I need some god tier movies

I need some god tier movies.

Iron Man3


Awe....he's retarded

Honestly wouldn't you rather rewatch 12 monkeys for the 8th time than watch something new that may or may not be good?

& a

The Room.

Watched point break for the first time the other night (the original)
That shit was awesome.

Obviously fight club

u scared now?

beneath hill 60... if you are into WW1 movies

Fateful findings.

The man who would be king.

Nuff said

Just watched Whiplash 30 minutes ago. I don't know if it's god tier, but it was pretty damn good. J.K. Simmons has some god tier insults in the movie, though. Worth watching it just for him.

American Beauty
No Country for Old Men
The Matrix (original)

Enter the void
if you into epilepsi

Rambo 3

The Master
Three Colors: White
Inside Llewyn Davis
Grand Budapest Hotel
The Puffy Chair
Crystal fairy and the magic cactus
Chuck & Buck
The one i love

Green street hooligans
Pulp Fiction
Ingolrious bastards
Fight club
No country for old men
Gran torino
Good fellas
The basketball diaries

Go for memento


Troll 2, obviously

"Hobo with a shotgun"'s a banger

Legends of The Fall

If you're into good movie, then trust me. This one lives up every bit to it's hype. Disney and JJ Abrams know how to put a masterpiece together.

Throw out everything you know or heard of about Star Wars and watch this. It's worth watching again and again. Can't wait till Rogue One comes out, I know Disney and Abrams are a winning combination.


Oh and Last of The Mohicans


This may or may not be a bait post but I actually I agree. The Force Awakens is the reason I'm now a Star Wars fan.

seconding this


Police academy 5: assignment miami beach

I'm glad you agree. I've grown up with Disney films since I was a kid and so will my kids. Seems like things are looking up again and it's a feel good movie.

12 monkeys destroyed my mind
Also recommend one flew over the cuckoo's nest

Not God tier, but some of the latest movies you should see...
>Ex Machina
>These Final Hours (Australian, not US version)
>We Need to Talk About Kevin

And, of course
>Rise of the Black bat
>Grant Auto Theft LA
>Mongolian Death Worm

Man on Wire
Riding Giants
Heavy Metal in Baghdad
Fog of War
American Hardcore
American Movie


Starred Up
There was this movie about an altrernative rock band where the guy hangs out with huge head mask all the time, I forgot the name of the movie tho.

That first one is dope tho


Children of men
The Great Dictator

>ten seconds of binging

The Sasquatch Gang

Tremors. Fuck you.



Old boy

The true, OG Harry Potter film

Dr strangelove
ichi the killer
the audition

Everybody loves tremors

requiem for a dream
the big lebowskii
soylent green
history of the world

NoƩ did one good film. And it's not this one (Enter the Void is mere eye candy, at best).

Rather watch "I stand alone" (and its medium-length prequel "Carne", or whatever is the international title).

This film only has one flaw: it is the very best movie of all times. Once you see it, you won't ever be seeing anything better.



Harold and Kumar go to white castle

This guy gets it.

the omega man
john dies at the end
2001 space odyssey
the last dragon

>super hero cancer

no thanks

Right at your door
Legend of 1900
Second on ex machina (really good mindfuck)
Life is beautiful
Requiem for a dream
Whip it was good too

The Master is terrible
I liked grand budapest but then i realized that all of wes anderson movies have some kind of cuckolding in them.

dark city


>2001 space odyssey
Anyone actually like this? Or do people say they admire it so they can feel cultured about film?

I never got why 2001 is considered so great.
I really like sci-fi movies in general, but 2001 just felt kinda meh.
I mean, I can understand that it's pretty fucking amazing for what year it was made in, but I watched it a few years ago and I wouldn't call it god tier.

The Right Stuff


a seriously "what the fuck am I watching" movie.

I still have no idea what its about

what movies do you like

A very overhyped movie imo, nothing special. The plot is just damn thin. J.K. Simmons is awesome in it though.

It's about David Lynch's fatherhood anxieties.

Kys asap fagitz

Children of Men is the best I've seen in a while

pretentious dog shit

Overwatch Hollywood final point respawn

fuckin' jump them seats and stop them!

then whats with the lady in the radiator?

10/10 excellent film.

you haven't seen much then

lol, sorry your IQ couldn't handle it kid

I guess you've got shit taste then.


>you know Frank Sidebottom was a real musician

you'd be better off sitting down and reading Y: The Last Man.

waaay better. also doesnt bullshit its way out of an ending.

>gran torino
>good fellas
>the basketball diaries
>green street hooligans

no country for old men was crap.

you are a dirty bastard


It makes illusions to high art and culture. Doesn't mean it's anything more than a empty cliche post-Apocalypse story.

There is nothing culturing about this film. It's just very chill and well thought out as far as where we should of been with technology at that time period. It's sad to see how far behind we are. Also the most accurate of sci-fi films.
God speed Arthur c Clarke

This... This so much. I wish they continued the series

Trying to put on a joyful facade while quashing and ruining a life he's repulsed by. Like an extension of his guilt.

It's because of the cinematography, the screenplay and the pretentious final. Kubrick probably was like "Don't know how to finish this shit, i'm going to put some earth scenearios with changed colors and an coffin and then an fetus, they will think that i'm a genious"

The graphics don't look like complete shit, it has interesting thing to say about humanity, its fun.

What more do you want?

Half Life 2: The movie

the polar opposite of fight club.

consider that edward norton and jimmy stewart are both nutjobs and invent imaginary friends to combat the stresses of the world. but they arrive at completely different places with it.

jimmy stewart is the nicest dude in the world while norton's completely unhinged firing a gun at his imaginary friend "NEAR 400 GALLONS OF NITRO GLYCERINE!!"

hahahaha that genuinely made me laugh. You're pathetic. Granted the writer must have been intelligent to write it, but that doesn't mean it's an intelligent film.
It's a disaster in everything that a film should be too. Terrible acting. No direction. Flat meaningless story despite the initial idea

how is Goodfellas shit? objectively it's a masterpiece of direction

It has some pretty amazing shots and the plot is quite original. Lots of turns that you wouldn't expect. I think it was pretty far from a basic cliche filled post-apocalyptic movie.

I highly recommend Night of the Hunter. It's my favourite movie, and it's on the top-10 best movies of all time list of most critics. When it was released, no one knew what the hell to make of it because it was 40 years ahead of its time. No one had ever seen anything like it. It invented a lot of tropes and techniques used in modern cinema.

If you've ever wondered where the "LOVE" and "HATE" tattoos on the knuckles originated, it was Night of the Hunter.

Embrace of the Serpent


Ghostbusters, Thunderball, A New Hope and American Psycho.

the last dragon was so bad its fucking amazing.