Hey Sup Forums, I'm in my schools bathroom. Dubd decide what I do after I get back to class

Hey Sup Forums, I'm in my schools bathroom. Dubd decide what I do after I get back to class.

Shit in the urinal.

Take a shit and write your name on the wall then go back to class without washing your hands

Take dick out and ask class wheter they consider it too small or not

Here's what you should do ...
Get good job
Become a productive member of society
Have a happy and fulfilling life.

grab 'em by the pussy

Listen to the teacher and do the work

jizz on the mirror

Dicks out in class in order to be successful

Underage b&

jerk off and take pic of cum

Suck as much cock as humanly possible.


I don't know how to do this

Write DISCO SUCKS on bathroom walls with your shit

Re roll


Cream on one of toilets

Leave without wiping

Go back to class naked and rub your cock on the teacher and nearest students


rolling for this

block urinal with tp


rolling for this



Kill yourself

Ok. anyone know a good way to do this here?

shit in the urinal

take a nice big shit, then leave a shit swastika on the wall of the stall for someone to find



Place a porno mag in the toilet

Chicken tenders

Go to class

Let the tendies hit the floor

Fuck this pussy shit. And fuck the guy who wrote that pussy comment, fucking low life loser.

Set a goal (your wildest dream goal*)
Get around successful people
Read books
and get your ass off of your PC and make it happen

climb on a desk and do a frontflip

go to the woman toilets and jerk off inside one of the cabins

wait near the girl's bathroom, wait till a girl approaches the bathroom, quick slap her ass and wait for her response.

tp yourself up to the point of suffocating

>enjoy ur ban
>also saged

Do a Facebook live stream of you standing up in class and scream "fuck all niggers". Link us to live stream before you start.


another reroll

I'm bound to get dubs for this eventually

This needs to happen.


This or gtfo

also add "Trump is my daddy"

Last try for this or I give up

this will never happen

sharpie in pooper

Write HateTrumpsAll on the wall


Go on a nigger-killing spree.

Reroll again for

kill all of the teachers