Thanks for not making it long as fuck

thanks for not making it long as fuck

done fam


That was easy. Good luck, also MAGA.

Good luck user. Just finished it.

done. Why did it ask if we voted for trump tho?



Gotcha fam

Some winners:
How do adds make you feel?
-they make me feel like sucking a juicy dick
-they rustle my jimmies
-Violated and used

Which ads bother you the least?
-Ones which involve cars
Subtle ads that you notice but only when you focus on them. Neutral colors, barely any motion if any.

Do you recognize this brand image? If so what is it?
-oh shit yo thats bleach daddy
-Uncle Lester the Molester.
-I am commie did not vote for trump

also like %20 of Sup Forums apparently identifies as some kind vehicle, primarily helicopters, but also planes and cars


I voted for Donald J. Trump

Why are you so stupid?

Have you even read the form questions cunt?

nice pic op

Gender: Dinosaur
Ethnicity: Tyrannosaurs
How do ads in mobile apps make you feel?
Mi hands 2 tini to reech scrin

Any moar?

Source is Wokada. Normally he does regular, non-futa art, but there are several going with the characters in OP.

That doesn't answer my question. You are still stupid for voting Trump.


I did it

The guy at the end is not my mother



Moar god shit

How do ads make you feel?
-Like the towers on 9/11

What type of ads annoy you the most
-All of the above. Adverts killed my 7 sons and 5 daughters.
-Anything on soundcloud
-Anything with minorities in it

Which type of ads bother you the least?
-Ones with cats I guess
-The invisible, inaudible ones.

Who is this?
-White bill Crosby
-A balding Macho Man Randy Savage
-John Locke
-Grown up Caillou
-no idea Sup Forums



If put in a few responses will you post more futa?

Thread is kill?


One Sup Forumsro to another, you're welcome.


OP post moar god tier ones

bumped op. hope you get good marks

Gender: Polyunsaturated Quadgender Foxkin Apache Helicopter
Ethnicity: Nigger