Help me Sup Forums

help me Sup Forums

/r9k/ is being mean to me ;-;

That's what you get for associating with /r9k/ faggot.

then don't use /r9k/

wut'd they do?

You look kinda cute and androgynous. Show butt pls.

You're such a faggot

Your point is....

sharpie in a pooper

Is your skin ice...or wtf

Stay here. Dont go back to r9k. Sup Forums is much better cant you see? its great!! stay here.

>R9k is being mean.
>Goes to Sup Forums

they just hate me sometimes. i wish they could see how much i love them. they are in love with me and obsessed with me so it's really hard

Go take a walk into traffic.

>makes a video about how she hates her orbiters
>makes another video "apologizing"
>suddenly loves them again
haha yeah

Where is that clock from

everyone hates you on Sup Forums don't get caught up in it

also nice clock

I just want your nudes.

what sound files is that thing compatible with? also headphone port pic?

Post more pics babe

Thats what you gett for calculating heat and cold in fahrenheit when you should be using celcius.
Fuck NA logics.

Canadian here, we use Celsius. It's only the USA

don't be a faggot, bitch

my deepest apologies

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