How to thread lets gooooo

How to thread lets gooooo

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omfg I did this years ago when it was "trending"
now my life is shit


pls explain what happened


read all these things about how to lucid dream and it's so complicated so I got an even easier and fast method.

>do something like count your fingers whenever you can remember
>whenever you do it look at your fingers and count them one by one
>When you do this tell yourself that you are awake
>if you do this enough that's it turn into a habbit
>then one night when you're dreaming you willcount your fingers and your brain will remember it as a clue that you're not awake because you can't count your finger while your dreaming... if that makes sense

Nothing surreal happened, but now my body/brain is fucked.
I can't fall asleep naturally I have to be tired as fuck, like almost passing out to fall asleep. I've tried for weeks to fix this schelude, but I just can't fall asleep. So fuck that shit.

Fuck lucid dreaming

was plauged with lucid nightmares as a kid and I had no way to control them
it was actually worse than anything I can think off.
I was basically trapped somewhere where I had no control and all of my biggest fears were real. I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't wake up, and on top of that I had sleep paralysis aswe



I did that thing where you imagine a rope hanging on top of your body while you're in bed and you grab it without moving your arms to pull >yourself< out of your body.

That worked and I could see myself down there but also creepy fucking monsters and creatures all around and under my bed with arms coming out from it and shit trying to reach for my unconscious body.

Scariest thing I've ever experienced.

watch out guys, this can break your phone

>11024 [Reply]▶
>How to thread lets gooooo
Only lucid dreamed once from tons of weed and adderal but holy fuck was it cool.

dreaming on adderal?



>because you can't count your finger while your dreaming... if that makes sense

Why can't you count your fingers in a dream?

experienced sleep paralisys once, was scary but interesting

close your eyes and imagine you're counting them, it's weird because it's like when you count one the last one disapears
it's hard to explain what it's like

Sounds kind of lame

So you are supposed to close your eyes in real life and count your fingers?

Like something disappearing in your blind spot.

ye kinda but you'll understand once you manage to do it in a dream

I've been trying to learn how to lucid dream so i've got some advice.

If you're interested in knowing how, one of the methods to get an LD is idiot proof and practically guarantees a lucid dream if you do it right. But you have to get a little lucky for it to work. Here's how it works.

If you either wake up from a dream before your REM cycle is over and you have more dreaming to do, Or you wake up right before your REM cycle is about to start, here is what will happen. And it happens in like 30 seconds or less. Maybe 2 minutes. If you did not wake up during or right before REM, you will not LD no matter how relaxed you become and nothing will work. That is why you hear stories of people laying for hours not being able to LD.

Here is what happens. The first few seconds after you wake up, if you keep your eyes closed you'll quickly in like 20 seconds to a minute start to see clear visual imagery form in front of your eyes. Like you'll be able to see a house or something. That imagery will become the dream. You won't go unconscious while this is happening because this happens so fast.

Requires absolutely no skill on your part. You just close your eyes and let it happen. You don't have to will yourself to stay awake or anything. It's pretty cool.

Your REM cycles get longer as the night progresses. If you manage to lucid dream during a long REM cycle you can have a dream that lasts 30 minutes or a longer in real time. The REM cycles you want to shoot for are 4-6 hours after you go to bed. If you feel pretty refreshed after 6 hours I would aim at 4 or 5 so you can fall back asleep into the dream easier.

This should explain it better, they're called reality checks

Like I'm gonna remember this.

for anyone seriously interested in this id recommend the book 'exploring the world of lucid dreaming' by Stephen laBerge

It's a guide for achieving regular lucid dreaming though, not a quick start guide.
Don't think you read about that stuff once and are able to do it every night


how does 3 even work when people have varying limb and torso lengths?