What does he say?

What does he say?

you are gay

we're all gay

Who are they

Heyyy.. That's pretty good!

Can anyone explain to me why he isn't the most subbed YouTuber already?

he's not funny

he doesn't put out content anymore

"I'm edgy"

what he said

fuck niggers

>tip my fedora
>turn 360°
>walk away

that nigger faggot said some gay shit

How do you walk away if you turn 360°?

"I have crippling depression" *in gay*

Just, jump off the counter and say some fucking gay shit.

>newfag detected

Fuck my asshole, am I right?

>new fag detected not knowing the correct response to a 360 degree post

wow, thats pretty good


He says OP is a fag

Can't argue with them double doubles.


Goddamn cheap ass expensive keyboard