YLYL bread

YLYL bread

Other urls found in this thread:


Kek hahaha lost so fucking hard

Kek haha




I didn't laugh until the filename, you heartless bastard







you feelin it yet?




Fuck off, faggot

Worthless cunt, that picture alone is more of a love life than you'll ever have



Haha woah! This post is edgy because it is known around regular society to be very and depressing because the man has lost his wife of old age, but instead the poster is saying that it's funny, showing that he shows little sympathy or emotion for others! This guy is rad!



>pirate speak
this isn't a cringe thread

Wtf is up with these responses. The fuck happened to my Sup Forums? Just a year ago, the same image would have had half the posters in a YLYL laughing their asses off.
Go ahead and fuck on back over the 9fag kiddies


Exactly. a Year ago. Old material man gotta use something we haven't seen re hashed hundreds of times.




Edgy teenagers and Sup Forums don't compute anymore. It requires more.
I can't even cum until I've seen a lamprey eel shoved into an asian girl's ass, and I've only been here for two years.











>Dear male students, literally fucking kill yourselves

>dear white male students, you are not all homophobic, racist, misogynists
yeah what a surprise it's not there


Cock tribute nao!

waaait... what does this guy do, besides fucking women above 18 and not pregnant.

It's because the meme is old and hold no comedic value. I laugh at a fair share of those "Dance dance revolution while isis hostage is burning" but it wasn't remotely funny or clever. 09 Sup Forumstard here


he stares at people

this saw him on a documentary once, weird as fuck, just stands there and smiles at a room full of people



> Dear undocumented students
I don't understand why people pretend that it is normal to be illegal in a country. In literally every other country, even germany or sweden, your ass will be deported if you went illegally into the country.

no fucking way





What board user?

Welcome to Sup Forums. This isn't your Sup Forums kid.


sick nutters


lol no, not at all, you are wrong

check'd satanic quads

Mfw, never have I seen such grace in planking


So we told America to vote Trump,
and he actually did it the absolute madman.




Gotta feel pretty horrible if you're like 15 years old and have lived in the country for 6 years.

Kids have to suffer for their parents risky decisions, and it's sad. Like I'm for restrictive immigration policies but it comes at moral cost.
And despite being critical to immigration, I hate the dehumanization of immigrants that nationalists are so occupied with.

There's literally a whole movie about an illegal Mexican getting deported from Germany.


I didn't expect that ending..:

fuck... I lost hard.

zero payoff
dont waste your time.
>dumbledore tells elf that he gave beard guy acid
>beard guy stays still
>hobbit ask if he ok
>beard guy say i cant feel my face
unfunny shit do not watch

Fucking Braco man

WHAT THE FUCK! It was online 1 year, i post it here and BAM its offline. xD

You should consider killing yourself OP, you're a gigantic faggot.

No it hasn"t, i hate you fucking newfags who think shit they've heard from Reddit is true.
>Oh Sup Forums? Yeah those guys are heartless assholes!
For the most part sure, but not all the time.
Remember Dusty? No, you dont, you were 8 years old
Remember that old vet we sent cards to? No, you fucking dont because you were browsing reddit.

Get the fuck out, you and others like you are the cancer killing what /b once was

Already gone

Is this from the future?

What was it?

Thats not funny OP. That guy died earlier this year.

>even germany [...] your ass will be deported if you went illegally into the country.
so wrong. i wish, that was true. germany hardly deports ANY illegal immigrants. there are all kinds of medical or social causes you can name, so you can't get deported by constitutional law

Good for him he deserved it.

It was a funny video calls "Dominoes of fire" 20 seconds of falling dominoes with nice music and at the end there was a faggot showing his dick and balls bouncing up and down. xD With gay socks and stuff.... Fuck i didnt except that they delete it so fast after posting it here.

> dear white males I'm sorry you do not have big black cock


what was it?

holy shit its chadtronics autistic twin brother.

I was in that thread.

>Lionel Richie rules
my fucking sides

wow you must really be an oldfag then?

But I don't even see anything wrong with having people be on the grid. If actual Americans have to be, why not them?

Just get your citizenship, damnit.



Sauce on that video?

Underrated post
