Dear foot fetish Sup Forums

Dear foot fetish Sup Forums

What makes a sexy foot??

Like Long feet or small feet, wide feet or slim feet??

Other urls found in this thread:

Female feet, feminine, slightly moist or oiled

A non ugly foot on a girl i find sexy is a sexy foot...

oh right, like a feminine penis?

it's hard to explain. smooth complexion, smooth texture, uniform length toes like cell phone signal bars, nice arch, nice color (center of the sole is lighter than the outer), stuff like that.

It's like any other sexual thing. It's a matter of preference.
I'd say what's common is
>Long, slim toes.
Not so long they're freakish. But healthy length.
>A decent arch, not flat footed.
>Well taken care of.
But that just means that they're shapely and effeminate.

There are other people who like feet to be
and maybe a little rough.
These people are usually masochists and like feet to be gross and get off to the thought of being forced to worship them.

If that floats your boat faggot.

Cute small feet with arched toes

I mean what does a feminine on a foot even look like? I bet you wouldn't even tell a well groom male foot from a female one

Male and female vein structure on the foot is different asshole so yeah I could.


Male feet are usually flatter and lack the "arch" that a woman's foot has, female feet are usually smoother too.


Please give photo example. I have a friend who wants to get into the whole foot fetish thing but she has quite wide but curvy feet

Pic for example


difference between a girls asshole and a guys asshole both groomed? exactly. fucking idiot

degenerate brain wiring

we are well aware of that

Look at a mans hands and then a women's. Notice the difference?
Your point is invalid.

You appear to be obsessed with penis and asshole.. is there something your holding back?

you aint getting anywhere with that foot.

My favorite foot pics are:

>amateurs rather than professional shoots
>a little dirty but not filthy-black
>include the girl's face in the pic.

Don't ask me why: I'm a perve, not a fucking psychologist.

another example.

Who else likes to cum in girls' shoes without them knowing?

and a third. This one's a bit blurry but I like the way she indifferently displays her bare sole for the camera.

Agree with all your points, soles are also the best part of the foot in my opinion, a little bit of dirt makes them look perfect.

Gore thread?

like the slender arches
hammer-toes are a turn-off though

more of her?

Nothing better than a girl who's clearly been walking around outdoors barefoot.

I feel you
Long slender soles on a woman with dainty toes are perfection

I wish

Got any dirty brunette soles man? Lost gigabytes of foot pics and vids due to a pissant hard drive breaking on me.

Do you guys want to see my feet? I'm male and I have huge toes (size 8/9 UK)
I'll post timestamp and a banana for scale assuming I have a banana somewhere

Here's my thumb

really ugly feet

By huge toes I mean that my big toe is a little over 2.5"

Way too general a question OP. People like different things.
For me though, I like 'em small (around a woman's size 8 or smaller) with groomed but unpainted nails, average to short toes and arched soles with enough meatyness for comfy footjobs.

You sound like an user new to foot fetishism or a fucking idiot, and this is coming from an user who likes both guy and girl feet.
>no homo
>k maybe some bi but no homo
There's a ton of variation between the typical male and female foot post puberty - structure, sole texture, muscle definition, toe and toenail shape etc. I'd be stunned if the average footfag couldn't correctly differentiate 'em 9 times outta 10.

Do it.

That is pretty big

I prefer female feet but I'm curious how your soles look

Have some twink soles user.

Even though only the female body arouses me, both guy and girl feet turn me on a lot, like if a guy has smooth, soft, well-groomed feet then it attracts me just as much as a woman with similar feet.

I'm taking a few
And a sole one for you

any girls feet with pedicure look good



I know that feel very well. Thanks user. I'd be lying if I said the flawless soles on the big spoon weren't highly fuckable.

Sorry for the shit quality

i see feet as a sexual thing from this fetish, so I feel like i have to wear something on my feet around people or it'd be like my dicks hanging out. i dunno

I'd like a foot slave like you

too much autism
I'm out

That's how I feel. I NEVER let any member of my family see my bare feet, and I know they probably think nothing of it, but it makes me feel really weird.

I can only see girls feet like sexual, fuckable thing
if you see your own man feet as sexual kys

Same, or if someone isnt wearing socks in general tbh it creeps me out unless theyre someone id be into

Does a 5'7", 130lbs footslave do it for you user? I'd let you rest your warm soles on my face in a heterosexual manner if you know what I mean.

Yep, got that pic from VK if you're curious, twink soles are on par with female soles no doubt. No probs user.

Nice, thanks user

U have got a foot like a duck m8

fucking malet

Are you me? I always get that feeling, because I know how much of a perv I am when it comes to feet and I worry there's other foot pervs out there like me who might start checking out my feet or something.



Shortish, buttony toes, no more than size 8, light skin and pink sole - maybe slightly red, high arch and soft skin totally do for me.

Thanks fam

I dunno what the psychology is behind it for me. lt just feels uncomfortable, especially around strangers or whatever. I've never worn sandals.

Yeah .. this one is literally hnghhh

my preference is a bit uncommon i think but

-around size 7-9
-short/stubby cute toes
-wide, meaty soles
-yellow/red tinted soles
-good pedi, especially if bright red

i don't like literal whale feet, but something of this sort
>pic related

So can I assume you don't like my feet then?

they're perfect, little toes are the best

Bit too long in the sole and toe department for my taste anonbut I do think your healthy nails and cute toe shape make your tops look nice in general.

honestly i dont mind them. i'm really not turned off by feet that are the opposite of my preference, just obviously don't love them as much. would still lick

>-short/stubby cute toes
Mine are fucking huge, they're like fingers

I'm only into guy feet, but I'll answer anyway.

I like it when they look all moist and soft looking. Like they were in boots all day without any socks.

I also like really big feet. The bigger the better. Length and width. Long toes are super hot too

you have any girls with little toes you like?

my fav is dre hazel

>i'm really not turned off by feet that are the opposite of my preference, just obviously don't love them as much.

Feet are disgusting and foot fetishists will be the first to be rounded up and shot when the revolution comes

>not wanting to be the personal footslave of both a guy and a girl


cute, well defined pads, fur, and cute claws.

Animals man

That's low and messed up

GTFO of here

Don't tell me you've never watched horse or dog porn before.

I have never watched horse or dog porn before

Go watch some, you might like it

Perfect head to toes

Cute little feet. Soft and firm.

I love it when girls go barefoot unless they're a land whale. Seeing a guy barefoot grosses me out though. It's like seeing a guy's ass crack.

Ok, thanks for the suggestion user

>likes cute claws
>post image with all claws retracted
yiff in hell.
also, congratulations on your success

Don't just read and ignore, it's not that wierd and it's relatively popular

holy shit moar

>What makes a sexy foot??

This has been studied in depth and the conclusion is consistently the same:
It is not "the foot" per se, but rather all studies have shown that it is the association of the foot, as a typically private and hidden piece of the human anatomy, with the person. On a rudimentary level, a "foot fetish" has to do with the foot, but when examined for why it is the foot, it turns out that it is only because the foot is typically kept covered and thus associated with something "private" and that which the owner is unwilling to expose, thus making it a form of "violating" the owner of the foot when making it the subject of sexual objectification.

"A foot", by itself, is never "sexy" to a foot fetishist. True enough, to a sub-class, which is not technically a foot-fetishist but rather a strict "partialist" (someone who sexually objectifies ONLY a small portion of the anatomy to the EXCLUSION of everything else: just the foot, breast, ear, etc.), the foot alone is enough, but partialists who MUST have ONLY feet in order to function sexually, make up less than 0.1% of all foot-fetishists. A foot-fetish necessarily NEEDS to know who the owner of the foot is and to associate the foot with a violation of that PERSON. Otherwise, for 99.9% of foot fetishists, it doesn't work. The same is true with other fetishes--breasts need to be associated with the face/person/etc., or else they are not considered sexual or "sexy". We all know this.

Thus, your question is completely flawed as to what makes "a sexy foot", as there is no "a" (one) type, and the foot itself is not what is "sexy", but rather whether that foot, associated with the individual as a whole is considered to be exposing that person privately.

All this is confirmed through, e.g., studies which have shown in cultures where people typically walk around in bare feet all or most of the time, the incidence of foot fetishism approaches 0%, but is ~30% where feet are covered.

no one likes human feet, as they lack any desirable aspects.

Ideed . :)

That paw's so cute

This is true,
because this is true.
You need the sexy person first, and then the foot is looked to secondarily, though an ugly foot can be a deal-breaker on an otherwise sexy girl, but interestingly, the reverse is not always necessarily true. In any event, you need the face of the girl with the foot, and much of the rest is forgiven with the foot fetishist in the accepted definition.


this guy right here

this that's really the best explanation i've ever heard
you need the face first, feet second and sexy foot only means nice face, nice foot that matches
bad face, perfect feet=no
bad feet, perfect face=no
average face, nice feet=sexual
feet by themselves=not sexual and wtf

10 years younger and we talk.

shut up faget

shut up and post feet

2 claws? That really the best kitty porn you could come up with? Try harder.

(You) need to stop posting. Your pal is OK but you're beyond hope.

Complements of another for thread, only one I have of her, sorry.


Not "sexual" at all. Just feet.
Feet themselves and by themselves are just not sexy.

why would you tell him to shut up faget?
he's right
he's on topic
and he answered op's question correctly
why does that trigger you?
i'm confused, unless you are op, and you are one of those weird foot-only types
are you?

My feet weren't ment to be sexy I just wanted to show off the size of my toes.
And one of them is me bending back my thumb so it goes back down

The goal is not to be sexy, it is to be cute.

Shut up, autist. Don't give me that bullshit about "foot partialism" either. I can jerk off to pics of feet just like i can jerk off to pics of ass and pussy. Take your face fetish to a face fetish thread and leave us foot fetishists alone.