Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:



i want to cuddle with miku under a blanket



I don't know





Post some lewds

I recognize some of those lewds.

More belly pics. They're either lewd or covered.

Okay, you have more than 100 pics of your waifu but...
>Sexualising the waifu

Oh... that's rather sad


well there isn't much and most of it isn't really save worthy
69 and something else don't exist but who cares



no why would i?

it's a bit mean how you can say that about my waifu

The only one for me.

Besides the fact that your waifu is indeed disgusting, I actually meant that you are disgusting. You save lewds of your waifu!

Utterly disgusting user


I know. I should probably get a new waifu when i find one

because i need to masturbate

how is it disgusting?


oh look, a Makoto

Calamity Masu

Lewds of waifus are a no no! We are not some barbarians, we are civilized weebs!


Wild Mage appears

>ist gemein zu mir


shhh, it's okay, I still love you

Check em

Hey Jibril.

Hey Chara.

Hey Best Sword.

Hey there Flan


How are you? I am fine if you have to ask. Eating some shit ramen from the store because I don't want to buy a third burg from the restaurant.

Hey there mean retard.

Oh look, a Chara.

Had another session last night. Not nearly as long. Got a sik ass staff though.

I was at home the whole day since I caught a cold yesterday. So I'm fine but nothing really happened.

Next time you could just buy bread, some sausage and cheese. Preheat oven, cut bread in slices, put sausage then cheese on top, put in oven. Takes 10 minutes, beats both shit Ramen and shit Burg

How are you faring?

Hey Flan

Well, I stayed up way later than normal for no real reason, and my battery was dead when I tried to start my car this morning to take it to the mechanics. All in all, I'm average I suppose.

Oh look, a qt.

I wish we had good sausage. Egypt is shit tbh fam. In Russia I would do this shit a lot: Bread, sausage, mayo/cheese and all in the oven.

How are you feeling today?

>Going to respond very fucking slow since I want to watch BCS now.

Super cute
Pretty good and you?

You must immediately retributive strike it

Good good. Having a shit meal and watching some Better Call Saul.


See previous post.
I'm doing fine
Might update that I'm watching Hellsing Ultimate Abridged now
It's starting golden
>I love you Edward
>I love you too Bella
>*door knocking*
>Apparently Edward goes to the door
>Who is it?
>Edward gets shot, Alucard walks in
>Oh, you know, a REAL fucking Vampire

You could also buy cabanossi and cut it into small pieces, tastes equally good

But you could always spice up your Ramen noodles by cooking it normally and put some extra veggies in or first fry some chicken meat in teriyaki sauce

That is what I do also time from time. Like maybe once in 2 weeks since most of the time I eat outside.

I find the lack of husbandos disturbing.

Is it time for comedy hour with gardy?

3rd best

Can't you eat at home or what's the reason why you eat outside most of the time?

oh shit, forgot the video link

Well this is a pretty good husbando you have there. Xander is pretty top tier!

What did the Gardevoir say to the Ratata?

comedy hours with nazi sexy leek

I am glad Franz Ferdinand got assassinated, it serbed him right
I don't know, you tell me :^)

Can i have some (You)'s for no reason?


For no reason


It said "Garde"
You know, that's funny cause it only can say Garde or Gardevoir

Just because it's (You)

Absolutely no reason at all


(You) don't even know who i am

What do you mean maybe

How did no one expect hitler to invade Czechaslovakia?! They Prague-ally should have seen that coming!
Here's a (You) for (You)!
Oh, but yessss
that's pretty good

>When your team gets completly destroyed in PvP and you're the only one who didn't get purple rarity loot


I will do no such thing as I don't even know what that it is!

Oh man, that series is great. I wonder if he uploaded another episode this year.

I mean maybe.

(You) gave me 2 (You)'s

Smug cunt

Staff explodes. Maybe you with it.
Have you met me?

Well damn, who are (You) then?

It quite honestly is not, but I was bored

No idea but so far I'm laughing my ass off

One of Napoleon's officers asked Napoleon if he would win Waterloo. Napoleon responded "I cannon I will"
Make that 3

Not in person

I eat outside since I am not the best of cooks and I don't like my food. I like outside food.

I don't know anymore

I'm me


I don't get it

What do you call a breeze that lost her husband?
A window
At least it made me laugh

"I cannon I will"
I can and I will

That's not a good joke

You never join the voice chats.
I know a man with 3 penises. His pants fit like a glove.

>Reading all the Puns about World Wars
I shouldn't find these funny
They should make me führerious

Oh well, you're also making me laugh, so we're square

Aww, cooking is fun. Just start with something basic that you can add to anything.

Because I don't want to

What did charles de gaulle do first when France was liberated?
He began to re-paris
that's the point
I am disturbed...
I think you're Reich... I should stop

I tried. Believe me it is fun, just a tiny-bit hard for me. I am better at other things. Like making a nice drink.


I don't get it

Tell a good one then

I forget pics all the time

Forgot pic

Hah, okay then. I don't mind them though

In fact, keep em coming

Oh, drink as in alcoholic drink? I'm bad at that. Probably because I don't drink alcohol

That sounds... less than pleasant.

I see no episode 7. Shame.


Nice 7 and 1's

what's a German's favourite kind of meat? mos-cow
get it? if you don't you are insufferably slow
Fresh off the chopping block

I thought so but it doesn't make sense to me

I don't drink either, that is actually the reason they turn out great. Do not ask, my boss says I am the best barman he has ever seen. Maybe it's my Russian genes.

Don't "RIP" me... cute.

Your loss m9
You dont get it?
>5 digits
I once made a belt out of watches. It was a complete waist of time.
Well. Theres a 50% chance of ending up in another plane. But you could probably get out of there if you take Plane Shift.

Bad jokes are now mandatrory

The Russians sure were happy when the tides of war turned in their favour. You could even say, they were stalin-glad
I give up on you

All the 7 and no episode 7
How are you in general by the way?

That's barbaric, nowadays we use a guilotine

Huh, that's funny then. Probably a big part is experience which you accumulated over the... weeks? Months? Years? How long are you working there?

Alright, it's "plane" to see I told joke that didn't make much sense, just this once can you let it "fly"?

I gave up on me a long time ago

11 years by now. It is definitely because of my experience. But I did drink before so maybe it is from that knowledge.

Ayyy, didn't notice. Muh 7s.


Well, we hit level 5. It appears I'm namely going a Control type of sorc with a few AoEs.

Watched episode 6, I think I might have overlooked it last year.
Ehhh, in general? Car's down for the count due to the crash, it's awfully hot, I'm a tad aroused, and I'm tired as fuck and want to play Skyrim. So I'd say I'm at least doing above average for the day.

Ok. Love ya.

That'd be what I used to say.

Eh, I'm out of jokes for now. I'll come up with a few more later.

Any particular reason why you stopped drinking?

Well, I didn't watch any of it so far

Well, actually half of it sounds not so god, but it's above average?

And now you say it in moon runes
how are you doing?

My liver got holes in it.


Great as always!

My life isn't exactly sunshine and... okay, it's a lot of sunshine, but that's not a good thing. I get a lot of bad shit happening, but I make do the best I can.

What? I just said love ya.