What should i do with this?

what should i do with this?

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Put it all in a blunt with some weed and wax if you got. You will become spacerocket

take that nasty hair out

Tho looking at it againt its not that much (something 4 scale?) you should save and do spacerocket when you have it full to the brim

>in a blunt

Never waste good weed in a nigger-stick.

Niggersticks are portal to narnia

you dont smoke hair?

put it in a bong, get fucking high

Boof it. Mix it with a little bit of ibuprofen and vaseline and right up the old dumper.

Mr Thomas was an avid smoker

what is that weed?


That's a nice little scraper. I should make one like that at work some time. Anyway, you should fill a bowl halfway with weed, sprinkle some of that kief on top, then add more weed on top. If you just add the kief on top and use the direct flame to light it, more THC is destroyed by the higher temps than if you just have a cherry burning on top of it.

>t. 13 years of smoking experience and research

If you don't have one of these you are a nigger.

Definitely what this person says.

post results

That looks like mighty fine bud right their op



Are you fucking retarded you Smuk it fagget

pretty sure I have the same grinder. Got a crank handle on top? glass top? Little glass windows in the kief chamber?

is dat sum couscous?


Same one I got lol

its all black, nothing special

Sweet. I love the little plastic kief spatula that came with it. Never had a grinder with one of those before. I bought a gram of kush the other night, ground it all up at once and promptly dropped the fucker all over the floor. Was pissed. You smoking tonight?

Oh ok, kief tray looked like mine and its the only one I've found that comes with a little kief spatula. You should definitely smoke it dude. I got fucking ace ventura goofy last time I smoked a bowl of kief.

Smoke it then have sensual sex for hours in a dimly lit comfy room of some sort


