What are you doing on Sup Forums at these off hours of the night?

What are you doing on Sup Forums at these off hours of the night?
Explain the life circumstances that led to your current sad existence NOW

>implying everyone lives in the same timezone.

OP is as usual a faggot

>Bring born
>visiting Sup Forums at 6 am

My crippling loneliness and self-inflicted insomnia

I just finished planning my suicide and now I'm just looking for a feels thread so I know I'm not alone.

About to croak to sleep & pic related of Yr post is what I came for here
Ducking gold

Well it's morning here but I just broke up with my gf of 3 years and I'm stuck here becasue I don't have a car and I just like to get lost in the stupid shit on this site/

yeah some slut posted it on instagram but I think she deleted it by now. i just used it cause i couldn't think of anything else to use

I've got a babe
But she's not as gr8 as pic rel8d

Goodnight thread.

>born a beta pussy
>watch with jelousy as the well off live happy successful lives
>far to lazy to get up and do self improvement
>sit at home masterbating on the Internet
>nost significant achievement to date was lurking pol/ threads that memed trump in

The end

Got absolutely trashed last night with my roommate and blacked out. Woke up early. Bored.

>at these off hours of the night
>only 1 time zone

>family is dead
>lonely when the sun is down
>sun is up, time to sleep.

Thank user later

Same exact situation here. Are you me, fucker?

Hey hey hey, feels like I'm stuck bro, what's your situation?

waiting for a bitcoin transfer

GF doesn't fuck me enough...i just want to know if ppl would fuck her...her i am

I am society's refuse; a poorly manufactured unit not quite fit for purpose, not quite broken enough to die. So here I sit on this Island of Misfit Toys, hoping to find a broken doll to crank my handle so I can spring, a jack from my box, or for Santa to come and make right what life made wrong.

If I had other choices I'd exercise them.

Resting on a 4-hour drive back home, from Spokane to Seattle. Browsing Sup Forums on my phone, in my car, parked by a giant field
>pic related

I'm coming down off of cocaine and am hoping to find a sexy thread that will make me want to masturbate which will hopefully dump chemicals into my brain that make me feel tired long enough that I can pass out

looks pretty fucking cool
sucks that you can't see the moon though with that cloud cover, the moon is huge tonight

I work first shift in the EST time zone

You ausfags are so stupid. Firstly this is an american site. But mainly, if it's not late where you are, then op is not asking you.

this. you kangaroo riders need to fuck off and go watch the krocodile hunter

it's half past one pm here. Got up an hour ago (cause lazy student), drink my second coffee until I start my day with tzhe stuff I have to do

>Firstly this is an american site
Doesn't mean shit since the internet is international.

Just because you can get here doesn't mean you're welcome.

It's midday here.
My girlfriend just dropped me home and is going to lectures I'm meant to be doing course work but instead I'm procrastinating on here smokin a jay

Forgot to add, having a life with lots of friends and a qt girl hasn't made my existence happy yet, I was happier when I had no stress and just played vidya browsed and fapped

Uh it's 7:47 am here and I'm leaving for work at 8:30. I always browse Sup Forums in the AM while I get stoned before work.

It's 7am

>on here smokin a jay

Yeah boi

What's the in pic man?
I'm guessing your lucky enough to live in a legal state to be dabbin, me and the missus are gonna make a load of brownies soon and make some wax the hair straightener way soon, any tips for a cheap rig we could order, cheap because it'd get rarely used but as good quality as possible any recommendations?

Sounds like a plan to me.
Once i was on shrooms and the only qay to make myself cum, was to think of my ex getting fucked by another man.
Am i a cuck?

Did you go see the 12th planet this weekend user?

That's iced tea and I don't live in a state at all, I'm Canadian. I am medical though so I am legal here, technically.
>samefagging too

Eh. Sometimes on drugs some depraved shit gets me off. Stuff that would otherwise bother me or just turn me off. Is that some deep unconscious desires coming to light? Or is that just the fact that my brain is affected by a bunch of chemicals? I dunno. I just beat it 'til I cum and don't think much of it.

It's 1 fucking PM so no.

As for rig, just get a decent one. Doesn't have to be huge, just has to do the job. Mine was like 50$ and it's china glass, just bought it at a local headshop.
>pic relate

>still not understanding time zones

Splurge and get a titanium nail though, glass and quartz always crack and don't really get to the desired temperature easy enough without breaking.

I'm gonna start ordering big bits of bud from the dark web and had quite a few people say canadian sellers are good to get here in uk, know anything about that?
And sweet I was worried I'd be having to spend like £100+

Also just because I want to tell other smokers about this but can't say shit to anyone in real life coz I'm not an idiot. My boy has a friend who owns a large mountain range so we are working on starting some big farms, hire gardener's and he has another friend who works smuggling huge amounts who can teach us that, my excitement for such an amazing opportunity needs to be let out somewhere


Honestly living in Canada I've never had to get off the net and I've always grown or known people who do too (my parents taught me growing up in rural Canada). But yeah, that said if you have the opportunity, get from a Canuck. We're probably more trustworthy then some americuck, plus our dope is amazing. That shatter in the pic(s) is all from Vancouver. The dark stuff is made from green crack and the clear stuff I'm not sure. Also you mentioned before about the rosin-tech method (hair straightener), that works great if you have really sticky bud or fresh bud.

Unloved as a child.

Forgot to mention
>approximate price of rig: 40-50$ Canadian
>approximate price of titanium nail: 35-40$ Canadian

You can probably order it online cheaper though.

I had some green crack a few weeks ago, my dealer phoned me up excited asking if I need to pick up he's about to go to a party so won't be about later. I already had an eighth so said nah and he was like nah man trust me when I call you I've got peng food. So I ended up getting a Q and fuck me, all this lemon haze ammo and cheese doesn't get me high, and I was on a level, would love to get more of that

Such a plebian setup, step your game up user

Well I gotta work in half an hour I m just browsing and getting ready..

Contrary to what americans think Earth isn't flat.
It's midday here.

Just got home from uni, chillin' here before i get down to studying

Dude haha, that's how I felt about this OG Skywalker Kush I got during the summer. It was fucking 28% THC bro.
Hah, never said it was a dank rig faggot I said it's cheap and gets the job done. May we see your set up, faglord?

Niiiiiice I bet you were out of it. Just got a text off another guy saying he's got some nice dank and to call him. Usually load as fuck ammo when he says this

>Earth isn't flat
>2016 year of beloved Emperor Trump
>Still believing that non sense

If the earth was round, trust me, we'd know about it. The water would fall off and animals like giraffes wouldn't have necks. Also America invented the toaster oven, and smallpox, AMERICA fuck YEaH!

what life?

>he's got some nice dank and to call him

Well then, I think you know what you've got to do. Is medicinal marijuana a thing in the UK? If not, why? Isn't vaping accepted by the UK health ministry? I saw on TV some UK health ministry actually said vaping is "100% better for you than smoking"? I kind of agree, it definitely helped me quit cigarettes.

Yeah vaping nicotine is fine not weed. Medical marijuana isn't a thing yet although there are people who need to smoke for medical reasons and inform their local police station with confirmation from their gp(doctor) so the police leave them be, usually paraplegics or chronic pain.
And for most of the UK police don't target personal use, only go after gangs. The problem is the stigma that old white people have, and how much the media demonise it and the politicians are evidently under heavy pressure from the tobacco, alcohol and pharma industries because they are grasping at straws to keep it illegal.

>the politicians are evidently under heavy pressure from the tobacco, alcohol and pharma industries because they are grasping at straws to keep it illegal

FUCKING lobbyists huh? Same thing is happening all throughout the world with the oil industry. It's 2016 for fuck sakes, we need to focus on renewable energy sources and renewable medicines/stable food sources if we want this planet to survive another 150-300 years. I had no idea it was that bad there. These faggots are basically depriving people that are sick a legitimate source of relief. Instead they pump them full of drugs that slowly kill them and poison our own water tables with our own excrement. Sad really.

Well, it's 9am where I am so...

So get to work you fucking degenerate.

And if we don't care if the planet lives another 150-300 years can we keep using oil?

Timezones, every heard of them?

>be born into big, alcholic and poor family
>be autistic on top of that
>dad left
>mom refused that I was autistic even though teachers said I was
>I was always her "special boy"
>never got proper treatment at home or school
>grades were shit, not friends no goal in life, hard time learning stuff
>found the internet at young age
>basically raised by the internet
>finally manage to get education
>get frostbite on fingers so can't continue line of work
>get money for it
>go see shrink for help with autism
>will get more money
>will soon be set for life finacially
>21 virgin, no friends or social life. No goals in life and I'm just waiting for everything to be over

Don't worry, as long as America keeps leading the way in legalisation and you folks in Canada keep following, we will copy you eventually. Here in the UK our battles are by fighting the stoner stigma here, we don't smoke around kids, we put the joint out if kids and parents walk past and the parent always gives a little nod and smile. Or it's talking to the lonely old man walking his dogs while I'm smoking a joint so he doesn't have to change his walking route because he's worried about the hooded youth smoking a joint, because I've already shouted a hello and started talking. There's nothing we can do politically other then to keep making petitions and telling our local MP's it's all in about changing the communities opinion

sorry about that

Where are you from, can you go to uni?


ye I can get any education for "free"

Do it. Not for the education, that's a + but it's a free get out of neet mode card, you will come out of it with friends, the ability to socialise and an understanding of normies.

First year no matter what uni or course the work is easy as fuck, so focus on having fun and getting out of the cycle of isolation.

I've studied 4 different things for 6 years total after high school and got nowhere
I don't know why but it doesn't seem like I can interact with people or learn new things even if I try

That sucks man, I had no idea there was such a stigma surrounding it. I always imagined the UK being a bit more liberal when it came to open use of drugs. Donno why I thought that? Maybe cause of Spain.

Uhhhh. Good morning to you too.

it's not even 8:00 A.M. yet. you must be drunk

good morning b

Damn I wish I could get money for being a socially inept retard lol