they did not have the opportunity to vote for.

>Someone please tell me it has some legitimate grounds
There isn't; the only thing they're accomplishing is highlighting how hypocritical and pathetic they are. Enjoy the tears! Lol

not stupid enough to save thumb nails, cuck

protests aren't pathetic, they are integral to American politics. Ad these protesters aren't crying. They're forcing people like you to talk about them.

The entirety of the presidential election is based on the votes of Electors not the people. Nowhere in the constitution does it mention the country voting for the president. General consensus dictates that the electors all vote off of the popular vote of their individual state, but nothing in the constitution stops that from happening:

The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.

It's simple. A group of self-entitled people claiming to be incredibly intelligent and highly educated have no clue how the US government works and are having a tantrum.

He lost the popular vote.
Voter supression perpetrated by his follows occurred.
Voter ID laws blocked more than 300,000 people from voting legally.
The FBI director used his influence to try to make Hillary look bad right before the election.
Putin ordered hacks on the DNC, in an effort to bias the election.

Gee, I wonder why people don't accept him as their president. And that's not even touching on the racist, sexist, bigotted, hateful things he's said.
Or that he has yet to run a long term successful business.

He will ruin the country, bringing about a second Great Depression.

>0.8% of the country didn't vote for Trump.

Fuck off

>And that's not even touching on the racist, sexist, bigotted, hateful things he's said.

Are you triggered? Lol

It is a pic of trump
Whats the problem?

60,328,203 people voted for trump. This is only 18.9% of the country

BTW as more votes come in the popular vote has gone up to over 1.8 million people in clinton's favor (and there are over 5 million more uncounted votes in california)


Turns out that when both parties get a shitty candidate only the dems are smart enough to not suck party dick

Good job factoring in voter turnout, illegal immigrant votes, deceased votes and general voter fraud.

The way you wrote that out is actually quite cute. It's like you think 100% of citizens vote, regardless of age.

So have they finished counting Alaska and Hawaii? What about muh popular vote there!?

How come you people all hate democracy now that you backed the wrong horse?

This guy right here said it.

it doesn't have any ground. it's finger in ears nah-nah-nah-i-can't-hear-you denial.

you're right, there are 240 million eligible voters in the United States

this puts trumps votes up to only 25.1% of the eligible voters in the united states

are you a fucking idiot?

do you actually think anywhere near 50% of the united states are actually dumb enough to vote for this idiot?

Since he didn't win the popular vote, all you have to do is declare in a loud voice (in public), "DONALD TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!" You then become immune to any laws he passes.

so what? if they don't like how election works in US, it should have been discussed before election, not after

Romney won the pop vote over the mudslime obasabama... gtfo fucktard


no he didnt you idiot


its just like copying and pasting that facebook post about their updated privacy policy. It will save you. Every. Single. Time.

Which is why the protests and petitions are a thing you retard. See:
article II section I

By protesting and petitioning the ACTUAL people who decide the election can decide what is best for this country instead of continuing this stupid false notion of the vote actually mattering

Yeah our founders were really smart :)

The president doesn't make laws. HE enforces them...

what the fuck are you talking about, idiot?
these protesting peaces of shit agreed with the rules, now they lost and say that the rules are wrong

Actually, no - I don't think that. 50% of all eligible voters voting for one candidate is very unlikely.

You have more math to do before you crack the mystery of muh popular vote.

All in all, I think 25.1% of the entire electorate is pretty standard.

Trump's votes are pretty much streamlined with every republican candidate in living memory. Basically; he didn't do spectacularly well, it's just that Shillary did spectacularly BADLY.

She lost the special Olympics of the election world, despite not even being handicapped.

Because Republicans spent the last 8 years saying Obama wasn't their president and was evil and now are telling people to respect Trump regardless of who you voted for.

Remember kids Republicans are unironicly retarded

HE lost the election you idiot faggots! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE RACE WAR
Race War When?

>The "not my president" argument seems totally bogus

It is, but it isn't really an argument. It is about as valid as "Obama is from Kenya".

The goal IMO is to show frustration for new administration, create friction, and hopefully obstruct / delay new administration as much as possible.

I WISH people were protesting for Congress to approve Obama's SCJ candidate. They won't do it, but it is a good thing to argue for ( much more defensible )

We are past logic and reason though - People believe their own realities now, cocooned in their shitty little bubbles.

Who cares what is "right" anymore. It is true if you say it is true.

So sure - Trump isn't our legitimate president. I don't need reasons.

I know right??? Fuck Trumpanzees!!!
He ain't my mothafuckin prez!

That's not an argument, it's a sentiment.

Oh shit, wait....I thought the election happened on November 8th? (I thought he won?)

Didn't Hillary concede to him after he won 270+ delegates?

Someone really ought to tell hillary that he actually lost! I bet she'd be made up!

Yes, but they didn't riot in the streets. They didn't carry around another country's flag while burning their own. They started the Tea Party, held rallies and took back Congress - these kids, faggots and Mexicans out in the streets are going to accomplish a whole lot of nothing.

I'll just leave this here...

>hey look! a liberal distraction from the real topic at hand!
Surprise, surprise! The denial continues!

RWW? mothafuckin racist motherfucker

Not sure if people mean it literally. I mean, obviously he's the president. I think they mean it figuratively. Mainly that his views, opinions, temperament, etc. are not shared by the protesters.

Republics are too fuck old to riot, they just sat around in their motorized jazzys and sent Nigger jokes to eachother.

People aren't really rioting btw - the one in portland got out of hand because lots of people + police = bad news.

PS: Just wait until we start bringing our 2nd amendments with us

Illegal immigrants in the US waving mexican flags and flaunting #not my president... they're right...

their president is Enrique Peña Nieto

Get your entry-level bait out of here, nigger!

election doesnt happen until december 19th retard

We are the future you cuckservative idiot motherfucker

people are too dumb to get this

illegal immigrants dont protest, too much risk of getting deported. They don't even march on Latino Rights day and the big walkout that happened in Az a few years back.

The hell do you think Sup Forums is for you retard?

>Please feed me arguments so I can fit in with the cool Sup Forums shitposters

The alt-right ladies and gentlemen.

That was AL Gore you were thinking of. Democrats always win the popular vote.

>They started the Tea Party, held rallies and took back Congress
hahaha oh fucking god, hows that Tea Party working out for you?

Don't worry - we are organizing too. We just happen to be under 30 years old, so we can still walk places you fat piece of shit, nascar loving, white trash walmart fuck.

*shrug* If you don't feel represented by your government, you have a right to express that.

Not my prez. Fuck that races pos. RWW? He's got a toupee you idiot fucks

>we are organizing too.

That's cuz the poor breed like rats.

Exactly, conservatives just can't stop whining about liberals.

People feel that their voices are not being heard. This occurred back in the primaries when Hillary won, but this time it was for the presidency. The protesters feel the man's morals and ideals so not match their own, and as a result are protesting. This happened years ago at the 1968 Democratic National convention, where protesters felt the candidate was not elected by them despite having legally obtained the nomination, and protested as a result. This is similar, but with a president

Ah. It seems like only 8 years ago when everyone was chanting the exact same jingle. The voters are as much a product as the candidates.

Trump not being your president in 2016 is unamerican.

You're a faggot.

He's not president until 2017 you dumb fuck.

Actually, the election happened on November 8th.

I don't know what it's called but I guess you are referring to the electoral college vote, in the slim hopes that they will just change their minds and face jail time + large fines?

Well I have news for you: nothing will change.

Shillary literally ended the election when she gave her concession phone call.

Doesn't it scare you that a lot of people want to just say "fuck it" to democracy and elect someone else? I mean, come on; I know millennials are stupid, but is communism really that popular with the kids nowadays?

You need to lay off the crack cocaine.

Kanye 2020

no no you are thinking of catholics

So fucking much this.

>Doesn't it scare you that a lot of people want to just say "fuck it" to democracy and elect someone else? I

nope. burn it all.

Still shilling for her, you know she lost, right? Turn on any news channel. Muh .2%. Every state but the faggot coasts voted for Trump. You lost, the media was lies, and you STILL live in your faggot little bubble. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Did you eat lead paint chips or some shit?

We're talking about notmyprez not trump supporters.

We heard for 8 years about how that monkey wasn't their president.

You sure are buttmad about not being able to save images on Sup Forums properly. Are you sure you're qualified to vote?

>myself and other libtards are hypocrites

I knew it anyway, I just wanted you to say it.

shh, niggers can't read.

The "no u" defense, very nice.

Of course it's bogus.

It's all just the faggy extreme left going through the stages of grief.
>Denial - "NotMuhPresident"
>Anger - riots
>Bargaining - "SIGN THIS PETITION!"
>Depression - salt
>Acceptance - those realizing that the left is the reason Trump won in the first place

also checkem

I bet I'm old enough to be your father. I could have fucked your mother, but your dad wanted me to blow a load in his mouth so I declined.

But by reducing them to crybabies, they're effectively silencing them.
They don't have to address spoiled whiners

Nowhere in the constitution does it mention the people voting for a president

the election has ALWAYS been a matter of the electors

Article 2 Section 1

some state laws dictate that electors should follow their state, but the supreme court found that the laws can only be mandated on the electors pledge, not on their vote. When an elector's vote is pledged it is set, even if it goes against their state

There are ghettos where the poor breed like rats but they don't vote.

>Doesn't it scare you that a lot of people want to just say "fuck it" to democracy and elect someone else?
a TRUE 100% democracy, hillary already won you idiot

You are correct sir.

Wow you are truly stupid, shut the fuckup.

Yeah that SICK BURN generalization that every party says about their rival party is irrefutable.

Seems like a direct response to conservatives saying the same exactly thing about obama for 8 years.

Oh so you're one of them?

Fuck off cock breath libtard

the majority of eligible citizens didn't even vote.

it was actually around 52% if I remember correctly, but yeah, people not voting is hilariously stupid

Honestly, no. Your explanations are that of a very unintelligent person with the most basic tenuous grasp on political realities who fancies themselves an intellectual. In no way are any of the things you just mentioned as bare bones and blanketed as you made them out to be and it honestly explains a lot as to how the average voter thinks. Let's just be honest, you don't like trump, and you are gonna try and find any reason to not like him no matter what. You aren't an intellectual. My god I hope you can defend these statements in person far better than you attempted with the written word. Before I hear the "hurrr trumper". Trump can fuck himself, so next go to defense please.

Even my mom can save a picture, mate.

It's not an argument, you tard

It's just a slogan to show how people don't want to be associated with Trump because of their nationality, and don't respect him, despite his new job title as president-elect

If you think it's intended as a literal statement, then the American education system has failed you miserably, much as it's failed all of rural and southern America


if you did your research, he won the popular vote as well, once all votes were tallied

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Right. Well, before your second election, you ought to read-up on what the electoral college is and what it does. It actually has an integral function in the politics of the United States.

Yes. Thank you, that is precisely what I'm saying.
Normally I'd tell you not to hold your breath on the electoral college changing their minds, but in this case; I actually think you should.