So my spanish professor from last semester emailed me a very strange email. Trips decides what to respond

So my spanish professor from last semester emailed me a very strange email. Trips decides what to respond.

seems like a normal email to me, but if he try to grab you by the pussy maybe you should deport him.

a banana!


"Build the wall! Build the Wall!"

It's a Puerto Rican woman.

"WHERE ARE YOU NOW" seems pretty strange though.

hey, Casa Grande. I grew up out there as a kid! Not sure if hes talking about my home town or something else though, because thats all I could make out. lol

You fucking Latino fuck. Are you ready to get deported back to your taco eating 3rd world country? I hope trump fucking kills all you inferior imbeciles. Latinos are worse than niggers and slavs combined. We need another Holocaust for you animals

send a pic of your dick

Re roll




Check em

lol, you don't have nothing to worry about then. a lot of teachers can be that way, it means nothing bro.

O god op pls deliver

Are you DTF?

I actually am

Bump Deliver op

I'll show you guys what she responds if anything

Hola profe
me halaga que se preocupe por mi, y que haya tomado su tiempo para mandarme este mail, más no tiene por que preocuparse, voy a ir a la hora acordada el semestre primaveral
Saludos, Tomas.
>Copy and paste all the above, and if she isn't very good with regionalisms, add the line bellow, don't forget to show up at 12:00 PM talking the shittiest spanish you can.
PS: Mameme la travesura



Holy shit.
You get my respects you absolute madman.

Don't do it OP.
As funny as it would be, your career isn't worth a joke for Sup Forums.

To late

Well, I may as well laugh at it since it has already been done.

bump madman

Just kidding, so when are we going to have sex? Should I bring in the condoms?


Professor's info in pic.

Looking for OP's info atm

Why does Mexican food make my anus bleed?


Meh, what's the point? OPs doing a funny, why dox him

You'd think these fuckers would learn by now. His gmail is directly below where he censored his teacher's name. What a dumbfuck.


Nice try, OP.


we speak english here in america. trump won. you lost. you have to go back.

Because Sup Forums is notorious for folding in and attacking itself when there are no other targets.

Never forget for a moment that user is not your friend, and will eat you in a heartbeat.

Lol dox em I don't care, just saying if we want future keks we shouldn't do this shit.


And yet we screwed him over

His names Thomas Snyder, email is tsynd30


Wow. Great reading comprehension.

censoring names here didn't turn out as expected.

expect to get trolled in real life by /b faggots, OP...

OP literally goes to an academy for degenerates and niggers


What should i say, Sup Forums? i could type it in spanish if you want :^)

It's kinda sad tbh...poor guy

Dude, leave the kid alone. I mean, it might just be a fake/troll post but still don't be a faggot.

Your student Thomas Snyder, has been banned of the website Sup Forums for racist behavior, attacking others and uploading/viewing chlld poenography. We are currently investigating him and any help from you would be appreciated.




Do this one

kek, that's fucked

>uploading/viewing chlld poenography
of young boys, some as young as 2 years old.

Bump and roll

Dear Mr. Daugerdas,

Your student Thomas Snyder, has been posting your personal details along with photos of you and your family on a dangerous website called Sup Forums. Due to this questionable activity, he has been banned of the website. He has also engaged in racist behavior, attacking others and uploading/viewing chlld poenography. We are currently investigating him and any help from you would be appreciated.

Best regards,

James A. Rutherford
Online Crimes Division

kek roll



Thats fucked up, dude.

Sent anyways.

lets just cut the bullshit, lets me up and get jiggy with it :)

>Online Crimes Division

So what are you in for?

Just do it.



go to class you stupid fuck

toasting in ebin bred

Is she not familiar with e-mails or some shit? What class?



What an idiot is OP

>Not having a poenograghy folder

You want him to actually write ch¡ld pœrň? Mods would show up in less than a second

Holy shit this is a school for court adjudicated youth

these are people who have already been through the system

dis nigga is about to go right back in

Ikr? and yet he complains about niggers

When op isn't a faggot and Sup Forums still fucks him over

What a fucking idiot