Ask an agender, pansexual, disabled feminist anything-

Ask an agender, pansexual, disabled feminist anything-

How do you help in your local community?

I'm fortunate to come from an incredibly liberal and small city, but when I get the chance (and time and energy) I attend local town meetings just to get involved. Not a lot goes on around here though.

Apart from that I sometimes stand on the corner and yell at racist people at the 7/11 across the street

please I'm so bored

Why are you so cancerous?

I know this is bait, but..

Why even a feminist? And agender? Like, I respect what ever people do with his or her bodies and if you look like a chick, Ima call you a chick. If you look like a dude, Ima call you a dude... but whats with all the extra gender shit?

Who cares?

It's very commendable of you to consider that being agender, pansexual and a feminist are disabilities.

Most people wouldn't even recognize that in themselves.

Do you plan on sharing this idea with other feminists?

The world would be a better place if more people like you acknowledged that they are retards.

Wow you were really hungry huh

What flavour is your bait OP?

Nigga, im tired as hell.

How many different gender preception have you had sex with

everyone on this website is cancerous my guy I've been here since 2006 I've seen nations built and conquered, memes wiped from history in the blink of an eye we are not but misguided and malformed cells in the cosmos, waiting for our thoughts to replicate and reproduce and infect, as a cancerous entity ought

One day medical technology we be advanced enough to fix anything, it might even find a way to cure you of your debilitating feminism.
Goodluck you poor piece of human garbage.

How long did it take you to come up with this bait?

How does it feel?

Are there any labels you haven't tried yet?

Did you settle on those ones cause they're the best fit or the most likely to get welfare?

I actually grew up completely opposed to the idea of feminism. I have my roots here like everyone else, and I was that girl who thought she was better than other girls. Girls are so petty, girls are so cruel, boys have no drama I'll stick to them.

But I was miserable. They treated me horribly and I didn't realize it until I came to terms with the abuse in my family. I did a lot of soul searching after that and realized that I was wrong. About everything. Truthfully? I like the term feminism SPECIFICALLY because of the vile reaction it gets. It's a good way of weeding out the kinds of people I don't want in my life.

And you can call me whatever you like. I simply feel as though I have no gender, and I prefer the pronouns they/them but I'll respond to anything.

feels good man

how does it feel that the labels you slapped on yourself are the only interesting and remotely unique things about you?

If you're genuinely curious, I have multiple sclerosis (not to be confused with scoliosis), endometriosis (I had to have my uterus removed and the scar tissue on my intestines cauterized), ulcerative colitis, chronic stomach inflammation, chronic pain, chronic migraines and a couple other things I always forget. That's just the physical stuff though, there's also the depression, anxiety, ADD, autism, and PTSD (yes I'm clinically diagnosed with all of these things)

you don't even know so much as my name you're hardly in a position to assume

I think you're looking for Tumblr

I know where I am. I'm giving you guys an honest chance to ask me questions. Just thought you might like to take it

Sounds like you should be institutionalized.

isnt disabled feminist an oxymoron

Listening to you for a thread was enough to assume you're boring and try hard though, and you know it's true too

Oh no what happened to my Sup Forums? Like back in the day it was so great. People like you didn't come on here. Sup Forums used to Sup Forums the best place ever. Get out of here you tumblr newfag.
>Says every newfag

What's it like being a meme?

How does it feel to know everything you identify as is just made up jibber jabber.

Besides the disabled, still not so sure that a real thing but at least it sounds possible

Show me your genitals.

I get horny from non specific gender genitals.

"clinically diagnosed"

>I like the term feminism SPECIFICALLY because of the vile reaction it gets. It's a good way of weeding out the kinds of people I don't want in my life.

Yep, works for me too.

Now fuck off, you boring little snowflake.

that's just like, your opinion man
I don't have any. I was burned horribly in a fire and everything down there melted together. I piss through a tube

Why do you think we've got anything to learn from you? You're just the another feminist cliche. We've heard it all a million times before.

I get infusions once a month for the MS. everything else is a handful of pills. 13 pills a night.

>yes I'm clinically diagnosed with all of these things

Confirmed bait.

Is your name Ricki and are married to a hobbit?

Different user but, keep telling yourself that, and ill keep enjoying living for free off your tax dollar:)

I'm so confused. Are you insulting me or each other

Why is berserk always on hiatus?

Each other, i find it funny that people are quick to assume mental issues dont exist, while i enjoy not working and living comfortably while the sperg out about certain things not existing.

Miura needs to spend some time in the real world once in awhile so it can depress him enough to bring back the pants shitting nightmares

How does it feel knowing people like you are the reason Trump got elected?

Timestamp or gtfo

yeah. my sister's boyfriend is a marine vet who did two tours in fallujah and he's actually the one that urged my sister and I to bring up the possibility of PTSD to a psychologist. he's lived with our family for like four years now and he says my parents treated us the same way soldiers are treated in basic training- basically forcing you to not react to anything one way or another I don't know. Like, my grandma died two days ago and I was talking to my dad on the phone and one minute he says "sorry for your loss", the next minute he's yelling at me 'cause I said I was scared about what's going on with the elections, then the next minute he says he's retiring on my birthday and wants to take me to Universal Studios. Like...this happened in under 3 minutes it was messed up.

Agree timestamp. Same user you replied to, how long you had MS for? I live I Scotland and just for the lack of sun I run a good risk of getting it when I'm older

Well that's all well and good. Tell me have you ever thought about picking up litter? What do you yell at racists?

Fluidity is just an excuse for people not being able to admit they're gay/bi


??? but I admit that I'm gay. or queer or whatever label someone wants to give me. my attraction to someone has nothing to do with their gender is all, I would love or fuck anyone if we got along well enough

So you're bisexual

Thats a shit ton of illness, u gonna die mate. You should write a book and plant a tree before that, as i guess bearing children is out of the question and adoption is not a good idea

Fffuuuck me I was in the middle of drawing I'm gonna go back to that it's 3:30am. thanks for the chat guys, maybe I'll come back tomorrow

>agender = false, because you have either a penis or a vajayjay

>pansexual = false, because sex is not determined by what you think, but by your genitals

>disabled = physical disabilities do not add (neither subtract) bonus points -- mental disabilities just mean that you aren't actually able to express/understand in any conversation

>feminist = racism against men.

The last point makes me guess you're mentally disabled.

agender is female right? or male

its one of those two cause there are only two genders

So, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "not fucked at all" and 10 being "well and truly fucked", how fucked is the world right now?

But last time he stopped drawing because he was too busy with idolmaster. How can someone who writes such a good story be a faggot lolicon

I've actually considered writing a book about my adventures at the doctor's office. I get great things in the waiting room, like the receptionist who ruined the last Harry Potter book for me over the phone to her boyfriend by naming every character that dies and on what page. I was staying offline 'cause I didn't want spoilers then that happened it was fucking incredible.

And three of the strangest things my doctors have said to me, taken completely out of context:

-wow you have like no gag reflex
-hmm, your cervix is pretty tight
-oh your hips are VERY flexible

so angry

gender is a spectrum much like sexuality. in fact, it's actually not possible to determine sex by your genitals either. there are people in the world born with both a penis and a vagina or vulva (or a vajayjay since you can't seem to type vagina properly). there are also people who are born with a set of genitals that does not match their chromosomes. it's called: intersex. it's a very real and surprisingly prevalent phenomenon in science. you could even be intersex and you'd never know unless you had your chromosomes tested.

as for the last two points, I suggest you read the thread and find the post where I listed my illnesses. I've been legally disabled for five years now receiving full government support. I cannot work or go to school. I miss school.

Kek for the cervix one.

You should also plant a tree tho'

the world is gonna be fine my guy, it's humans that are fucked

I planted a bunch in middle school 'cause we had a wetland reservation across the street. I was in a greenhouse class and we took a field trip...across the street...and just planted like 50 trees in the mud.

I'm not very good with plants but I'll ask my roommates about putting a tree in the backyard. I don't know how they do it I'm convinced they're witches, it's the middle of November and our rose bushes are blooming again. and then there's me who can't even keep the three succulents on my window sill alive

Are they together? My wife says plants needs to be in groups. Also put rhe water on the dirt, avoid wetting the leaves/flowers

The cure for people like you has just been elected.

Better start getting your resume together. I'm guessing that won't take long ...

I'm aware. It already happened in the UK, over 2000 people died after being declared able to work. It's cute that you think I'll magically be able to work again though. I like 'em dumb.