Be at my usual restaurant

>Be at my usual restaurant
>my so and I go out to eat here at least 2-3 month
>eat a normal dinner with drinks
>bill be like 32$ with the recommended 20% tip
>I never claimed to be a smart man but
>I leave 5 dollars
>waiter comes by ask how the food was
>I say it was good as I hand him his tip
>he looks at the 5 dollar then looks at me and my girl
>He tells us poor people dont need to eat out and walks away.
>I am not poor btw
>we walk out insulted and never returned to that restaurant.

How do waiters feel entitled to a 20% tip?

fifteen percent

if you lived in a country that wasnt a third world shithole you wouldnt have to deal with tipping, as developed countries have workers earn a livable minimum wage



Haha good one OP. I'm American and I don't tip.
Why do customers have to pay waiters wages? Get a better job dummy.


This didn't happen. Guaranteed replies tho.




because to balance out wages food prices would increase more than the 15-20%

20 percent would be 6 dollars...

>USA is now a third world shithole.
This fuckin got me. Shit looks bad rn, but still


You amerifats tip, clap and generally act loud and obnoxiously to every situation don't you?

In Spain we give 2€ for a 30€ food or something like that, and you can choose to tip or not to tip. How can you give such a huge amount on tips? Don't you earn enough with your salary?

that guy sounds like a real asshole
20 percent on a 32 dollar bill is 6.40

if he's pissed about the 1.40 either his math sucks or he's a total sass

>its a burger b8 thread

20% has been the standard for years now. Only a classless bafoon would leave any less.

In Britain we don't tip, instead we complain and see how much the bill can be reduced by.

It's a loophole that allows menu prices to stay low but pay is under minimum wage for workers, so people are expected to pay 20%, which is less total cost than if no tips and full menu prices

Your math sux. He said 32 after the tip, not before.

As a young adult stuck in the service industry (Line Cook), I agree that 20% is absurd.

I've worked front of house. I watch them all day. The majority of FoH staff are lazy cunts. Half the time they come back with questions they've been told the answer to numerous times.

I get along with them, as no good kitchen could function if FoH and BoH fought all day.

However the majority of them make almost triple what I do and take their surplus money right up their nose (in the form of cocaine). Most just wither away as servers till they become brain dead from drug abuse. (You can use drugs and not go overboard like these tards).

For the amount of work they actually do (in most cases), 10% is more than justified. Making 20 or more an hour to walk around like a smiling fucktard is bullshit. Meanwhile the kitchen slaves away 60 plus hours a week not getting overtime. Cooking isnt the most difficult job, but have you ever slung 500 degree pans for 6 straight hours for over 300 people. It's a shit fest of stress.

>Canada-fag here
I worked as a server for 4 years and my average tip was 10-15% (this was about two years ago now)
And ever since the significant wage increase for the minimum wage, a LOT of servers are looking at me like I've done a mortal sin after tipping 15%.
>mfw I feel like I shouldn't be tipping that much
>mfw I am a manager and am making less that those shit-bagspecs
>feels bad man

You answered your own question. They feel entitled.
Fuck 'em. Leave them nothing.

just never tip

There is no loophole. A tipped employee is supposed to report tips to their employer to ensure they are meeting federal/state minimum wage.
If they are not reporting it then it's their own fault, because an employer is supposed to make up any difference to allow them to meet minimum wage should their tips not equal what it should be.
Before you argue back - I don't care if everyone doesn't report their tips - it's the law they have to. If they are breaking the tax laws, I could give 0 fucks they aren't making their wages.

Sigh... $6.00 minimum dude.

I'd rather pay more for the food than directly try to suppliment some dirtbags wages.

fuck off servant
just for insisting on a minimum tip, you shouldn't get one at all

Yep, he didn't even mention complaining to management and the waiter getting fired. 0% chance this happened.

Nigger detected.

why lie to strangers about how hard your life is i dont get it

Uh... Who the fuck ELSE pays for the staff's wages dumbass? A magical money tree? The customers pay for everything in a restaurant.

You only get to choose how it gets to them? No tipping and the price of food goes up. With a tip - at least you get to reward those with good service. No tip? Why should they give a fuck?



I smell an anti-American who has fear in their heart.

Grow a damn spine. Restaurant owners want to stay in business? Then they better fucking make that food worth the extra 10% they'll be raising it or they'll be closing their doors soon.