Can we come together as a white race and offer our women to bigger dicked nigs?

Can we come together as a white race and offer our women to bigger dicked nigs?

Think about it, it makes sense.

White men don't have big enough dicks to satisy white women. It's a fact. Our women flock to nigs every chance they get. They don't want us. It's not our fault, white women have loose vaginas, science has proved it.

But that's okay because there's superior women out there who crave our average dicks. Asian cuties.

It's obvious that Asian women only go for Asian guys because they had no other choice in the past. But now, since white women are leaving the men, us white men are available. And our average white dicks are bigger than puny Asian peckers. Asian women crave white dick, it's a fact.

White women are vile and fake satisfaction from white men to leech off our paychecks. It's a fact.

But the blacks have cucked the whites into paying welfare for their food stamps. Now white women can leech off blacks.

It's time to recognize white women as the useless whores they are and dominate superior Asians. Asian women are driven, intelligent, and loyal. They stick to their partners. Most importantly, they have tiny tight vaginas so they are compatible, extremely satisfied with our average dicks.

So what do you whitebois say? Can we move on to superior Asian women?

I wonder what kind of trousers do they wear

You should show the original picture

got moar of the girl faggot?

They look like two bad gay nudist parents who adopted a girl just to brake her spine.


murican problems...

fake and gay.. white women hate big deal

I am a white girl and I only fw black guys :)

>still thinking pleasing women is important
>stay cucked

Sauce on the girl?

T or GTFO. Plus time stamp

We had this yesterday

Next time you use a photoshopped picture, try to choose one where the changes are not visible. This picture is completely fake and shopped (zoom on right cock to see what I mean). Conclusion : OP is faggot

NO NO YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG. if we breed with asian woman our next gen will just have smaller than avrage and we will just become that much more irelivent .

what us white people are good at is science and having a lot of money. so we need to throw some of that money at it and science the fuck out of this problem

we need to create GNPs. geneticly modified penises

Is girl fake too?


Before my wife dated me she was hooking up with a white guy that had a 9 inch cock she saod it hurt when she fucked him but she loved sucking it

My sides

Okay. Im doing it yesterday and the day before.

they walk all the time naked

More of the girl please


It's photoshopped niggah.

That's the worst photoshop ever hahahaha

Pretty gay that you have this saved.


Saved it for stupid nigger threads like this one

you know instead of sitting here feeling like irelivent beta nerds, we could make this a spiderman thread.

Katya Clover
dicks are photoshopped

>Be white, born from drug addict trashy white mother.
>Abandoned and put up for adoption as a baby.
>Adopted by upper middle class black family.
>Have 1 black sister and 2 black brothers.
>As a kid their dicks never seemed bigger then mine.
So is it just poor niggers who have big dicks?
I call them niggers because it's the culture that makes them so. My adopted family never acted like niggers or played into that stupid culture.

Yes. Her name is Katya Clover. The picture has been edited to make her look smaller. You can find the original picture if you search her name


fine ill meat you black dick obsessed fags half way her. this is now a spiderman with black kak thread

As opposed to these bait layers that have dozens of big nigger dicks saved?

Man, you'd think this eventually gets old... stay mad, nignog.

medfag, those poor guys can never get their dick standing. this what you see here, is the biggest it will get. You simply don't have enough blood to get it fully erect.



get out of here, ahmed

Sure we can!
Cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck. .. . . .

>as a kid
you never seen their dicks after age 5? ask them to send a pic, post it.

mfw women studies club in my university has a name BU-KAK. kek



Firstly, nice try nigger.

Secondly, Asian women are shit-tier.

Lastly, I'm between 7 and 8 inches. My ex, who is white, has the tightest, wettest, most delicious pussy I've ever fucked. Would still be fucking her if she hadn't been forced to move out of state to take care of her dad.

Recently dated, and promptly broke up with this Asian chick. No sir.

Also, 2/10 bait but I replied so...

>be me
>be black
>have small penis
>every girl Im about to fuck with looks dissapointed when she sees my dick
fuck this fucking BBC meme

>white women have loose vaginas, science has proved it.


Why do people choose to believe trolling niggers and sissyboys jokes as truth.

I know you're all highly guillible because the average btard age is 14.5, but please be careful about the dumb fantasies you choose to indoctrinate yourselves with.

You only have to be "big enough" and almost all ppl who aren't Asian are to "white woman", and even a good amount of Asians still are. We mostly don't like huge dicks as they are intimidating and painful. Some girls love it but most of us who are normal freaks are fine with 6 inches, and even 5 inches is often fine.

Dick size thing is something mostly men worry about, usually gays in my experience, usually what's more important is how funny and rugged and handsome you are because sex is very psychological for us, brain is biggest sex organ etc. if you are 4.5 inches of handsome athletic funny charismatic man who takes charge in bed and can do the shit I like (pulling hair, wallfucking, spanking, good dom dirty talk) then you are more likely to make me cum than 7 inches of self conscious awkward bodybuilder with no social life who can't make me laugh.

White guys need to relax you're fine

Do want OP. If your bitch has you cucked, that is your problem. Find a different bitch or quit bitching about it. No need to try to convince us that you cuck by choice. Everyone knows it's not true.

Tits or gtfo

I have no social life but I'm funny af and I have a 7 inch cock.

why does the guy on the right have a niger colored dick?

video or it didn't happen

>itt: JIDF social engineering

imho, interbreeding is a great thing!!

As blacks only make up approximately 13% of the US population and whites about 60%, the 13 will easily be absorbed and overtaken by a new mulatto race of dumber than your average white/smarter than your average black drone-race people, who will be easily adapted to menial bottom-end jobs, far better than the nig-races who can really only adapt to welfare and government subsistence culture...

Further, it identifies those females who make horrible life choices (dating a nig is a pretty shit-tier life choice), and those black males who don't actually care about their race, despite their claims that "black lives matter" and "black power" and all that other bullshit...

The American negro is about to be phased out....

Im 5.2 inches. I like tall girls so they need someone bigger. I couldnt make my last 3 exs cum from penetration and it killed sex for them. Tried everything they liked, dominating, hair pulling, pinning them down. Just didnt work.

One of my exs dated a guy who was 7inches and she came from him. 5inches really isnt enough

As more blacks breed with white garbage, they will create 50/50's. The 13% of Africans will shrink rapidly once the generations start dying off, and be replaced by their half-n-half offspring...

All the while, the 60% of whites will be hardly affected by the small amount of white trash leaving to create the mulatto paid-slave race...

Whites will continue to own the world (note: I count jews as "whites", as they are by and large, whites), and the nig-nog dumb fuck who thinks they're "muddying up the white race, cuz justice" or some bullshit, will simply die off leaving a tainted half-raced bastard in their place....

Whites own the world, and we will forever...

OP Your so fucking gay for editing their dicks for so long. Faggot.

what kind of stuff should i say for dirty talk?

shalom fellow hebrew.


Hahahahhaha OP got cucked by a nigger

post moar of her fagget

i personally wouldn't mind seeing Emma Watson with a bbc

Kek, thank you for pointing this out

i dont even know whats that supposed to be?
its just a nig nog gay fuckin a white gay, whos supposed to get triggered by that?

Sauce, or Girls name


Jesus Christ they will split that girl in two.

White people will always be better. Sorry man.

I mean, just look at the past.

What past?

Sub-Saharan Africans, before the white man showed up, were little more than apes with sharp sticks... Thousands of years of NOTHING; not a language, a building, a plow, a wheel, anything... Just sharp sticks and mud huts...

While Egypt was building pyramids and sphynxes, Sub-Saharan Africa was building NOTHING....

Fast forward a few thousand years - While America was erecting the French-made Statue of Liberty, Sub-Saharan Africa was still building NOTHING....

Nigs are a waste of time, a blight on H. sapiens sapiens as a species. Without them, our society would be immensely better...

That's Katya Clover.

You're welcome

Wonder how many Courics that shit weighs....

sorry faggot, you're the one that zoomed in on cock, get bent.