Is 7 inches too long for a girl to handle? Answer honestly please...

Is 7 inches too long for a girl to handle? Answer honestly please. Iv been making my dick bigger and i'm wondering if i should stop now or keep going.

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you're a faggot

>I've been making my dick bigger

I'd be more worried about girth

ha wat?


i have been fag, i'm doing bothj

first tell me if 7 inches is to big for a girl and then i'll tell you

Keep going and we'll get to see your dick everyday at the top of the page here on Sup Forums
>pic related

Also, FUCK YOU Chink Moot!
Your ads suck donkey sized dick.

It's not. They love it. Just make sure you get them wet and horny enough first.

Now tell me what you are doing to your dick user.

Underrated post

A vagina is made to expand to pass a baby, it can take your 5 inch dick that you're pretending is 7 inches
however the aim should be girth not lenth, a pencil 7 or 8 will be shit compared to a thick 5

As for the too big argument, you've just gotta do more foreplay when you're bigger, either thickness or length. If she says its too big its cause you didn't spend enough time making her hot enough to take it all.

Just tell us.
There are no girls on the internet. You know that.
In my personal experience (I have a 7.5" cock), some girls do experience discomfort when I shove all the way deep into them, and some don't. Many like big dicks, a few do not.

Now tell us. Are you taking some pill or something advertised on Sup Forums ?

And so you faggots know girth increases length, i had a pencil dick but now the girth is 5.2, also i'm fucking about to cry because i had a 2 night stands and both girls said it hurt her and she kept telling me to go slow, i'm fucking scared my future wife is going to hate having sex with me and i'm not going to be able to enjoy missionary and being ontop of her.

I'm fucking actually crying its making me fucking sad holy shit

Whatever op is doing isn't safe and doesn't work

Quit your whining, quit playing with your dick and start playing with some pussay! You gotta play with it for awhile, maybe get down there and kiss it good.

As for this Pegym shit, you're saying it actually noticeably increases your dick size? Or do you just work for them and you're here shilling?

firstly there are very few ways to increase penis length that don't require expensive and stupid surgery, However increasing girth is much simpler it will just sacrafice length. (Ie the point I'm making you can't increase both effectively without hundreds of thousands of dollars)

As for the hurting her, read the comments dumb shit. If you don't spend long enough on foreplay it will hurt. She's not wet enough and her vaginal wall hasn't expanded. just like if I rammed my dick up your ass without putting some lube up there and playing with the ring first you'd complain about the size.
If you seriously think no girl can take your cock cause it's 5.2 inches then you're an idiot
I'm bigger than that and very few women have had a real issue.
Eat her to completion atleast once then fuck the shit out of her. she'll take you to the hilt and love it

i tried getting my dick hard but i cant since i just jerked off, maybe if you wait i'll be able to. This an old ass pic i took and but its bigger and thicker now (7.2 inches and 5.1 girth). I'm not fucking joking, i really am depressed as fuck that the results might not go away becasue 2 girls said it hurt and i'm fucking crying about it, i wish my dick was shorter fuck man

and pic related is a half boner fyi

there is a real way to get your dick to grow up to 3 inches just ask me if you are interested in learning how

my dick is 7.2 inches dumb fuck, its NOT 5.2 INCHES! It was hitting her!

i dont give a fuck what you said, but you literally just posted my OC wtf.

How much length does one have to sacrifice to increase girth?
And are those silly exercises really the way to do it?

op here, how do i sacrifice length for girth please

I already know how.
All you gotta do is suck on it, user!
It'll grow... It'll grow...

it works trust me

pic related

you said 5.2 in girth dumbshit that's what I was commenting on, do you even read what you post? and thats great I'm 7.6 so again, bigger than you and not had any significant problems except with quickies because I spend enough time on getting my woman into the mood before trying to ram my dick as deep as I can in her.
A vagina doesn't start that deep, it expands, thats literally its job. Even a small dick can hit the cervix if she's not aroused at all.

I'm not OP, those exercises might get you half an inch, but you'll likely damage tissue, cause erectile disfunction and you can gain an inch or more just by losing weight and putting on muscle. (you're only gonna reach your full length when you're painfully hard and that length fluctuates depending on weight, muscle controling blood flow etc)

or you can use surgical scarring which floods the tissue and breaks it causing it to be permenantly thicker but slightly shorter. it will not longer get erect or flacid quite like it used to however.

This is interesting, I think its something more and more guys are doing. I used a traction device, a cheap one I got off ebay and have gained about half an inch in length from it so far. I bought it because i read loads of studies on pubmed and it seemed to work for people. I wear it for about 3-4 hours a day. 7 days a week.

Thank you, user.
I haven't had any complaints ever, so I will continue to accept myself as I am.

this is my fag.

Not even 100% hard and the ruler fucked up because i moved it and my boxers. Its 7.2 inches.

k my bad i misread, im going to stop now and just let my dick stay like this, im hopping i lose length but still i'm perfectly content with my size and i'm glad ti know you haven't had problems because i was getting fucking scared for a second.

I would be more scared of getting my dick near that filthy table, OP!