Since the very very beginning of the human specie, all the males was sitting in their king's chair...

Since the very very beginning of the human specie, all the males was sitting in their king's chair, drinking an cold beer, watching the ass of the wife while she is doing something in the kitchen, and between drinks the idea comes, what is the meaning ofthe life? It' been like almost 400 years since Kung Fu Chao was the first one with the idea, but in 108 years of life he was not able to find the answer because so much anime. Not even Nezalhualcoyotl, Nietchze, Socrates or Cosby could find the answer. But in 325 before of Jesus, Platon find an clue "The fucking love" But he died without even trying to find the whole meaning, wasting his life drinking all day long pirate's peepee.
And now, 3k years later, we are going to find the real meaning, because we got the culture, the brain, and first of all, because we are not from Tennessee.

Now it's time to start the quest to find the meaning of life (just talk about it lazzzzzzzy fuckers)

the answer is 42, There is no meaning assigning a meaning is pointless, Now what isn't pointless is that we are in fact here. Just make the most out of life as you can that is all you can do.

it's coincidence and there's no meaning you just do what you do then die, there's no other motive than you're alive


so you think like Nietchze?

"In this state one enriches everything out of one's own fullness: whatever one sees, whatever wills is seen swelled, taut, strong, overloaded with strength. A man in this state transforms things until they mirror his power—until they are reflections of his perfection. This having to transform into perfection is—art."

no not really, I mean this statement is true to an extent but the meaning of life is a much more complicated thing than just general philosophical terms, when you get into the complexities and the multitude of different possibilities it becomes too infinite to have any meaning therefore if there was an actual meaning, we wouldn't be capable of understanding it truly such as infinite and nothing.

i think the meaning of life it's just do whatever you want and die.

When you say meaning you mean like the point where everything is headed toward but there isn't a point because growing would negate its meaning

Why do we grow? To make more problems to solve, it's an everlasting mechanism never ending FUNNN but can quickly turn when we don't use out memory because we forgot life is all about FUNNNNNN not growing for no reason, unless you want to make things spicyyyyyy but careful don't let go of your memory or we get lost in the sauce, the spicy sauce
And it isn't a joke anymore when children are being killed for we forget at death.

There is no meaning
God made infinity for us
Infinity is not god
Infinity is infinity
It is what it is don't let these cunts (snakes) trick you cunt
Just be good and respect your elders and their wishes
Fun is the meaning
Growing is the way

Memory is the glue
Glue is to keep things together

No literally its to keep things together haha

>what is the meaning ofthe life?

Life is nothing more than the Universe trying to understand itself.

The universe can't "try" anything. It's not a creature. It has no aspirations.
Life is nothing more than a pattern that happened to be able to self replicate.

fuck you i'm from tennessee

or watch trainspotting, obiwon describes what life is all about at the end of the movie.
and trainspotting 2

the existence you are currently experiencing is only one of many you have had or will have through the course of eternity.

When you die, the energy that, with a brain, creates conciousness dissipates back into the universe but is not destroyed -- in fact it carries information some of which you may carry into a next life as "intuition", "deja vu" and other neurological phenomena.

Basically, the universe is a massive server that stores and records data from the programs (conscious beings) that exist within it. The idea that we exist because the universe needs to experience itself is entirely true. All living things comprise the universe's self-diagnostic system.

Over time these beings must learn more, becoming evermore complex programs that need more complex computers to operate. A being that is a human at this moment must have existed longer in this universe than a being that is a paramecium. Eventually the paramecium-dweller, through successive series of existences as single-celled organisms gains enough information for the universe that its program is irreversibly augmented, and can no longer be supported by such simple machines. The being must now be drawn to the next most complex organism by what mechanism I am unsure.

The universe is a product of the beings within it just as the bodies of those beings are products of the universe itself.

Don't think of the universe as some container that holds you and all the other trillions of beings, but imagine yourself as a single thread in a huge sheet of cloth upon which all existence lies.

naw /b you forgetting about mediclorians and god and shtuff.

i like you user

fuck you
go to college and stop spouting shit off online

If you want I can just tell you.

If you want.

But if I tell you, then you'll know; by knowing, you can no longer learn it on your own - if you can't learn it on your own, it means nothing.

But ask, if you like.

how about

Quite literally, our purpose in life is to pass on our DNA. It's that simple.