Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread

The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to minimum
>Eat healthy
>Post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!


Other urls found in this thread:


still here





Obligatory claim.

I'm attention whoring.

See you whenever I shitpost. I've been manipulating people for around 7 months, not like it really matters. Just odd how long this has gone for.

I pretend to be a nice guy on thread but I'm a fuckface.

I also hate all of you.

Give me (You)s.

Gotta go help clean up after the storm. Later.

I miss Hank


You all forgot to claim her first you fucking weirdos.

C.C never found out the whole story, so I hope you two are on good terms now.



New fone, who dis?

Yeah, we are.

I like how a bunch of faceless posters are screaming about circle jerks when this thread's one.

tbh, it's the eyebrows
And some circumstances can't be solved by going out either. A lot of the problems I have can't be solved that way

Miku said somethign about putting it in the root folder, but I already have it there. So I'm at my wits end
>and there wasn't much wit to begin wtih
See my first reply
Everything. Mostly myself

They weren't giving me overtime. I was always at 39 hours...
Ruri bb

What is with all the trash human waifus in this thread?



Hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed
It's cute till she finds out you've been sharing her lewds on /waifu/. Then it's not cute at all, it's scary
I will if you will. You have high quality lewds

I can take a lucky guess.


Obligatory claim.

I never really left.

See you whenever I decide to pose as another claimer. I've been attention whoring for over 10 months now, not like it really mattrs. Just odd how long I've been acting like this for.

I pretend to be someone who I'm not in order to garner attention on the internet. I've done this multiple times. The fact that people still care about me is astonishing.

Autism really goes a long way.

Give me (You)s.

I pretend to be a nice guy on thread but I'm a fuckface.

I also hate all of you.

Give me (You)s.

yo someone wanted me to post this pic but I legit forgot who so here you go
you should anyways :o


How lucky


>2 earth creatures having sex

This thread is so vanilla.

Irish genes can only get me so far.

don't give that desperate hand faggot any (you)s


im back bitches

time to drop some reality on you neckbeards

big forehead :o



Gardo claimo

A silly~
A cute silly~

That's pretty lucky

stupid fucking thing

Oh my gosh, finally someone with any taste!

Finally another non-human waifu!

Legit one?
Still skateboarding and causing trouble?
Hasta luego.
Nah, you shouldn't let that happen, knowing that it can lead to long term troubles. Just keep going, do good.

Thought it was like that, that's how they want it, and they sometimes wonder why they lose employees.
And you do this?....

If you think so then maybe.

trying to fix my stupid trip

need lewds :o

im trump and the animefags are bernie


Well then

Enjoy your (You)s Handcunt
>being this new
Shh, shitposter-sama
"Handkun" is the center of the attention. No one will care about you

Ikr? Screw humans!

Bernie > trump

ill bring down this thread like i did the last one

Not currently, but yes. My knees actually still hurt from the other week

Need to roll trips first

most people in the thread like trump :o


Glub glub

Claiming best CPU

Ryuko isn't human
She's made of alien life fibers
noone cares fam


Glad to hear that you two are.
>I like how a bunch of faceless posters are screaming about circle jerks when this thread's one.
I don't think those should be given any importance, honestly.

Anything you'd like to say to Yuuko, or we're good as it is now?

Heyo, Shinoa.
You need a picture, dork~

Alice a poplar.


yes indeed bernie lives up to his name. he burns better than trump

yeah. i mean besides the other one but its been a bit since we talked


Have a cute

Anne frankly I am not amused by your jokes
But tbh bernie would be a better president

You mean Hand-kun, lol.

Oh no I didn't . I knew you'd recognize, silly~. How are you tonight?

>tells me he doesnt care
>cares enough to respond
make up your mind user! im working on driving up your image limit here!

They thrive on attention, it'd be animal abuse to ignore them.

Not really, glad you two are doing good.

I take what I can get :o
once again you prove my point that I have never liked a single konata lewd
lets go skinny dipping :3


sylveon girl is my waifu
no waifu no laifu

Didn't even guess

sh noone cares bby

LTC Gurren. How are tonight?


I'm Sorry

Of course. As long as smugs doesn't find out Juvia won't find out
Hello smugs


bernie would get cuckolded so hard by the rest of the world, it would be no contest

think we've been getting fucked by other countries other obama? bernie has shown that he'd back down on almost anything

why not the actual pokemon? :o

I'm so very sorry.


Senpai will never bee mine

That's very lewd!


There fuck


its okay i brought you a (smallpox) blanket


o bb


Good taste

No? The fact that he popped up a little after I guessed it makes me think it's true.

I'm my own worst enemy, as they say.

You wouldn't want to pay people more for coming in every single day for weeks on end, would you?
Nah. Ruri a bigger poplar. You even have haters!

Good evening Big Smugger

nothing wrong with swimming :o

but if we did anything in the water...
nice trips
Look at this fucking bird!

Its past 4:30am
jokes on u it doesn't work lol
>calls me a underage faggot cause i like papa franku
>posts franku


Not so well. What about you?
