Please degrade my fiancé

Please degrade my fiancé

The meaner the words, the harder I cum


In b4 cuck

would love her to lick my asshole

she loves anything anal...tongue, fingers, cock....anything

She's engaged to a b-tard


She looks like molly ringwald and 2lbs of catshit had one too many drinks at a christmas mixer and fucked in the bathroom stall.

one that posts her photos on the internet begging to be cucked

Post tits then we'll talk


begin degradation
Blue shoes with that black outfit? What are you thinking?
end degradation

she's cute

There's nothing I can say that's worse than what her genetics have done already.

she's pretty cute and apparently is a great fuck. you're lucky OP

post nudes you asshole


I would love to fuck her ass until it turns red.

She's pretty Opie. Nice catch and enjoy fucking her till she can't walk straight.

Someone do the same with my sisters?

Maybe she should ask Santa for a treadmill. Fat cunt


i would tell her the only reason she's made it anywhere in life is because she's young and cute... which will only last maybe five years more which means she will have nothing in life after that unless she has actual skills and personality


... and then i'd fuck her in the ass while she weeps soft tears

Well, if she's really engaged to you I'd say she's degraded herself enough.

and use her softly wept tears as anal fuck lube

and then remind her that her parents never amounted to anything and that statistically she'll end up exactly like them

I'd fuck the hick out of her. I'll make her not want trump to build that wall. Fucking little white slut. All she's good for is to be ass fucked and pissed on