This pedo always said he lost weight by always eating subway can any of you fags confirm if this works or not

This pedo always said he lost weight by always eating subway can any of you fags confirm if this works or not

Yes and you can eat all of the sammiches you want

As long as you only drink diet pepsi

No, he only lost weight because he has aids

The proper procedure for losing weight is balance between a healthy diet and moderate exercise

In Jared's case his healthy diet was Subway submarine sandwiches, more specifically Subway's promoted "healthy" sandwiches

Jared's form of exercise was butt-fucking little boi-puss

You can lose weight on anything as long as the calories you eat are lower than the calories you expend.

he lost weight by constantly fucking foot long individuals.

What if you eat lead?

Only in America could Subway be considered a healthy option

Than you better get running

lead speeds up your metabolism

It was just a proper diet and exercise you dumb cunt of course it worked.

You'll just have to weight until it passes and also hope you don't get lead poisoning

Do you get it?
Huh huh


To be fair it is the healthiest of the fast food resturants considering the choices you have at subway

You can get carrots instead of fries and a diet coke at McDonalnds with you big mac so that is pretty healthy too.

he sweated off the weight worrying when the FBI party van would pull into his driveway

Then you won't remember how fat you are.

And you can get just lettuce at subway

I don't know about that but I've been a chef at McD for almost 3 years.
If you ask nicely we can make something really good for you too.

you could look like this. at least you're thin

At subway you can straight up just get a bowl of lettuce theyll make you a salad

Why not just go to the supermarket and buy a head of lettuce then?

He didn't lose weight from subway, he lost weight from walking there and back

>no breakfast
>six incher for lunch
>footlong for dinner
>no snacks, chips, or soda

Go easy on the condiments and you'll only consume about 1500-1800 calories daily.
Extra cheese or heavy saucing will put your sandwiches well over 2200 total.

I had subway every day for the past month due to college dorm life.
Didn't gain or loose any noticeable weight

Because this conversation was about subway

The TRUTH is he did lose the weight. By walking.

>walk 2 miles to subway
>order lunch
>walk 2 miles home
>walk 2 miles to subway
>order dinner
>walk home
>repeat daily.

The faggot was walking a clear 8-10 miles a day, every single day.

As a fatty the calorie burn per day would have been massive. He'd be eating less that 1500cal too. Probably even 1k cal.