Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
former basement OP here
>Had gotten opportunity to move in with pap
>Take opportunity
>get job save cash
>Still no license
>Pay parts of bills i use here
>Getting kicked out by end of the month
>scared as fuck

What can i do Sup Forums? i got like $750 saved up, and a car but no license. Im 20 and am scared to be out on my ass, especially when im trying to get back to where i should be as a 20 y/o


Only one thing to do OP
Join the Military.

>Get paid to get in shape.
>Cheap Housing.
>Medical while you are in
>GI Bill.
>Learn that you are stronger than you think, and how to stop giving fucks.

I'm 22.
I have two felonies.
I'm on probation.
I'm a drug addict.
I have no job.

Stop complaining, you bitch.

I think im on that path honestly.
after moving up here and leaving everything i knew, i havent really been depressed, YET i was depressed when i was there...

Im still SAD i suppose, and yeah depression comes in fits, but ive been pretty realistic lately, like yeah we do shit and then we die, fuck it, its life..

I do have aspirations though. I wanna do good, but i done fucked up my first best years,

>been caught growing pot
>been caught underage drunk
>Herion dealer mother
>Slew of other problems

Its not a race dude, everyone has a story, im just asking for some insight or aide with mine.

Use that money to buy a Highland Ox. You can ride it into businesses and take shit. No one wants to fuck with a pussyfag on an Ox.

Start working out and eating right in the morning.
Google how to do push ups the right way, and run until you can't. then walk 5 minutes and run more.

Adjust your schedule to being up at 4 am.

Don't get depressed. You are 20. Shit sucks at 20.

Study up on ASVAB.
Don't Sign a fucking thing until you get what you want, the way you want it.
Don't shave your fucking head beforehand.

Shop around. Air Force has the Easiest Basic, and the best Job opportunities once you get out.

Don't be a retard and go ARMY or Marine Infantry. Yeah you may be a badass, but it fucks up your body.

Ive been considering this, I respect the people that go in willingly and whatnot, but i cant get behind 'Murica!

I know it would be more for me than anything, and that working for the US government is a side thing, but.. i dunno if i can devote years of my life to something i dont really believe in.

My friend is in airforce and is currently KILLING IT, but i get overwhelmed quickly, and wouldnt wanna bitch out. Im not to the point of "Fuck it. ARMY!" yet

>First best years.

Bitch, you are 20. When you are 32 and have done nothing, THEN you have fucked up your best years.

Be the change you want to be. Quit being a Beta bitch, make a plan, embrace the suck, and do it.

Get off the pity bus and Alpha the fuck up!

well youre white, and a male with no kids. So there is no fucking way youll get help from the government.

you can thank the nigs, spicks, rag heads and 400+lb women for that. Hope trump can change that,

Yes i have an understanding that im being a bitch,
Just calling me a bitch isnt helpful though.

Im just saying by 20, alot of people i knew (i grew up in a hick town) already have their own place, families starting, Great jobs. All that bullshit. And here i am, house hopping, trying to maintain a stable living so i can eventually do something better

You sound like my Uncle Mac when he drinks too much

dat reality.

mentioned military..it's a viable option if you are willing to sign your basic human rights away for awhile AND not do anything to stupid that would get you kicked out so you can't receive VA benefits etc.

other than that, see if anyone you know might let you couch surf or rent a room cheap w/no lease for awhile til you get squared away.

right now you are dealing w/the fear of the unknown and it's natural to be scared. you will be ok.

Thanks Sup Forumsro.
Your right. Im just scared.. It'll all work out, thats what i tell myself.

I remember you.

I still want to see your dick.

well i am really fucking drunk, and well old enough to be an uncle, so i guess that's a good assessment,.

I am an Army Vet,
>68W, Combat Medic

Once you get there, there is no bitching out. Everyone breaks, it is how you rebuild that counts. You are building a better you.

99% of Air force Jobs have nothing to do with Combat. Most of the Billets are stateside. My MP buddy spent his entire enlistment 45 minutes from his home town sitting in a hummvee reading the newspaper while babysitting fighter jets on the flight line...

If you can't get on board with the fact that you might load a plane that drops bombs on goat fucking scumbags who rightfully deserve it, than don't even go to the recruiter. You put that shit out of mind. You do your Job. You deal with it later.

I went in to help people. And I did. Not every Veteran is a killer.

If people are 20 and have their own place, they have a foundation and support system to get there that you don't have. Which means you must adapt and overcome.

I am 32 and still a renter. Don't look to other people to use as a marking post for success.

I think you're cute as hell if that helps. Get a job ASAP, swallow your pride and take whatever you can get as long as its steady. You'll be fine.


yeah man np.

I'm a bit older than you and I could be currently dwelling hard AF in my mom's basement..or my dad's for that matter.

I moved out of my hometown when I was in your situation on my own accord to take away the safety net of my family.

I have a room-mate but I own a decent car, have a job w/good benefits, and no one else is breathing down my neck.


I have a job, Might be able to keep it, but its a rather shitty job. Thanks also.

Fuck yeah dude, Proud of ya . Keep your dreams alive though, dont just live to live.. Do some crazy shit when you get the chance, after all the adult shit is moderately taken care of.

Look which cities are hiring and then take a bus to it. Save the rest for a state ID and food when you get there.

Fucking hell op do you make these threads every day or something? Change that T-shirt its all you ever wear

More like once every few weeks, but aight.

Cock or gtfo!

This is the first time I have seen a yank with bed sheets

Stop getting drunk cuz it just makes you feel sorry for yourself.


I dont usually. Smoke weed More than anything.