What does pussy smell like Sup Forums? Is it fishy?

What does pussy smell like Sup Forums? Is it fishy?

Cmon man, you shouldn't have to ask at your age. Your toes still smell like your mothers crotch anyway haha ewwww


nothing if she washes herself every day. no different from kissing them on the lips.

ham and bacon BABY! WOO YEAH!

if its fishy then it aint clean, it wont exactly be fresh after a whole day but it shouldnt be fishy, my gf doesnt really taste of anything but after eating her out my mouth will have a weird taste in my mouth

smells like a bag of sand

Gunshot wound

Salty milk and coins. Now stop making this thread.

Fuck man, I remember when I finger banged a girl during a class movie, it was the first pussy I'd felt so I thought the fishy smell was normal and I licked my fingers.

Bullshit. Even fresh out of the shower pussy has a natural smell. Depending on the girl it's a great smell. - Some girls no matter what they do will smell awful. It's a body chemistry thing. I've been lucky enough to be in relationships with girls that smell great.

Been with a few girls though that no matter what they did, did not smell good. It was rough.

>listen to this guy


Depends from girl to girl tbh.
My current gf does smell fishy but I just power trough it. She washes herself thoroughly but it's still smelly. Most of my previous gf's had no smell at all.

It just depends on the bacteria that live in there, some girls have no smell at all, some do. You can compare it to sweat and natural body odor, it's different from person to person.


like the sweat under your balls after you've sat in the chair for a week straight without showering


Sometimes nothing really, other than a faint sweaty smell and a tangy metal like taste. Sometimes gross and off putting, depends on the girl. Now get out there and see for yourself.

that is the most apt description I've ever heard.

How about taking some samples and making it into an interesting case-study?

I smelled it and tasted it.
It's fishy indeed, but the taste is saltier.

I've been told I taste like citrus
but it varies woman to woman, doesn't always have to do with cleanliness as said


its great if theyve just hopped out the shower, but if youve been with them all day its like yeh im not eating that

user says it all. I would add that my wife's had a different odor during pregnancy. So, age, health, hormones change the experience. Go explore!

>lick back of hand
>count to 10
>smell it
>pussy hand

Like dick basically.

>Drop a coin in the sea
>Put coin in mum panties
>Close eye with panties on face with coin still in

you don't need to reply with /thread you reddit faggot

reminder pic related is bannable on Sup Forums

blood sausage

/thread is from here, newfag.

Fucking Newfag


This is awkward.

Smells like fish, tastes kinda like pennies, feels like bags of sand.

Like plain Greek yogurt

Only ever been with my gf, but she doesn't smell of anything really. After a day, then like the smell of your own balls, which really isn't too bad.

Tastes of 1% sweat and 99% nothing

Lick the back of your hand, wait 5 seconds, and smell it. That's pretty accurate.

Sort of fishy but more musky. Almost like a piss and sweat smell but not as pungent and more pleasing than either.


Depends if you live near the sea