Is anyone else dumbfounded that no one has shot this asshole yet?

Is anyone else dumbfounded that no one has shot this asshole yet?

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Anyone else dumbfounded that this faggot hasn't chocked on a feminine penis?

Keep hope alive!

Not with pence a stone's throw from the seat.

No, because all the gun-toting violent rednecks are _for_ him

No. Because the dipshit people who are wanting the assassination don't want to deal Pence.

Nope. Shooters are all probably still in the planning phase. If he gets shot this early, it is someone willing to die to make it happen. Here is a note to all shooters. A high-powered shotgun slug will go through the body-armored Secret Service agent taking th bullet for Trump while still making a big hole in Trump.

If someone killed him they'd be a hero to many. Then again, conservatards would probably convince themselves he was a martyr and would have solved all America's problems and made them all rich had he lived, and that might be even worse.

If you're dumb enough to believe the "hes racist" propaganda, then you're probably too stupid to be able to afford, buy, load, or shoot a gun.

If someone shoots the guy dead, Pence is the next in line. And after that, 2394234 other people before Hillary.

That's a load of shit if I ever heard any. Niggers get hold of guns and shoot each other with them all the time.

unlike trump, clinton actually has ties with the KKK. she did not disavow.



His 60 minute piece actually surprised me. He came across as thoughtful, complimentary of the Clintons and focused on issues over vendetta.

I'm surprised how angry people are that a criminal lost. Must be thousands of retarded college kids that are probably enrolled in gender studies classes.

Dumbasses. They believe everything they hear.

HEY I have a great idea - Stop being so retarded and gullible and maybe you'll stop being so pissed off???

The last thing the media wanted anyone to do was listen to what he was actually saying. Now they have no choice and you get to see the truth.

why would anyone shoot him? he's a good guy.

So you want Pence to be president? God you motherfuckers are stupid. Like i am actually flabberghasted at how unrepentantly retarded you cocksuckers are. 2016. The year libs bitch about lower taxes, more jobs, and no war.

Op, the only thing worse than Trump is Pence.

But why? It's not like his policies are that crazy, I mean look it hasn't been a week:

1) Not repealing all of Obamacare, just overhauling it.
2) Pulling out of Syria
3) He's "fine" with gay marriage
4) Deportation policy exactly the same as Obama's
5) TPP is dead

and I'm forgetting a couple of other liberal things.

Low quality bait

I think trump make america great again

He's also against importing people from violent hell holes just to put them on welfare forever.

Me too. All these morons pretending they know something about Trump while making it extremely clear they never paid attention to anything political make me sick.

not long ago they where Occupying Wall Street and now they are mad that the Wall Street candidate lost.. shows how dumb they are.

>the "hes racist" propaganda
>unlike trump, clinton actually has ties with the KKK.



OP here. Just to clarify, this is not about Trump himself or about what happens if he actually does die. This is about how there are so many people pissed off at him winning, and for that matter how pissed off everyone has been during the whole campaign. Is no one else surprised that someone hasn't made a significant attempt to take matters into their own hands? Honestly, I'm surprised no one tried to kill both him and Clinton.

For the record, while I'm not happy that he won, I have no love for Clinton either. Really, there wasn't anyone in this election that I actually wanted to see win. As far as I see it, we're all fucked either way.

They wanted their ringer in. It was already decided before he fucked it all up. They're throwing tantrums like a bunch of spoiled children.

He's replacing obamacare.

We're going to make friends with Russia, which is long overdue, bomb the shit out ISIS until it dies, and go home in victory. We never cared who runs Syria. That was obama and hillary's bullshit crusade.

Gay marriage and all that are state issues. He doesn't think the feds should be involved and he's not going to get into it at all. Doesn't stop them from being in a panic over it, lovely people that they are (pic related).

His deportation policy is much different though. Obama said shit and did the opposite while the media just didn't cover it. Heck we just signed a deal to take 1800 "refugees" off the island Australia keeps it's illegals on. Won't hear about that on CNN.

suck it up, snowflake


Godspeed Trump, crusher of liberal souls

Of course they haven't.
People that know how to use guns like him.
A) liberals too faggy to hold a gun
B) niggers too dumb to aim a gun
C) women too busy making sandwhiches to buy a gun.
Also kill yourself, fascist.

