Whatever you Atheists come up with as an argument against the existence of God, you have to use either language, logic...

Whatever you Atheists come up with as an argument against the existence of God, you have to use either language, logic, math, or reason.

Sadly for you, GOD actually created language, logic, math, and reason...the moment you use any of these, you implicitly recognize the existence of God. Yet without logic and reason, you have no argument!

Checkmate Atheists!

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OP. You've been making the same exact shitty thread for months now. I'm sorry you have a god complex. You're not the only one.

Every living thing is God by the way, so you don't believe in your own existence.

God can’t exist because of Eric The God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is God-Eating by definition, he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, He automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten. Unless you can prove that Eric doesn’t exist, God doesn’t exist. Even if you can prove that Eric doesn’t exist, that same proof will also be applicable to God. There are only two possibilities: either you can prove that Eric doesn’t exist or you can’t. In both cases it logically follows that God doesn’t exist.

>>Game over religi-fag.

you didn't actually refute my argument


dslkajfiiwodjslkfjdsk jtoeankata t aath.
Check Mate Christ Fag.

YO you can't just construct an argument that declares victory before arguing anything bro! God and ONLY God created logic and reasoning, so the moment you use either, you recognize that God exists. It's Ipso Facto.

God made man and man made God. Check and mate

this is circular argument


According to religious beliefs God made man, but only man could come up with something like this. No other creature believes in a God. They might think we are Gods, but doesn't that imply that we only think there is a higher power because we are on top of the foodchain?


"In computing, a fork bomb is a denial-of-service attack wherein a process continually replicates itself to deplete available system resources, slowing down or crashing the system due to resource starvation."


Except you are using language and reason, both of which God invented. So any argument you make using language and reason automatically affirm the existence of GOD almighty.

I am God. We are God. There is no God. I know this because I REAAALLY like mushrooms.


So... dog made nam and nam made dog?





Everything was fine before the mushroom war.





Christians are already familiar with the Moses/Jesus typology of the book of Matt, Google "Jesus the new Moses" for more on that. What Christians don't realize is that where the Moses/Jesus typology ends, and the beginning of Jesus' ministry, the Jesus/Titus typology begins. Every single event in Jesus' ministry is a darkly comic version of events described in "wars." A SEQUENCE of more than 2 dozen parallels between the two works.

A few examples in sequence:
Jesus, at the shores of the sea of Galilee, calls men to follow him and become "fishers/catchers of men."

Titus, at the shores of the sea of Galilee, defeats rebels led by a Jesus, calls his men to follow him and spear/catch defeated rebels still floating in the lake, thus turning his men into literal fishers/catchers of men.

Jesus travels to Gadara and encounters a legion of demons who possess a man. Jesus commands the demons into a heard of swine who rush down a steep hill and drown in the Jordan.

Titus' army travels to Gadara and encounters a legion of rebels (Josephus refers to their leader as a demon who infected his men.) With expert command of foot and horse the rebels are forced down a steep hill where they tumble into the Jordan and drown.

Jesus, son of a Mary, in Jerusalem, at passover, tells his followers to eat his flesh and drink his blood. A human passover lamb.

A starving mother named Mary, in Jerusalem, at passover, slays her son, roasts and eats half of him. A human passover lamb

Outside Jerusalem Jesus and two others are crucified. Joseph of Arimathea asks Pilate and is granted permission to let Jesus' body down from the cross. Jesus survives.

Outside Jerusalem Josephus bar Mathias (notice similarity in names) sees three of his former friends on crosses, with tears in his eyes goes to Titus who orders they be let down. One of them survives.

This typology on its own is more than enough evidence to say without any doubt Jesus was created by the Flavians, but there's a lot more. There are a number of literary puzzles that offer more proof (the puzzle of the empty tomb, the puzzle of Decius Mundus, etc...) There is also another sequence of parallels between Paul's letters and Tacitus' "annals."

Also the influence the Flavians had in the early church. The first non-fictional pope was a Flavian. The first Christian catacombs were financed by a Flavian (sister or niece of Domitian, Domitilla,) who incidentally is also a saint.

There is also the absolute lack of any evidence of Christians anywhere in the empire prior to 70AD, no inscriptions, no art, no grave markings, no carved symbols, no writings, no comments by any historians, no churches, absolutely nothing. At the end of the Flavian dynasty, 25 years later, we find all of those, in every single province of the empire. Only one group had the ability to do that. Only one group wouldn't have been killed for trying to do that. That group was the Flavians and their allies.




Op, if god does exist then explain why he would even bother to acknowledge us. Why would an almighty being such as himself be interested in the lives of ants?

Why would god allow Adam and eve to eat the apple if it would create sin? Isn't sin against god? Why would god, our father who loves us all, allow them to create suffering? Would he not want his children to experience nothing but joy?

The nature of death is not fully concievable within the limitations of our perception in life.

Where you were before life was not determined by your beliefs in life, nor will be your destiny after death.

Religion doesn't change what happens. It happens to all of us, though. Know that you came from the same place as every human being on Earth and you'll go to the same place after Death embraces you.




This is so fucking stupid in so many levels, my brain hurts a little, but I'll bite anyway.

I don't think there is a plausible response for this, there could be a God, or maybe there isn't, who the fuck knows? There's nothing wrong in believing or not. Each person focuses their own reason and intellect in different things. Therefore, it is only natural that we believe in different things. It's not that there's people who is wrong and people who is right, it's just different approaches, different ideas, diffefent ways to see the world. I used to be catholic, so I have some perception of what it means to believe blindly in a all powerful entity that created everything.

In a sense, it results easy for man to say that someone or something created everything that is, and that something or someone just is, and that's it. I mean I can see some people disliking the idea of a reality that was born from nothing, spontaneously coming to be as it is, while having an architect of sorts is more comforting. But now then how to prove the existence of this architect? And don't you dare say to me "You're reasoning and god created reasoning so you're wrong XDXDXDXD". Nullius in verba faggot. I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am. The only two things I cannot doubt about are my existence, for from it comes the doubt, and the doubt itself.

TL;DR: there is no right or wrong anwer for this, anyones thinks whatever the fuck they want.

And OP is a cum guzzling faggot.


My apologies for my english by the way, not my native tongue.




Prove it.


Just to shield myself from bullshit arguments, don't come to me saying "you're using language and go created language" or "you believe in your existence and god created you so you believe in od XDXDXDXDXDXD". That's horseshit and you know it.

Come on, at least make an effort for a discussion.

The Earth is 6000 years old



Of course there's a plausible response. Challenge the premise. Since when did a god create any of that shit. Wait a second... Since when is there a god?


Seriously nigga? How would you explain that?

It's not the worst English I have ever heard. There is no need to apologise for trying to speak a language that you are not entirely familiar with.

Fallacy of petitio principii, "begging the question". You're asserting the following to be true: 1) god exists 2) god created everything, 3) using any of the mental constructs you mentioned that exist as a subset of #2, someone proves #1. "Checkmate"? Pathetic. Nice cyclical logic fail, faggot.





I think Op might of bailed on us like a little faggot. His priest was probably calling him to have another "confession" behind closed doors.


Thanks man, really appreciate it.
Just giving the benefit of the doubt user. I'm just a man in a sea of people, not smarter than any of them, or at least most of them

We agree that there is a lot of things we don't understand yet about nature and reality, like dark matter or energy, just to give an example. What if god or at least its concept is something we don't fully understand yet? It has happened before, things we thought impossible and we can do now.

And don't mean to say I believe in god, but I again, i like the benefit of the doubt better for these matters.




God created none of those...

Prove me wrong, fag!


I've seen this fucking thread for +5 years.
Will this maymay ever die?

Doesn't matter what you or I 'believe'. He asserted nonsense as fact in his argument and you overlooked it. And that's fine, but there's no need for politeness or agnostic acknowledgements.
He's being a fallacious newfag, my man. Get with the program.


Then the earth must have grown out of these trees, because they are 13000 years old.


No problem. I appreciate people who have taken the time to learn multiple languages. I think that it might help bring the world together a little more if everyone could understand each other.


I know, I understand that completely, just trying to get something entertaining to talk about out of bullshit, just for once in the years I've been in this shithole.

Am I asking for too much here?


