What do you think of my homemade anal dildo ?

what do you think of my homemade anal dildo ?

Just don't go too hard with this.

It's rigid, this thing are going to be stuck if you push to hard

I don't like it, i prefer large but not long ;)

what size is it ?

ok thx ! what could i use that is flexible ?

it's 5" long and 0.8" of diameter (at the bottom)

You are a faggot

y ?


Why can't you just spend $8 on a glass one from amazon?

If you want put all this dildo in your ass (and im pretty sure it's your goal)

Take a 17inch flexible it's better

be care full and don't hurt you.

Always go slowly for more plesure.

i wanted to experiment first

i did something lookig similar
i use shower gel with water as a lube

yeah i have one like this but not for anal
it's too large, there's a beginning for everything

You are a dude don't you ?

no i'm a girl

I think you can shove it up your ass

Really, how.

So if you have question. Anything i can help you.

what does
mean ?

Nothing it's a miss click

Too rigid and pointy you might perforate your insides....be smart buy a fkexible one with balls on the end.

Tits or gtfo

How does one go about making this
