ITT: How the fuck do you convince someone not to kill themselves?

ITT: How the fuck do you convince someone not to kill themselves?

>what to do when they say "you don't understand"
>when they refuse to call a hotline
>when they refuse everything
>what to do when it's your closest friend or dearest friend

I have a friend who is really on the edge of suicide so help a Sup Forumsro out.

S/he is probably a poser. If one is really about to do this, you wouldn't be warned.

Okay then!

Listen up buddiboi.
When they say "you don't understand", it's the truth. Pretending like you do will antagonize them further.
When they refuse to call a hotline, you call the hotline. They'll know what the fuck to do.
Depending on where you live - in the worst case, compulsory hospitalisation is an option.

You can't change human nature.

Yeah we can mate

Make it known that you know you don't understand. Make it known how much they actually mean, with both actions and words. Give them reasons (tangible reasons, don't list them) not to. This is pretty much all you can do, and I will say that Ultimately, if they want it bad enough, it will happen, and that's something you have to accept.

what's the difference between closest friend and dearest friend? I confusion

I just mean the same thing in different wording mate

I know the feeling user, feeling so fucking helpless, told my friend how much he means to me and what it would do to me if he were to give up. Assured him things will get better with time, find the causes of these thoughts, things you can change, work on changing, things that will change in time, be patient, the solution will be there when the time comes, don't dwell on the things that cannot be changed, all you can do is your best but I will be with him 100% of the way

offer to suck their dick

say "just do it faggot" and hope they won't do it

Stayed on the phone for an hour with my bro trying desperately to find the right words to say, when it came time I had to end the call, I poured my heart out via text and was finally able to put my feelings into words, try writing down what you want to say, it definitely helped me

It's had to empathize unless you've been there before and since most people help others by finding common ground this puts you in a rough spot.

A lot of people say it can help to just be there. Not to try and fix their problem, but just to listen. Let your friend know you're there. Don't make them feel like you're going to try and do anything. Just make sure they know you, at the very least care about them.

>be me
>have a homophobic friend
>said friend says he's gonna kill himself
>I tell him, "don't kill yourself, only fags kill themselves"
>"oh shit m8 I'm not a faggot"
>dude has an epiphany
>doesn't kill himself

Why would you stop him? It's his choice. I don't undestand why so many people want to die painfull death when you can end all quickly.

Give him a gun and some plastic foil or garnbage bags. Tell him to do it quick an quiet and that he should wrap himself in plastic bec of all the shit and piss.
He shall just do it and shut up for good but dont leave a mess for other people.

Point out to him that he only feels this way because of feminist marxists who hate men and have stacked all odds against him and against his ability to fight back. Show him young boys who feel how he feels and that he can help them. That he doesnt need to be afraid and that glorious combat and a death of honor awaits those who die for the eternal victory of truth and justice over lies and fear.

Definitely dont sperg out at him OP. Tell him to watch Planet Earth II and read about the cosmos and to just live his life

Fuck yeah

I'm with this guy



Eh, you could tell them my story.

>went to college for 6th fastest growing job
>had girlfriend I was with a decade that I trust with my life
>and then the following happens in the span of 6 months: career falls of cliff, retail company runs itself out of business, Great Recession, 13% unemployment, g/f steals my emergency savings/maxes credit card and bails, now homeless, have to move in with mom who lives on other side of US, lose nearly everything because can't afford moving costs, have to sleep on air mattress in living room, g/f promises entire thing was banking error and she'll make it right...sends me pics of her marriage instead...before xmas.

Took me almost 2yrs to find work here. WA was bleeding jobs at the time. 4 1/2yrs later I'm college/credit debt free and have 2yrs worth of paychecks stashed in savings account. Everything I'm interested in I have a ton of (games, books, etc). In a few months, I can move anywhere.

If I can survive this OK, anyone can. But holy fuck was it hard.

take her to mexico for a reality check

I have stopped a few people from killing themselves.

It was easy.

I said to them as follows
If you kill yourself i will be angry, and i wont forgive you. If you die, i will be sad. You live for yourself, but i will miss you, i will know you are gone.

If you kill yourself i wont forgive you,

My uncle was the same a while ago. My father offered to go round his house and tie the rope for him, or shut up about doing it. That was all he needed, he's happily married with kids now. Some people need harsh words, others soft...

You do what they won't, you fucking move on. Don't let your "friend" make you feel bad because they want to be a selfish twat.



You get real with them. Tell them how they worry you. Tell them you're scared that you might be helpless to someone you care about so much. Tell them that you wish you could articulate the thoughts that need to be said to help them. Let them know you're trying and that you're scared. Bring their friends and loved ones into as well. A support group is always something crucial in times of depression and sadness.


Gotta go with that generic anime/video game speech

something something, i know i don't understand but help me or some bullshit.

learn to sympathize

it helps if its raining and you're crying to paint a more gay scene.

Threaten his loved ones if he goes through with it

Kill yourself to prove to them how shitty it is.

yeah, go all leonard lake on his mother

If that happened to me, I don't know what I would of done. But holy shit the anger.

The thought of destroying my friends and families life because i couldn't deal with it for another day. I mean going and thinking what each one will do or feel for every person ive called a friend or coworker

Let them do what they have to do. Hang out with me instead. I won't bother you with this shit lmao


You're "friend" is just manipulating you to get attention. It's their way of feeling validated.

Protip: for their next birthday, buy them a cut-throat razor.

That's really fucking shitty, user. Good on ya for getting over it.
Problem is, that assumes you want to survive it. If you don't have a reason, finding the will to do ANYTHING is a bitch.
>tfw WA transplant too
>tfw nothing near as shitty, just don't want to live



Tell friend to stop being a pathetic twat
That always works

Very much this, wasn't easy to articulate but I think I was able to get through to my bro when I finally did.

I know this sound unbelievably retarded, but I'm reminded of that scene in Harry Potter where Harry tells Sirius he thinks he's gone bad and Sirius tells him about acting on choice rather than feelings. Here's Harry, who lost everything, treated like shit his entire youth, constantly has people trying to kill him, literally has an evil soul embedded in him and he still makes choices to better himself and those around him.

In the end, that's what I did. I made a choice that if I was going to go down, I go down trying. I still may go down, but it won't be by my own hand...even though I have EVERY reason to. Well...except if I get Parkisons or something, then I really will end it.

Coming from someone who has been on both sides of that issue, tell them they need help. Psychiatrist did wonders for me without antidepressants. If you are truly that good of friends, they will take notice that you arent feeding their attention anymore. Be cold about it. Just. Do not spoon feed them. They are a human. They have loved ones. And if they are dumb enough to kill themselves, theyre dumb enough to reap the rewards of a failed attempt.
Sorry man. But it isnt easy. Push to help them or let them fall. Those are the options.

Not even remotely. I totally get it.
I know what I should do. I know what I would do to change. I know what it'd take. Just... I've never been one to persevere. I've never been one to push myself or try, really. As far back as I can remember, I've been looking up cheat codes for Videogames I was too lazy to beat myself.
Right now, I'm literally just existing in my mom's basement ( which actually is almost an apartment. .5 bath and a microwave, but no shower or fridge/freezer), passing the days by watching/playing/talking/doing ANYTHING to avoid reality. To avoid thinking. Because I always spiral into depression, and then I can't even leave my bed to eat. I can't make food for myself all of the time or even most of it, because I just don't care about myself. I was on a calorie deficit diet for half a fucking year, and I got depressed so I fucked up my diet for too long, and now I haven't found it in myself to take the half a minute it takes to nuke some Taquitos to have something to eat.
Right before I moved here, I ended up in a psych ward for a suicide attempt. Tried to down as many of my pills, leaving 3 in each bottle in case it wasn't enough. The hospital bills and seeing everyone like that... I basically spent a year + of my life justifying, rationalizing, and accepting this as my reality, to get myself as stable as I can so they don't have to go through or pay for that again. And now I'm afraid that if I release the brakes and try to climb, the elevator will just plummet. I fully expect to fail any attempt I make to better myself, and don't know how I'd handle fucking up again.
Lately, I've been running on empty more and more. Videogames, watching media, and shooting the shit have been cutting it less and less. Saturday, I impulsively cut off my nose to spite my face. I wanted to make my life the least worth living, so I pushed people away and cleared all of my contacts I could. I don't know what's going to happen now, but I'm bracing for impact.

Couldn't tell you. If they're not responding to your arguments, I'd try finding a professional to help you with this one.

>ITT: How the fuck do you convince someone not to kill themselves?
if they wanted to kill themselves it would have already happened

sauce: i used to say this to people when i was depressed and wanted to talk to someone