So let me see if I understand the alt-right yet. You

So let me see if I understand the alt-right yet. You

>hate niggers, wetbacks, and muslims
>love trump
>dislike establishment repubs
>are ok with weed a/o other drugs for recreational use
>usually non-religious, or don't really identify with a major religion
>hitler was an alt right guy
>but he was wrong about the jews. Jews are ok
>ok with the LGBTQ community

that pretty much sum up the differences from the right and the alt right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wrong. Alt right hates the Jews you fucking goyim

why worry about jews when we have a muslim epidemic?

>hate niggers, wetbacks and muslims
hate is a strong word, its more like want them to live in their respective nations and leave us whites to our lands.
>jews are ok
lol no

I get that in Europe but america is about as white as south africa

90s we were nice to people to rebel against our racist grampa. Now kids rebel against us by being dicks again. Their kids will be hippies and the cycle with continue.

Why is the jidf on Sup Forums

Now you know the truth. Tell everyone you can, especially those you care about. There wouldn't be a Muslim problem were it not for those filthy rat bastard kikes

I don't know what an alt-right is but I hate everyone. I especially hate whiny liberal assholes. I don't give a shit if you're gay but as soon as you feel the need to tell me about it I hate you. I don't give a shit about weed unless I smell it or can tell you're high, then I hate you. I don't give a shit if you're religious until you fucking tell me about it and then I fucking hate you. To sum it up, fuck off and keep your grubby mitts out of my wallet.

This article summarizes what the Alt right is.

Dude. Run for president. You got my

Alt-Right is usually religious, or at least the primary core members. The accepted religions are ethnic paganism and Christianity.

Jews are a serious no-no.

The main message of the Alt-Right is race realism and ethnic nationalism. Whether you're libertarian, fascist, etc., if you're a white nationalist we like you.

Oh. But no commies allowed.

Here's who I hate
>nigs all kinds - sand curry prairie reg
>women's rights cunts
>poor whites that are lazy as fuck that don't do shit
>muh heritage rednecks
Not sure if that makes me alt anything

There's no backing for my "fuck off" platform.

The alt right is just a term coined by democrats to start a flame war. It worked.

>our lands

we hate the LGBT community more then we hate niggers. We hate Jews more then we hate LGBT. and we really hate niggers!

Hitler wasn't an alt right guy but we love Hitler. We all have different religious backgrounds but as long as your not a Jew or Muslim your cool.

What the hell is with all these Tumbler fags coming to Sup Forums? Not even going to the Sup Forums thread that would "love" to hate them. is Sup Forums all they an relate to since Sup Forums is filled with fags?

>what is right of conquest
>who built every single institution we use today
>because we were here first that means we claim undisputed ownership

Nah fuck off, Celts in France, Phoenicians in Africa, Copts in Egypt, Greeks in Turkey, Aryans in India, etc...

Shit changes. Deal with it.

ours now innit, sorry Pocahontas.

fuck off, native sympathizing cuck

I also hate vegans and wish genocide on them, plus all the aforementioned shit. Anyone else for killing vegans?

we hate jews to or at lest most of us do

Am alto-right
No jew
Meme yes

OP's gif applies to your fat ass. I can picture you now... in your mom's basement. fat. eating the tendies she just brought down to you.

freaking out when someone disagrees with you. getting hammered and keeping your parents up, when you go on your stormfront site and start screaming racial epithets.

welfare. no formal education. sexually attracted to traps. and about 40yo.

>hate aliens. stay put. if you shat where you ate you can die there too.

>who doesn't love our new god-emperor.

>dislike establishment repubs b/c muh jesus

>drugs are fine don't give them to normies

>nihilist. the end is set in stone but the ride is forever.

>hitler was an austrian.

>jews are genital mutilators.

>homosex (mm/ff) and other sexual disorders(mmf/m+pony/etc) are fine, but cross-dressers and "hurr durr muh genderfluid" are serious mental illness.
Should I have voted for trump?

Have some respect you disgusting pig. Jews won this for Trump. Not the likes of you, slimeball. We worked our asses off for Trump. You'll learn to love us.

So... niggers have right of conquest a lot of USA territory.

for real FAGOT?
hitler did nothing wrong
& kikes never NEVER are ok

or maybe u are just a nigga who beliebe u're white or just trolling

You don't understand what right of conquest is.

One state subjugating another state through force. That is conquest.

Trump's retards have upped their attacks on muslims, blacks, gays and Hispanics.

it may be time to take the protests to their literal front yards.

I am the alt right King. Ask me any questions.

we did more work for Trump than any other socioeconomic group. heck his entire campaign team was made up 97% Jews. except for that fat, fag-loving cokehead bannon.

Trump isn't alt-right.

Why are there so many homosexuals in the alt-right movement (peter thiel/milo etc.)?
Are you a pro-gay movement??

Not him.

Milo isn't alt-right, Thiel isn't alt-right, Trump isn't alt-right. Refer to

uhhhh yeah he is. Just made Steve Bannon his chief advisor. Trump himself IS the alt-right. people who claim to be alt-right are usually neocon GOP shills.

Milo, Peter and Trump are all religious Christians. Very... religious Christians. Are you implying that they're jews?

The alt-right is primarily concerned with racialism and ethnic nationalism.

Fags like Milo and Vox Day co-opted the movement to make it more palatable to the media and make money for themselves. They don't represent the alt-right.

I'm saying the alt-right is about RACE. None of them are racialists.

So go to Europe. This is a first Nation. Half belonged to Mexican Indians the other half the plains Indians.

>They don't represent the alt-right
Yes they do, you are just in denial.

/r/altright since you seem to be the one in denial.

People hijacked it for personal gain, they don't represent the original movement.

Average white guy, 23. On track for a decent job. Have a good looking gf. Enough friends, mostly white, some Indians and Asians. Don't know any gays or blacks personally. Don't actively hate any particular group even nigs or Muslims. Sorry nazis.


Homosexuals have been around since ancient greece, to deny their contributions to Western society is folly. You can appreciate and understand homosexuals but also draw a line at feminist gays that are at war with the family unit.

There is a serious discussion to be had about the subject, we are still divided. But unanimously we are against MEN being hairdressing pets to SJW's.

Hush child, let me speak. Get your own you's.

I responded because I knew you'd start this shit lol.


Not "Western Civilization", race.

even the same kikes hate other jews

It sounds like you give a huge shit

you are sjw's though.

how do you not know that. you whine more than any fag, nig, tranny or feminazi sjw. and you're more cringy.

Just wait until they all see that Trump is only slightly different than Obama or Bush.

---Makes the former RNC head who he hates, his Chief of Staff.
---"anti-gay but...see pic
---already removed the Muslim ban thing from his webpage
---says he will consider keeping some portions of Obamacare.

suck it.

what the fuck is a racialist? stormfront's retarded way of saying 'dumb, inbred white racist from the south'?

Trump is an atheist.
Milo uses his catholicism as a prop.
Thiel said in a 2014 interview, that he"think[s] that faith and technological progress are related, or can be related, but they are not substitutes."
Does that really sound "very religious"?

Acknowledging the differences, physically and mentally, between races.

well trump's just reneged on:

and he's appointing:
peter thiel
sarah palin
sean Hannity
newt gingritch
rudy Giuliani
ben carson.

so far, the alt-right's been cucked and bitched. BIGTIME. unless they really are just GOP establishment shills (which they are).




Yawn, watch the 60 minutes interview, he reneged on nothing.



You sound confused. Have a bad encounter with one of us?

Someone that is aware of race and its importance but is not prone to burning crosses in yards.






>Half belong to Mexican Indians
Kek bait harder

I think most people in America have had very bad experiences with most of you at rallies, in public, on Sup Forums, twitter, reddit, facebook etc.

if you're truly this measured - you should take stock of the shitposting retards who've decimated your name and your cause. and you should destroy them.





this guy's like 5'2", an admitted pedophile - and lives in Thailand where he encourages race-mixing, and then talks about "how weak whites are, and how they've failed and deserve to be extinct". is that the alt-right? a bunch of midget pederasts? you should green light that little diddler.

















People coming to our rallies starting shit and your surprised they aren't greeted with meekness?

And is a little trolling which, honestly for the most part is mainly civil and pointing out illogical fallacies of people.

Whats so bad about freely speaking online? Do you think leftists are capable of having civil discussions in public? They scream, they hit, and they frame you as aggressor.

Leftists usually resort to screaming racist and egging on the nearest minority to attack you. I've seen it way too much. Until leftists start caring about keeping the civil code in discorse, they will be teased in safety.

And no, that doesn't make us cowardly bullies. It makes us practical.







Have you ever even been sober enough to appreciate Andrew Jackson?



fight trump and his holocaust. stand up to bullies, racism and alt-right terrorism.