G/fur thread?

g/fur thread?



the fuck?







i had sex with a real cheetah once (tranquilized).
paid 900$ for it.
wasnt the most romantic thing in a world, but i crossed that of my bucket list.
worth it.




I need to know how. Not for science or anything, I just want to fuck an unconcious cheetah.



>not wanting to fuck an unconscious wolf
Poor taste






>back in 1999
>met a buddy online on a specific forum
>turned out he lived near me.
>we became friends.
>he is a vet at a zoo.
>he always wanted to do something with a horses.
>i have horses.
>i let him have fun with them.
>he goes fully mr.hands but without the video and later dying part.
>asks me about my biggest goal in sexlife
>tell him i would love to fuck a big cat one day.
>he becomes quit and thinks about something
>i laugh at his stupid face
>he asks what i think about fucking a cheetah anally.
>he is serious.
>turns out the zoo is getting a cheetah
>he and 4 other guys are going to transport the animal cross country from another zoo.
>its set.
>i pay 800$ (200 each) bribe to the 4 guys so we can have the truck + cheetah to ourselves for 3 hours.
>another 100 for gas.
>they think we want to impress some girls.
>drop them of at a dinner.
>drive innawoods.
>he tranqs the shit out of that cheetah.
>makes sure the animal is totally knocked out.
> you have 20 minutes he said and left me
>i fingered her pussy for a brief moment, got hard instantly and got into her hot and tight ass.
>i used a lot of lube, and was very gentle not to cause any harm or leave any traces.
>it felt wrong yet so good on so many levels.

>he moved away a few years later, but we still chat once in a while.


more underwear sniffing please



Shoe and underwear sniffing
Really body odour in general is great














You're so great for dumping all of this, user

only thing i know way back i was aroused by naighbours german shepard bitch. got some sleeping pills from pharmacy,drug her out and then fuck her for good 10 minutes later feel bad about it and slice her throat took dads car drive 30 miles into woods and set her body on fire in a ditch later when fire stop i fill up the ditch and leave.

thats horrible.
i could never harm an animal like that.
i hat sex with plenty of dogs, but never caused them any harm or discomfort. they lived long and happy lives.

>not wanting to get fucked unconscious by a wolf
Bad taste

>killing a dog
subhuman brownie detected

Do you prefer your own, or someone elses smell?

sounds like you had a very insecure childhood. you might want to see a therapist


Other people's
It gets pretty awkward in warmer seasons because I get hard in public sometimes if I get too close to a sweaty guy

ITT fucking degenerates that can't find a human partner and therefore rape animals

>one nigger rapes an animal and suddenly everyone in the thread apparently does
You fucking dumb faggot


Well, he's on to something; there's at least two in thread

most of my life was one huge fucking mess and i mostly get used to lose something valuble. Had beautiful hybrid of alaskan malamute and wolf because neighbour had female alaskan malamute and she was constantly outside probably got mated with some wolf from woods but i know when i bring her home my father told me to keep house in place if i want to have a dog. and i keep her in place for a long time when i was about 17 i was absent for 2 days and nobody took care of her when i come home i found her head chopped off with axe and ask father what happend he replayed to me "I told you to keep taking care of her but you didn't so i took care of her" after that i lost all empathy and humanity i had in my self. that day father teached me that nothing have a price
where i live its common thing
there is nobody that can help me with that

>where I live it's a common thing
Absolute fucking shitskin. Consider suicide

There's still something wrong with him if he felt like he had to take the time to write out that everyone in the thread was a virgin.
What makes it pathetic is
>he doesn't get to see anyone's reaction to what he said
>no one else is present that would agree with that, everyone here is here because they like the porn
>he had to be in the thread long enough to have read all of that

There's no logical reason for him to have said anything. Unless he's insecure, or just wanted to bump the thread without seeming like he was a fag.


>there is nobody that can help me with that
a therapist might be able to help you.
some of them are really good.



not much shitskin as you think and where i live litteraly everything is common thing
not much i mean i did that once because when i did that to her i had that strange feeling in my guts first i thought its some shit i got from her but after i take care of her that feeling was gone

I would kill you and your father if I ever met you. Should have poisoned your family along with yourself.


You keep digging a deeper hole for yourself, shitskin. Do the world a favor and kill yourself

This is why your subhuman kind needs to be exterminated.

hahaha funny words but thats how i was rised not much could be done now nor change things happen and will keep happening. firstly why you are so upset about a animal and not about human ?
its hard but i can't grant you that favor its not like each dog cat or something else is crushed by car or shot ?

hello russiafriend


got me


KYS faggots

I am the master assassin


who me ?



Oh shit. If that's true I'm jealous. I'd give anything for something like that. $900 ain't a bad price.


yes you sweetheart

I would like to be less dead please be a cleric instead




I always go cleric, it's someone else's turn

but I don't WANNA be a healslut...

We can just have a rogue party

Isn't this supposed to be a porn thread?
What the fuck is this?




rogue parties sound super gay everyone would just be "backstabbing" one another all the time

it's called high quality posting you cuck


Anyone into ass to mouth?

Take your garbage shitposting somewhere else

there are some g/fur things that i really like fapping too....

but not this muscle/fat/smell/hypercock/socks/piercing bullshit.


I'm a parasite

Nah, they work really well together but each one tries to sleight-of-hand the loot for a bigger share.

He doesn't know
